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That pot looks like it's made of stone. Needs some specularity.

Well it is a stoned pot lacking lustre. Everything has not got specularity.

But you can speculate yourself using your I to break and glue the oneness - crack the pot to find some peace to stir things up from. The pot is it´s crack - as all mystics have told us through the ages. It is about using your mind to quiet your mind - not drinking to much coffee - or whatever - trying to find the balance lacking. The question is the answer having understood that your mind can rest... sometimes!?.,




Not bad! I'd like to see a shaded wireframe image. I agree, you don't see many stone coffee pots, but then this is only the real world.


Seven... you are crazy! What is your motivation? something other than coffee i'm guessing! well its a nice model with a nice texture; I'd reccomend adding that same texture as a bump map set to a low amount and maybe a small amount of specular highlight - but I agree not everything needs to look like plastic.


Regards - Nixie :blink:


Not bad!


Seven... you are crazy! What is your motivation?

Thanks for the comments - people are different - having different opinions! that is my conclusion - but most of us like something to drink - a cup of coffee?


I am just trying to make some images with some silence in them - because I believe we have to search for the silence - letting our big mouths be shut for some time - mine too!

We are living in a media society and the one - the ones - having access to media - owning them - are the ones setting the story - stories.


And we have to serch for something common - silence - or do you perhaps have some better idea? And to me silence is just not an idea - it is a practice - to sit on your ass for some minutes and calm down a bit - hearing the silence roaring!



The wireframe is not much to see - it is some photshopping done to the third one! It is the result that counts - not the program you are using - that is my opinion!


It is the result that counts - not the program you are using - that is my opinion!

This is true unless people are trying to learn.


Not so common to see - but perhaps believable?


A coffee pot parting with silence - getting eyes and a mouth and an I and still a part of all embracing silence...


For sure a bit crazy... but how to get us to search the silence in today´s turmoil?


So what to animate and what still images to make?

What values to seek? What stories to tell?

Just copying what others already have done?

Yes and No! No and Yes! Perhaps Nes and Yo? Yo and Nes?


Googling on Yoga I found this:




First Edition: 1939 Eighth Edition: 1999 (2,000 Copies)

World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 2000 WWW site: http://www.dlshq.org/

This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society

ISBN 81-7052-098-3


P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, ndia.


3. Who Am I?


This is a world of diversity. Intellects are different. Faces are different. Religions are different. Sounds are different. Faiths are different. Colours are different. Faculties are different. Tastes and temperaments are different. But one thing is common in all. Everyone of us wants Nitya Sukha (eternal happiness), infinite knowledge, immortality, freedom and independence. These things can be obtained by knowledge of the Self alone.


Everybody wants eternal happiness that is not mixed with sorrow and pain. Every effort is to achieve this happiness. But he does not know the place wherefrom he can get this supreme bliss. If you want to enjoy supreme bliss you will have to realise the Self, or get knowledge of Atman. The best means to acquire this knowledge is the enquiry of ‘Who am I?’ This enquiry has the potentiality of producing the quiescence of mind which will enable it to wade through this ocean of Samsara. It demands a subtle sharp, pure intellect, bold understanding and gigantic will. Enquiry of ‘Who am I?’ is the Vedantic method or Atma-Vichara.


This common place ‘I’ that everyone is glibly talking about and relishing acutely every moment of his life, from the babbling baby to the fabulous old man must be clearly analysed.


4. Silence

1. Once the disciple Bhaskali approached his Guru, Bhava, and asked him where that eternal, the Supreme Infinite, the Brahman of the Upanishads is. The master spoke not. The disciple asked him again and again but the master did not open his mouth. He kept perfect silence. At last the teacher said: “I have been telling you again and again but you do not understand me. What am I to do? That Brahman, the Infinite, the Eternal cannot be explained but by deep silence know it. There is no other place for Him to dwell in, but the one eternal deep silence! Ayam Atma Santah—This Atman is silence.”



Seven you are eternally concerned for the well being of our state of minds. You're either deeply caring or leading up to a yoga book you're in the process of writing.

Seven you are eternally concerned for the well being of our state of minds. You're either deeply caring or leading up to a yoga book you're in the process of writing.

No! Not really - I believe practice is the way - practice to sit down...



Here has the coffee pot reached the highest peak of Himalaya


perhaps sunken to the deepest grave of the oceans.

Who knows?

Only I? Perhaps not even I!


Perhaps the coffee pot has reached the hypnagogic state...




Hypnagogic, sometimes spelled hypnogogic, ultimately derives from Greek hupnos, sleep + agogos, leading, from agein, to lead.


. . . the phenomenon of hypnagogic hallucinations, or what Mr. Alvarez describes as "the flickering images and voices that well up just before sleep takes over."

--Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, "The Faces of Night, Many of Them Scary," review of Night: Night Life, Night Language, Sleep and Dreams, by A. Alvarez, New York Times, January 9, 1995



Thanks for your comment, drpenguin!


I was really joking a bit... joking with photoshopping.

But - I succedded - you told me: LOL - so good... I made you laugh. How proud I am.


Perhaps a bit of the silence also founds its way to you?

Understanding a bit of the break between different views, moods... ways of describing things. Painting the sun is not that easy... The sun is just a word... But what is it? Do we really know? I made a sun-logo. But what is the sun?



So thanks again for your comments! You are welcome back!

Perhaps you like some of the other images, too!

You are welcome to comment on them.


~"he can't hear you, he's wearing sunglasses" And what do you mean by that drpenguin? Have you come up with it yourself? Or? Tell me!


Googling on - sun - you find 191 million links!




You can go here:


And read about the image above:

A New Look at the Sun

This image of 1,500,000°C gas in the Sun's thin, outer atmosphere (corona) was taken March 13, 1996 by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft. Every feature in the image traces magnetic field structures. Because of the high quality instrument, more of the subtle and detail magnetic features can be seen than ever before. (Courtesy ESA/NASA)



And here is the image you commented on:



i saw the picture of the sun you try to draw in and that was funny

you said it was suppose to be like hes under water. well i did a little photoshoping to it and this is what i came up with.



Thanks thejobe for your photoshopping - really nice done!

Sure everyone is photoshopping - it can be nice - and it can also be too much - sometimes I like to draw the sun just like a child or making a sign for it - because doing photoshopping for hours - still it is just a sign - but another sign - a more photorealistic sign. The sun - the really one - is something different... you really cannot tell what it is - just give different descriptions of it... and then the different descriptions are put up against each other - breaking the waves of your brain and heart - your I trying to understand - feel - then perhaps the real sun breaks through - and you can hear the coffeepot telling you it is time for a coffee break...


And here is another coffee pot done with DOF - Depth Of Field - a new topic I just have started in the Artistic Rendering Forum:




seven, You spend so long thinking outside of the box, I wonder if you know what its like to think inside it?! - along those lines could you put the camera inside the coffee pot? Id imagine it would become something altogether different...


Stirring things up a little! - Nixie

seven, You spend so long thinking outside of the box, I wonder if you know what its like to think inside it?! - along those lines could you put the camera inside the coffee pot? Id imagine it would become something altogether different...


Stirring things up a little! - Nixie

Well, I did what you told me - looking out from the pot through the spout and I caughit a glimpse of someone - trying to look inside the pot and drinking something - it does not look like coffee or perhaps it is really weak coffee? Who knows? Only the drinker himself. Or is he also just believing - not knowing? Hard to tell! Who is the seer? Is it your I seeing things? Can the I see the I seeing? Questions like that just confuses you... Why bother? Have a glass or a cup of something instead... Or sit down - meditate - experience what happens! Scaring? Yes! It is like being dead alive...


This is a bit fun - LOL - I think - The Headless Way - Have a look on the movies - a new old perspective on things..




And here a Bird´s Eye of View of looking out through the spout of the pot - the crack in the pot - being single-minded.


I Googled on single-minded and found this:



Certainly one of life’s unexpected pleasures is stumbling across those long forgotten gems that get put aside in favour of the latest fancy, the latest discovery, be it a new best friend, a new favourite food or a new pair of shoes. Tonight I had the fun and fortune of coming across not one but two such lost hits: an MP3 of Stevie Wonder’s Superstition, and my dusty bottle of Jura’s sublimely peated whisky by the same name.



And I found this:



In the West, Zen is much more of a lay movement and for those practitioners who wish to maintain their lives both in society and in the Zen way, a switch of emphasis is necessary. Single-minded devotion to achieving enlightenment or the 'Great Awakening' has to give way to a more varied practice in which formal Zen training and the demands and concerns of ordinary life are interwoven.


I believe both links are about contemplation - man needs this - but I believe the later way - perhaps not so funny by first sight - is the better one in the long run!



Spooky! where did you hide that coffee pot?! Seven - you are a joker!




Thats made my day! regards - Nixie


Interesting work with the coffee pot! I must say...sometimes i get the feeling you purposely try to think as abstract as you possibly can just to push people's buttons.


But what does it mean to push a button...a button is nothing...what matters is the action that occurs. And this cannot be predicted...the world cannot be predicted. Its contents, unknown to us...forever in blackness...much like the inside of the coffeepot.


-insert irrelevent googled link of your choice-



Something like the above in your next post perhaps? Don't take it personally, just a bit of observational humor. :D




his post make my head hurt hehe

but i can see what he is saying though.... i think

it is a nice pot though isnt it. be cool to see it move


Welcome back seven, nice to have you, and your very VERY long post which contain a lot of... special information and opinnions, among us again! :)


Nice teapot, I really liked the himalaya-pic, although it reminded me more of weed-smoking, than the top of himalaya :P

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