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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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You went to a lot of work! all the lip synch... movement... nice job... no really nice, for a second animation, better than that, even. I hope I can do as well.


I see what you mean from your other post about the audio...


long download... is that putfile? Or is it your compression or lack of it?


Keep working on the concept... it could be alot of fun!


Thanks oakchas


I know I still have alot to improve on but I am happy with my progress with AM. Now if I can only have a night without my teenage daughters channel surfing , playing music, talking about boys on the phone etc. in the same room as my computer I could get onto Boot Camp. :blink:


Then after a day of work then going through that I usually has such a head ache :o


Haha, that was pretty good. I liked how KeeKat's (or whatever his name is) tail reacts when he yells. One thing that I would change is make Shaggy's arm move faster when he throws the plane. Right now the plane experiences some sort of phantom acceleration after it leaves Shaggy's hand. While looking at that, however, I did notice the rabbit's facial expression in the background.

Nice touches of detail throughout. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  • Admin
tough group!


People often say they want solid Comment & Criticism... well there you have it (LOL). Without having seen the animation yet I'd say that's specific enough. It'd be nice to see more of the same C&C to pick and choose from throughout the forum.


I'm looking forward to seeing your work Mark in light of the suggestions but also because you are TAoA:M alumini; royalty in my book!


Downloading now...

  • Hash Fellow

tough group!


People often say they want solid Comment & Criticism...

I was referring to the unruly behavior of the characters



tough group!



Downloading now...



So So what do you think :D I was hoping you would see this I was thinking of putting a link in the new users forum to let you know.


So So come on now what do you think :o did the long hours of helping me through TAoAM pay off or do you want the cert. back :unsure:




tough group!


People often say they want solid Comment & Criticism...

I was referring to the unruly behavior of the characters




They are really a super group of friends that I have been associated with for about 6 years now. They will spend hours helping you through a PC problem or giving another member there old components after an upgrade. I seen members spend hours helping other members through touch divorces and deaths in the Family. The wave files and stage props were made by two members PF_Coastie, PF_Rory. This was done as joke / present for the Squadron with the hope that this animation might draw more recruits into the Squadron.


If time permits I was thinking of a series of short animations all on a similar theme. Having my friends helping by creating wave files and props for me really adds to the experience of Animation. I have done other valenter work and I really enjoy working with other people on worth while goals that are not ruled by high presure or the almighty dollar as everything else in life seems to be ;) I put my name in for the Tin man OZ project and I hope I can get involed with that B)


Allright Mark, you asked for it.


The camera moves are so quick start and stop that they are distracting, they don't seem to be based upon any changes in action. You might try using cuts instead of zoom/pans. First you have the establishing shot then you zoom in to KeeKat talking, I suggest getting WAY closer, maybe so it's just his torso up, we don't need to see the whole background because we saw it in the establishing shot, and he looks tiny.


You've got Keekat's mouth opening and closing well synched with the audio, but it seems to be only one mouth shape every time. It would look better with a variety of wide and narrow shapes, some OO shapes, and maybe some non symmetrical stuff.


Keekat's motion overall is very stiff. You need way more keyframes. His motion also doesn't seem directed by his thoughts, it feels more like it is just there to keep him from looking like a statue. Concentrate on the arcs, right now if his arm is pointing it just moves across like a stick at the elbow, be aware that gravity is pulling down on it, and there are muscles in the upper arm that are countering gravity and counterbalancing the forearm. The head also is just twisting back and forth without any further arc. Also pay attention to overlap, energy kind of cascades out of the body, so a movement may start at the hips, then the belly, then the chest, then the shoulder, then the upper arm, then lower, then wrist, then fingers, and have counter movement in other parts of the body as it travels out. Your movements right now are kind of isolated from the rest of the body. Keekat is nailed to the floor, he'd feel more alive if in addition to the weight shifts you have he took a step every once in a while. Course if you have a closeup from the waist up you don't have to worry about that.


The guys sitting don't seem very relaxed in their chairs. The rabbit pretty much stops moving in a kind of akward pose (just not relaxed into gravity).


But hey, all just my opinion, feel free to ignore it if you like.


When I animate, by the time I've put my polish in, it's really common to have a keyframe on almost every single frame.



It's a fun audio clip. I can see the start of some character in these guys, Keekat especially is starting to show some individuality.





But hey, all just my opinion, feel free to ignore it if you like.




Thanks I will NOT ignore it I appreciate it actually. Although I am still proud of what I have learned and done I do see I need allot more to learn. I knew that adding some steps and weight shifting would improve this animation but the truth is I was nervous to try to much. With the amount of experience I currently have I find that I can mesh things up so much I get myself in over my head really quickly. I hear what you are saying I agree and I will go to the next level with my next animation. Actually I cut this short I have more in the script and I have the wave files. If I am not ready for the OZ project then I will probably re-work this and finish it which will probably make this into a 1 minute + animation. It also seems too short as well other people have mentioned that it ends before it really should.


I agree with everything Alonso said, but it has a lot of potential. Now that you've laid the groundwork, you can start tweaking and you'll have a nice piece. You might want to consider moving his eyes in a more deliberate and quick way, as if he's quickly locking on to different characters' eyes.


A warning about profanity is always appreciated (children, wives, personal convictions, etc.)


Keep at it. As I said above, this (and you) have a lot of potential.



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