seven Posted June 3, 2005 Posted June 3, 2005 You can use some photo and lipsynch the person on the photo having recorded some sound to use. Here is an example on how ot lipsync President Lincoln! To do the lipsync of a photo you have to start out with the lipsynced mouth you can find in the project file belonging to Four Basic Lessons. And you better have a look through of PART 4 belonging to the Four Basic Lessons to understand a little more about how to lipsync. Here you will find the project file and PART 4 to study: lincoln_lip_synced.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 3, 2005 Author Posted June 3, 2005 And here is the result to look and listen to! funny05.movFetching info... Quote
Kamikaze Posted June 3, 2005 Posted June 3, 2005 Thanks Seven, Always handy to have a tutorial when I need it. Michael Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 There is always a need for guides - to tell the story behind! This guide is a continuation course to the Four Basic Lessons to learn and teach A:M: The two tutorials on how to make guides: The project files: The demo example: Here you will learn to lip sync a little more, to use a free spring sound to give the bowing action a little more substance and to place the guide on a floor using an image as a Rotoscope in the Choreography and making the floor to a Front Projection Target. This one is a guide to The Linoln Memorial. But you can make guides for all subjects! Why not make a guide to Teslas all genious discoveries? And his earth-quake machine: He put his little vibrator in his coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one ten stories of steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got it. Tesla said finally the structure began to creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the same vibrator he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour. Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 How to make Guides for all subjects - Part one guide_to_lincoln_memorial_PART_1.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 How to make Guides for all subjects - Part two guide_to_lincoln_memorial_PART_2.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 How to make Guides for all subjects - Project files guide_to_lincoln_memorial_project.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Look and listen to a very short guiding - just the start: Hello and Welcome to the Lincoln Memorial guide_to_lincoln_memorial.movFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Why Tesla? Tesla is best known for the invention of AC - alternating current electricity: Modern society is really built upon scientific discoveries - electricity - the new fire(electric power) - the new wheel(electric computing). 1583 Galileo Galilei - 19 years old - sat in the cathedral of Pisa taking his pulse to learn how the lamps were swinging - connecting time and space with a formula - Natural Science was born. Man is seven million years old: Having lived in small groups - some hundred in each - most of the time - up to the agricultural revolution just 10000 years ago. Living like in Papua New Guinea having 800 languages: We are now six billons on our sun-satelite earth: How to handle Natural Science? The good and evil of its discoveries? Genetic Manipulation: Nano Technology: Tesla can be a doorway into a discussion of what to do with modern science and technology - a moratorium - to let us sit down and meditate on the future? Tesla a short biography: Teslas all papers: The earth quake machine: Quote
seven Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Natural Sciience and Technology taking a break - man having a moratorium on it - medtating on what to do - meditating on the image of the future - can be good - but is not that simple - meditating on the future in an eternal now?!., Why not learn a little about meditation? Learning to practice it yourself! And practice it to learn something about your I and your Self. This is the do it yourself "religion" - learning about the mystic and the magics - the things you have to know if you want to make artistic animations!!! By sitting on your ass??? You have to test it yourself - sitting down - to find out if it has some worth or is just worthless... Hara - is the center of breath - four fingers below the navel: Hara - something to concentrate on - sitting down meditating some minutes each day perhaps bringing some peace, love and understanding to our world - some fresh breathes! Quote
trajcedrv Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Hey! Thank you for the tuts And much more thank you for the Tesla links... it reminded me of the subject that I've wanted to return to... Drvarceto Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 A tutorial on how to Lip Sync a Beak lip_synced_beak.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 And here the project file lip_synced_beak_project.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Willi - has done a simple mouth bone rig: Here is a tutorial in two parts on his mouth rig to learn to lip sync a clown or someone else! And the project file for the clown you can also find here. lipsynched_clown_part1.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 And the second part lipsynched_clown_part2.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 The project files lipsynched_clown_project_file_and_sound.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Here you will learn how to lip sync a simple mask in Muscle Mode. The tutorial is in four parts and there is also a project file. Donald Duck and Mickey the Mouse animated without sound and lipsync will not get very much attention - no public! And animations have to have two characters to show the conflicts in the characters and between them. But animations have to have something more. Silence makes the music. The same in animations. The Choreography has got a silent, unmoving horizon between heaven and earth. Let us break that horizon with a lipsynched character. Having learnt to lipsynch one character - you can lipsynch another. Creating conflicts - problems - to solve! And have a good laugh afterwards. Part 1: You learn to model a simple face - a mask - with lips. Part 2: The mask gets eyes and a cavity with a tongue. Part 3: Nine shapes - poses for the mouth are created for the lip sync. Part 4: Recording the sentence: You´re welcome to the land of masks. And the animation is created in the Choreography. Part 5: The project file (Altogether only about 3 Megabyte to download) The tutorial is NOT for the advanced ones. It is for the NEWBIES. It just a simple face - a mask - a mouth and a tongue but no teeth. The lipsync is not perfected but you learn how to model a basic face step by step using extrude and lathe - you learn how to make nine poses - naming them in an action with a dopesheet for the lipsync. And you learn how to use that action in the Choreography. Part 1 lipsync_mask_part01.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Part 2 lipsync_mask_part02.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Part 3 lipsync_mask_part03.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Part 4 lipsync_mask_part04.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 The project lipsync_mask_prj_file.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 10, 2005 Author Posted June 10, 2005 Modeling a caricature you have to be very clever and lipsynching it will take some time. Here you will learn how to make it simple and fast! And you can tell your own jokes to a world audience on the Internet. This example is inspired by an article in Hustler about 911: The article called "What if everything you know about 9/11 is wrong?" is an interview with David Ray Griffin, emeritus professor, Claremont School of Theology. He has written the book: The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. He has something to tell! A conspiracy theory or not - you have to find out for yourself - reading the article and Googling on it. The article in Hustler has a cartoon a possible start point for an animation. Quote
seven Posted June 10, 2005 Author Posted June 10, 2005 Part 1 caricature_tutorial01.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 10, 2005 Author Posted June 10, 2005 Part 2 caricature_tutorial02.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 10, 2005 Author Posted June 10, 2005 Part 3 caricature_tutorial03.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 10, 2005 Author Posted June 10, 2005 Project caricature_tutorial_project.zipFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Trying to model a caricature for a cartoon from Hustler and finding it really difficult to model a 3D caricature - I ended up in a fast and easy method. The cartoon and the article belonging to it you can find here: And the tutorial on making caricatures fast and easy you can find here: It is not really modeling in 3D space but it is a way to do a caricature! Trying to say something in a humorous way - trying to solve conflicts with humor - a good laughter - instead of using violence - hoping on some peace, love and understanding on our sun-satellite. But how to model a caricature in 3D? I will try to answer that question using a dialectical method. Here is a result of a fast and easy method: bushjoke01.movFetching info... Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 I had some looks on caricature modeling. Not much of that sort with A:M. It is so difficult and you have to be so clever. Jim Talbot has modeled two examples Lincoln and Clinton: Douglas Ferrin has made an animation with sound - lip synched speach - Cozy Chat With the President - It is really telling a story - not being just an image. The caricature has a big mouth and a photo? to make it look like the character. For sure you can try to model something realistic - but what is realism? photorealism? what kind of camera? X-ray? No, also cameras are making simplifications of reality - just capturing some parts of it. Caricature it is something exaggerated - simplified - stressing just some concept - this is the way we are functioning - just taking in parts of the reality - the total reality it is unable to grasp. You just are it - and you are part of it - realizing it - realized by it - trying to grasp it - you kill it... but good caricatures have the flow - the soul - they have it! Modeling in A:M you want to have som simple 3D model to alter - one simple one is the head of Gala. Can you use it to make caricatures? Or which way to go? Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Caricature - what do you think of? Goya´s paintings? Honoré Daumier? Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Dialectical modeling - what is that? Dialectics is an old method on thinking - making concepts - words out of reality. Most known for: Thesis - Anti-thesis - Syn-thesis Dialectics for kids - What the Heck is Dialectics? Telling a lot - telling this: One--Every thing (every object and every process) is made of opposing forces/opposing sides. Two--Gradual changes lead to turning points, where one opposite overcomes the other. Three--Change moves in spirals, not circles. This is the principle used by Marx, Hegel the old greeks - Herakleitos and the book of changes - Chou Yi: Everything is one - making divisions - glueing the parts together - Oneness - Religion - Science- Everything uses this principle - but being an artist you have to go behind the words - the different ways - do - in Japan is practising it - drinking and eating - living it - sitting and standing... Lookin at a face - it can be modeled like a sphere or a box or something inbetween the two. And the box/sphere is in a space. And they are materia - space/box/sphere. The head has some openings: Forehead extruded - holes extruded - neck(1) - ears(2) - eyes(2) - nose strils(2) - mouth(1) How to grasp it? Making a caracature? more or less exagerated - simplified - photo realistic... A forehead and a nose - extruded backwards - putting some splines on it for the holes and connecting it - will it do? Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Having a look on the one having done caricatures with A:M - Jim Talbot - you can learn he always uses a triangle by the nose - and some flow to connect the forehead - cheek - chin. Modeling in A:M you have to know how to make the splines flow - or stop the flowing of them. Or what is the secret behind modeling in A:M - I really do not know - just trying to think about it... Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 How to model in A:M? Someones saying - start with the profile! For sure - it is a way - but there are so much other things then you try to characterize someone - and it is 3D conceptions - the cheeks looking like hamburgers? the chin like a potato? the nose - a banana? Traditional sculpture - is not learned or teached by making a profile - a contour - they have other ways of thinking - conceptualizing - doing it in clay or stone... I believe it is the same thing in A:M - you have to have some 3D-model to work with from the beginning - a simple one and then trying to get the big forms and the small ones and letting them talk with each other - dialectics! Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 I am thinking of WINKing a tutorial on modeling... Perhaps there are others having thought of modeling faces - caricatures - which way to go - how to think? You are welcome with suggestions - and you are welcome to do some tutorial yourself - I am just now just thinking loud... Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Sometimes you can wonder - do you need to model a face - it is only to take a good modeled face and alter it a bit - moving some CPs. You can use the Gala models face to make a male out of it! Still I think their is a need for modeling. The thing is A:M is inexact. The splines having a life of their own... Quote
seven Posted June 12, 2005 Author Posted June 12, 2005 Perhaps a way modeling without creases? A triangle patch and some flow-work... Quote
pugless Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 Hiya folks I can't for the life of me remember where the skylight / sky rig / sky something website it. I remember someone creating a website where you could enter int he various values you had for a scene and it created the necessary lights and action files you needed for it (I believe it used sub frame techniques to use fewer physical lights).......did this ever exist? Was I dreaming? Was I eating too many mushrooms last year and took a 'bad' one? Thanks for any help! Quote
Fishman Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 I think this is what you are looking for. Scott Quote
pugless Posted June 18, 2005 Posted June 18, 2005 Thank you! I'll add you to the list of folks I owe an ice cream to! P. Quote
seven Posted June 18, 2005 Author Posted June 18, 2005 If you want to listen to David Ray Griffin, emeritus professor, Claremont School of Theology here he is interviewed of Michael Wolsey from : "Guns and Butter" - - a weekly program broadcast on KPFA, 94.1 fm in Berkeley, California has also an interview with him: And you can have a look and listen to him speaking on University of Wisconsin, Madison: And here you can look and listen to the result of the tutorial: bushjoke01.movFetching info... Quote
InfoCentral Posted June 21, 2005 Posted June 21, 2005 Has anyone bought this training cd? If so I have a couple of questions. First is how long is the training on the CD? On the website they don't say anything about length of training. Are there support files so you can work along with the CD? And of course would you recommend it? Thanks... Quote
kuep Posted June 21, 2005 Posted June 21, 2005 I bought the bundle before and am ordering the animating cd this week. Yes, more than worth it and I'm sure you will get a lot of info on the cd. Quote
JosephB Posted June 21, 2005 Posted June 21, 2005 InfoCentral said: Has anyone bought this training cd? If so I have a couple of questions. First is how long is the training on the CD? On the website they don't say anything about length of training. Are there support files so you can work along with the CD? And of course would you recommend it? Thanks... InfoCentral review this Link. Quote
seven Posted July 2, 2005 Author Posted July 2, 2005 *************************************************************''''''''''''''''' How to make a cartoon with a character with a recognizable voice? Well, if you are really talented you can try to imitate the character... ******************************************************************************* On A:M Films you can find Douglas Ferrin´s Cozy Chat With the President How the voice is made you do not get any information about - perhaps it is Douglas Ferrin himself imitating Bush... You can find a link to download the animation here: Or you can download the animation from here: ********************************************************************************* Imitating that is not so easy... But if you have got the money or think you can get it - you can hire an imitator. JibJab - - having made the famous This land - - hired Jim Meskinen to sing and imitate the president canditates. ******************************************************************************* Another famous cartoon is FuzzyMath - you can find here: They have a voice archive you can use trying to find some useable sentence: Perhaps that is the way to go - sampling gigabytes of speech from the character?!., ******************************************************************************* Why not try to use the computer to synthesize a voice? You can read about speech synthesis on wikipedia and find some programs to use: There are free programs eg.: Festival - - is a freely available complete diphone concatenation and unit selection TTS system. You can also take a look at: telling you: The Festvox project aims to make the building of new synthetic voices more systemic and better documented, making it possible for anyone to build a new voice. ******************************************************************************** Quote
InfoCentral Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 its only about an hour of training. Hummm.... What does Weight Mover do that TSM doesn't do? Quote
higginsdj Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 I have it. It's pretty basic but did teach me one or two things. Weight Mover and TSM are related but do different things. TSM will rig your model but weight mover will only help adjust CP weighting (and requires a rigged model) Think of it as Smartskin is to the 2001 Rig! Cheers Quote
InfoCentral Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 So the tutorial isn't only about TSM it covers using WeightMover too? Both are used to create the animation in the tutorial? Quote
higginsdj Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 I haven't played all the tutes yet but I have not yet come across anything related to Weight Mover! Cheers Quote
seven Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 Some result: lipsynched_clown.movFetching info... Quote
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