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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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there isn't one that i'm aware of, although i think there was recently a meeting in pennsylvania.


there are at least a few other active members from the dc area, but i'm not sure how well we'd get along. ' ' )






I'm not aware of any Virginia Hash groups but I would love to get involved with one. I'm trying to rise above this plateau of 3D graphic mediocrity I'm stuck in. The online forum is awesome but it's not the same as people just showing each other how to get the most out of this crazy program.


I live in Norfolk and anywhere in Hampton Roads is ideal and out to Williamsburg or even Richmond would be easy enough. Northern Virginia would be a stretch but possibly doable with the right situation (i.e. I'd have to check with my wife).


Here's hoping there's some local hashers!


I live in the HArrisonburg Staunton area. That is a ways from you. I would however not be adverse to travelling. I work at the local PBS station as a producer/ director.I have alot of experience in After Effects and Motion and have been trying to use Animation Master to compliment our promos and interstitials. I have been working with Animation Master for more than a year now. It seems like I make some progress and then take a step backwards.I know that if I could just talk with someone and watch them use the program for a few minutes, I would feel more comfortable with the program. Do you guys have much experience with the program? it would be great to get a group together to discuss the program.


The Georgia connection makes me jealous. They have a who's who of hash power users getting together. But Virginia needs to start somewhere.


I've been using Hash on and off about 5 years. My current skill level is intermediate. I am finally comfortable with the modeling tools and can pretty much make whatever needs to be done with speed improving. I'm a big fan of Anzovin's setup machine and weightmover (A couple years ago I gave up hash completely for awhile because my rigging ability stunk so badly. These products have helped a lot). The shaun freeman method of facial rigging with control point weighting is now in my toolbelt. Actual animation skills are improving but not there yet. Areas I'm desperate to improve on are materials and decaling.


My library of Hash resources includes a bunch of CD's and videos, the Jeff Paries book and a file drawer full of printouts pulled from the A.R.M.


Getting together could be an awesome learning opportunity for both of us. If you didn't mind traveling Virginia Beach is only a half hour from my house and could be used as a vacationing excuse in addition to Hashing out the 3D stuff.


I have to be honest I pretty much suck at this program. The actual animatiing comes easy to me as everything is basically keyframed. The modeling though giving me fits. I did recently make my first good head. lol. I am not sure how much you could learn from me as I am basically a novice. However, If you have any interest in other programs I could probably help you out. On the other hand it sounds like you could show me alot as far as modeling goes with AM. My schedule is really crazy as we have a newborn baby that requires alot of attention. I could probably find a day to sneak up to Virginia Beach for a couple hours at least.


I have alot of training DVD's and books, as well as the setup machine. These are great but I really think if I could talk to someone in person about the program it would really get me going.

I agree that a user group in Virginia would be fantastic. my e-mail is lillypalooza@aol.com Drop me a line and perhaps we will just start a Virginia user group ourselves.


Hey guys I live in Martinsburg, WV 20 miles north of Winchester but I work in Tysons Corner, soI get around. If you want to get something started let me know I would love to be a part of it!


I'm in Leesburg, VA (Northern VA) and would love to attend. We've got some really nice libraries here in Loudoun County that have meeting rooms, with A/V equipment. They are also close to restaurants, may be ideal. Either way would be good. Some tried before, it just didn't work out.



Some topics for discussions that I think would be fun are:


Spline basics

Simple Rigging

Game Development with A:M

VA group short film project


For me I would like to have it in Northern VA, but I used to live in VA Beach, so I got friends down there I could go visit if it's there also.


Hi guys. I just purchased A:M so my skill level is currently at 0. I would love to get together if this works out. I have lived in Virginia Beach most of my life, but recently moved across the border and now live in Moyock, NC (about 30 minutes away). Still work in Norfolk though so the trip is nothing for me.


I'm in Springfield, VA. I've had A:M since the beginning of this year and have a reasonable grasp of it, given this timeframe. I'm more of an animator/investor/software engineer specifically for adult applications of A:M. I've been paying artists to build the models I require. I'm on the road now to meet with the A:M User Group in Atlanta, but I'd be happy to meet with users in Virginia too - JUST LET ME KNOW WHEN/WHERE.

  • 10 months later...

Hi guys. I just purchased A:M so my skill level is currently at 0. I would love to get together if this works out. I have lived in Virginia Beach most of my life, but recently moved across the border and now live in Moyock, NC (about 30 minutes away). Still work in Norfolk though so the trip is nothing for me.


We just purchased AM for one reason only, and that is to creat a cartoon fish we can use for our TV commercials. But I'm having a hard time making all come together. Our business is in Suffolk and would be glad to get together with anyone interested in an Eastern VA - NC group.








I'm not aware of any Virginia Hash groups but I would love to get involved with one. I'm trying to rise above this plateau of 3D graphic mediocrity I'm stuck in. The online forum is awesome but it's not the same as people just showing each other how to get the most out of this crazy program.


I live in Norfolk and anywhere in Hampton Roads is ideal and out to Williamsburg or even Richmond would be easy enough. Northern Virginia would be a stretch but possibly doable with the right situation (i.e. I'd have to check with my wife).


Here's hoping there's some local hashers!


We have just purchased AM. So that wew could do our own cartoon commercials for our business. I work In Suffolk and would be eager to start an AM group. It would helpful to all who are interested.





  • 4 weeks later...

Tadpole and Doug Wills,

I haven't checked this thread in awhile and I was happy to see your messages. It would be awesome to get together with fellow A:M users. Just holler and I'll be watching this thread a lot more closely this time.


Tadpole and Doug Wills,

I haven't checked this thread in awhile and I was happy to see your messages. It would be awesome to get together with fellow A:M users. Just holler and I'll be watching this thread a lot more closely this time.




I'm still a novice, but I am also still interested. I too have training cd's/dvd's. I may also have access to my company's conference room with internet access and a projector and screen (in Norfolk near Military Circle Mall). I'll check today. Might be interesting to get together and see what, if anything, we can start. Let me know.





E-mail me directly at jobusfest@yahoo.com and we can HASH out a time to meet. I've been fiddling with this program for like 5 or 6 years and I can honestly say that I've never met another user in person. Such confirmation that you all are really out there would be cathartic (I think that's a real word) and educational to boot.



  • 2 weeks later...

Eric and Joe,


Sorry I didn't post earlier. I've been out of town a little lately.


If every one is interested, we can have the meeting in my office. We have a conference room that comfortably seats 10 or 15. We have internet access, a tv with dvd player and a projector and screen. I have a graphic artist on staff who doesn't have AM experience but is interested in joining us and another staffer has a boyfriend who is currently in school studying game design who would like to join us.


My office is in Norfolk and located just off the expressway and easy to get to.


If we can set a date then I'll spring for soda and pizza and we'll get together and see what happens. Saturdays seem to be the best bet for me, but I will try to be flexible enough for everyone.


If Norfolk doesn't work for everyone then we will need to discuss alternatives.


What do you guys think?




Joe C and Doug Wills


If Saturdays are still the best days, then afternoons (later than 2pm) on July 1 (maybe tough for others due to the holiday), July 8 or July 29 should work for me. My kids have swim meets into early August on Saturday mornings. Norfolk as a meeting location is ideal for me since I live here. Beyond those dates I need to consult with my planning coordinator (my wife Joanne) again.



  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for delaying replying. I was down in FL attending my sons' wedding (Boca Raton).

Turns out he and lots of other folks around the world found June 24 the ideal day to get married, hehehe.


I don't mind Norfolk, just never been there, I heard the city has a really nice campground and all the Navy stuff is all I know about it. But willing to go there on a Sat. I can bring a nice HP laptop if needed.


Let me know or email me at tuffcom@gmail.com


Joe Carney


We also might want to consider Maryland users as well, at least up here in NOVA.


Has anybody considered hooking up with the MAAM folks (Mid Atlantic AM)?


Joe C.


Although I am more than willing to invite anyone who wishes to come, I think the MAAM group is already planning an August cookout by the looks of things. Any users in the area who wish to join in, just give us a shout. The more the merrier.


How does Saturday, July 29th at my corporate office in Norfolk look for everyone? If your response is "doesn't work for me", please include a few dates that do.


I'll spring for pizza and soda. We seem to have enough training material so that looks set. If anyone has any particular ideas for what we should do or cover then talk it up. Otherwise we'll all show up, see what we have and dive right in.


My hope is that we can get this going on a regular basis with as many people as we can.


As Larry the Cable Guy says, Let's "get 'er done!"




Thanks again for the generous offer to meet in your office. I know I said previously that July 29 is a good date for me but if we back up just one week to Saturday August 5th I can clear my whole day instead of just the afternoon because swim season for the kids will be over! On July 29 is the final swim meet and these are time consuming 7 hour affairs. I didn't realize the final meet would be this soon. Sorry for any confusion but I really want to maximize my Hash time with any group that gets together.


Eric Warner




I'll check with the other guys I have lined up and see about a date change. Note that the three guys I have lined up are interested in, but have never used AM. One is a grpahics artist, does a lot of photoshop work and has done professional dvd cover design in the past. One is going to school for game developement. Knows about AM, but uses another product. I am trying to convince him to buy AM and get involved in the TWO game. The third guy is a general computer guy who thought it would be fun to join in. I am the only one (other than you of course) with AM experience and that will make you (or maybe Joe C.) the most experienced of the group.


Joe C., does August 5th work for you?


I have been contacted by 2 or 3 other AM'ers in the past about a meet, but haven't heard from them lately. Guess we'll have to start it and try to convince others to join. I'll let you know Monday or Tuesday about the availability of the date change. I'm good for it, but I have to check witht he other guys.




WoW! I have not checked here in a few weeks and look at all the progress we have made. Please include me in your plans. I would really appreciate a chance to get together and discuss this program. Like I said earlier I live in Harrisonburg, but am willing to travel. This is getting exciting!!


Sounds great. Since you started the thread, you should definitely be involved. Does August 5th in Norfolk look good for you? If not, fire back some options. Anybody interested can contact me at work at


doug wills at rtobestway dot com (no spaces and the normal fixes)

doug wills at mchsi dot com (same as above for my home address, checked less frequently)

or call at work 757-455-2800 x514 or 800-583-4616 x 514.


Even if we decide to do this somewhere else, I am happy to try to provide any help I can including being a point of contact.


So Let's go hashers in VA, MD, DC and NC. Anyone else want to join in?





Here's hoping we get a good crowd!


I understand that your office would have access to video, internet and computer. If you have a computer available, will you have a version of Hash loaded, and if so, which version? All of my stuff is in version 12 right now.


It would also be really good to hammer out an agenda so we can maximize our time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Would love to join in with you guys! I work in Norfolk I am an artist in many mediums. I've been doing work with commercial production for a few years and one week into AM up to Exercise 11. I would love to learn from you guys, I'm sure it will be inspiring. My email is shannonmaxey@yahoo.com. Please send me any info and details for the meeting.


Hey all,


Sorry I haven't check in for a little while. Life - you know?


As far as I am concerned, August 5th is still on, unless the group decides otherwise.


My office has a meeting room with internet access and we have a projector and screen that can be used. We also have a tv with DVD player, but I am unsure as to the current working status of the DVD player. Plenty of parking, and as VP, I have the keys and fairly free run of the place. I can provide additional computers (laptops) for the day, but you need to provide the software. If you want to take advantage of this offer so you don't have to lug computer equipment around, you must make arrangements with me in advance.


I am thinking noon to 4 PM, but the group should decide that.


I can have a laptop (or pc if that is preferred) with version 11, 12 or 13 on it.


As far as agenda is concerned, without knowing the specific knowledge level of everyone, it might be hard to decide in advance but if any of you have any ideas - shoot! I expect that we will have experience levels ranging from "I haven't even seen the program" to "This is what I do to make a living" and everything in between, so we should be as flexible as we can, at least in this first (of what will hopefully be many) meeting.


As far as training material is concerned, I have the A:M Siggraph Pro Training CD's for 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Jeff Lews "Learning 3D Character Animation" cd and have downloaded all of the Tech Talk training videos. I also have A:M 2002 Guide by David Rogers, A:M Handbook by Jeff Paries (second edition), Animators Survival Kit by Richard Williams, Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair and a few others. I am sure some of you have stuff too so we should have more than enough to get us through our first meeting.


Since I am providing pizza and drinks, I would like to get a confirmed head count on who is attending, along with your pizza and soda/juice/tea preferences. You can bring beer if you like, but that's on you, and be reasonable.


From a previous message, here is my contact information:


dougwills at rtobestway dot com (no spaces and the normal fixes)

dougwills at mchsi dot com (same as above for my home address, checked less frequently)

or call at work 757-455-2800 x514 or 800-583-4616 x 514. If you don't reach me, please leave a voicemail with your contact number and a good time to reach you and I will return your call. I am in the office most days from 9:30 to 6 with a 1 hour lunch break around one o'clock (varies depending on my mood and degree of hunger.)


The address for those that wish to Mapquest it is:

160 - A Wellman Street

Norfolk, VA 23502


It is a small office building attached to some warehouse space in a combination residential/industrial area about 3 blocks off of the expressway. If you would like specific directions, contact me and I can email a little cheat sheet we have.


I for one am really looking forward to getting together with a group. I always seem to work better when I have a project so anything we do as a group will help me out. So - I am confirmed for Noon on Saturday August 5th. Anyone else, or are we making a change? :P




The date and time work for me. Your thoughts on a loose un-agenda are probably best. The option of having more than one computer is ideal since everyone will have different interests and levels of expertise. New users could play with splines and bones, etc. on one computer while others could wrestle with hair, cloth and stuff like that on another. I will bring my AM CD for temporary one-day use. (My actual computer equipment would be an extreme nuisance to disassemble and cart around. It's all so big and untidy.) Two computers should work unless others think differently?


Look forward to seeing everyone there.




Note: I've never met a pizza I didn't like. Also quite happy with any non diet soda. (My waistline is a testament to these two philosophies.)




So far I have the following:


On List

Doug Wills (me) - confirmed

Eric Warner (jobusfest) - confirmed

Shannon Maxey (shannon) - confirmed (will have to leave early)


GL1968 - email sent, but no confirmation

tadpole - email sent, but no confirmation

Jon - cannot make it

Joe Carney (jojolimited) - cannot make it, would like to do something in September


Off list

Jason Loeb - confirmed (will have to leave early)

Anthony Henderson - I haven't directly spoken to him but his girlfriend (my co-worker) insists he's confirmed and I believe her ;-) UPDATE: Anthony just called and is confirmed.



So it appears that we will have a group of 5 with a few more possibilities. I will update this message as things change.


3 laptops will be available (more if needed, let me know). Bring your A:M disk if you want to play around. I have pre-installed Sorserez ver 12.0v+ and Yeti ver 13.0e. We can change that if necessary.


Hello. It's Doug's co-worker, Jason that Doug described earlier in this post...


I attended the meeting today. The software is quite impressive! I was happy to have had the opportunity to check it out. I'm definitely interested in purchasing the software as a result of attending today.


NICE JOB to everyone who organized and attended today!


Thanks for including me.




Thanks Doug for getting the first meeting going. The response from everyone was fantastic. Looking forward to getting the group together again soon. I need to just check with my scheduling committee (Joanne) and I'll be able to give you some dates that work for me.




To all who attended, a great big thanks. I think between the dancing dog, colorful chameleon and hairy handled gun, we had a great time.


Shannon, can't wait to see the bull dog in all it's glory in your commercials. Eric, your chameleon/lizard guy is going to work great in that environment you showed (don't want to give it away for you.)


Jason and I are more then willing to provide the location for another meeting, or we can decide to meet elsewhere. Now that we have met and have an idea of our knowledge and skill level, we should try to come up with an agenda for the next meeting. Maybe some combination of training, work on an individuals project and brain storming ideas for a group project, but make sure we have fun no matter what.


I hope that the work that Anthony did on his hairy handled gun (lol) while we met will push him to AM and away from that expensive thing he uses now.


For those who couldn't make it, we will be meeting again soon. Put in your request for date and time and let's see what happens. We spent 4 hours getting to know each other, reviewing some work, fixing some problems, doing a little training and introducing two AM newbies to the software and its capabilities (Martin, I think this will result in at least one sale for you - we'll work on the second.) We have a great mix of artists and technicians so I think that bodes well for the future.


Let's try to keep the momentum going while the feeling is fresh. Check your schedules and let's talk about our next meeting. I will get everyone's contact info out off list (hopefully later today).


Thanks everyone, I had a blast and it was wonderful meeting all of you.


-Doug (who didn't bring any personal work but will next time) Wills


Hey Shannon,


Yes, we do need to schedule another meeting. Thanks for keeping us on task. Jason and I just spoke and it looks like either 8/26 or 9/2 work best for us (I just can't make it the next two Saturdays.) Look at your schedule and tell us what works for you. Eric, check with your official schedule (Joanne) and tell us what is good for you. I will contact Anthony and the guys who didn't make the first one and see if they can make any of those dates. We could also try for a shorter meeting some evening, but that may not be as easy or productive. Just a thought.


We should all also think about what we want to accomplish this meeting. Now that we kinda know each other and where we are in the AM grand scheme of things, maybe we can be prepared to just jump into something this time.


Anybody else want to join us? We had a great time our first meeting. Just post a note letting us know and we will try to work with you too. All are welcome.




Hi Doug,

The 26th works for me. I could also do a mid week something..I work right around the corner from ya. I just recieved my 2004 pro tutorial today. I have not watched it yet but thanks for the recomendation. I have not had much time this week to work on AM but am trying to get back on track. I'm working on the 11.5 exercise (again no video tutorial :blink: )


Let's go for the 26th mostly because it's sooner rather than later.


I propose we model something. Some potential subjects include: Killer Bean all the way through some type of rigging process, a human tavern keep girl named JoJo who works on Goonsocket Island, a cartoon goose who is the nervous deputy of the island's finest, a Cushman 3 wheeled vehicle similar to what Norfolk traffic officers use, an old style early 1800's train called the "Rocket". Or something else.


I could have rotoscopes ready to go and we could use the big screen while others follow along on the laptops. Anyway, it's just a thought. Let me know if someone has other ideas.


OK, Looks like we are on for the 26th. I can't pop for lunch this time, so everyone bring a snack for themselves if you want it. I propose that we start at 11 AM and run until 3 this time. If you have other ideas about the schedule then let me know.


I have confirmed with Jason and Anthony, and we might have an additional member from our office too. Jason will hopefully have his copy of AM by then (at least that is his current intention.)


Eric, I love the idea of taking an idea and everyone working on it. It's just the thing I need to keep me working on AM and getting more experience. Would you like to take the reigns and lead this session? Maybe have an agenda, take us through a little tutorial or something and then issuing a challenge or working on a project as a group?


Anyway, let me know what you think about the time frame and I'll lock down the conference room again.


To any other HASHER's out there. This is an open meeting for all interested participants. We had a great time the first get-together and want to keep the momentum rolling. If you are interested in joining us, leave a note here or contact me through one of my various numbers or email addresses to get directions.


Hope to see you there.




11 to 3 on the 26th sounds great.


I like the idea of a group project and am formulating an idea that will run 1-2 minutes max with just 2 main characters in a simple setting. We will model the 2 characters, rig, texture and animate. In the process everyone will learn a lot and hopefully have loads of fun. And if everything works out the goal would be to have a funny short that could be posted on YouTube and Hash in about 6 months (ambitious but doable).


Looking forward to the 26th!


OK, you have sufficiently tickled my "interested" bone. :D Can't wait to see what you have come up with. Sounds like it will be fun and educational.

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