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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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ok i used a pose slider at zero the bullet is in the gun not visible. at 100 its way out there i ussually only set it at about 20 somthing to get the bullet shot where i need it. but anyways if i move the gun while the bullet is shooting the bullet moves along with it. how do i fix this?



dang this is only 91kb


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the bullet is actually a part in the gun model. when i move the model the bullet moves with it. if i take it of the pose slider would work but id have to constantly move the bullet around to stay in the gun.


Well you can make the bullet part of the gun but then when he shoots the gun you want it to translate to a path outside of the model so that the gun bone is no longer making the bullet move upward.


Personally I would make the bullet seperate from the gun then when he fires just import an instance of the bullet and go from there.


Also, you should try editing your initial post to include all those other posts that aren't necessary.




Yes, this is a good place to post this. I originally didn't look in here as I thought you had lots of help with 3 replys :P


You're probably best to constrain the bullet (translate to and orient like) to the gun in the pose. Then you can animate the enforcement to 0% when the bullet is out.


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It is a fast an easy way:


Make a model of the gun and a model of the bullet...

Go to the chereographie-window and add both... constrain the model of the bullet in the model of the gun(translaet and orientlike-constrain and if you want it to go out, set the strength of the constrains to 0 and move the bullet where you want it to be...


I did that some time ago with a western-story of mine... it isnt that hard, if you understand how constrains work...




nice if figured it out this is the way i was thinking.

how i did it was i made a new bone for the bullet. that wasent connected to the gun handle so if i turned the gun the bullet would stay in mid air. then i made a on/off pose of the bullet bone constrained to the handle. so to animate all i have to do is put the pose on. point the gun. go next frame force keyframe turn pose off. then go a couple of frames further and set the bullet movment pose how far i want it.


it sounds more counfusing and harder than it really is.



do you need to see the bullet in reality you would not just add a flash at the end of the gun barrel ..or as suggested use a sprite a small blobbie..i posted that recently under look ma no sprites or you could have a model follow a path have it appear at the right time and use ease to control it along the path. or just animated the bullet in the chor seperately


Miss nr 1: The bullet comes out too late, the gun doesn't get "recoiled" before after the first bullet is out of the barrel, unless it's a very slow gun. 2: How about the bullet doesn't "appear" before after it's released from the gun barrel? then you wouldn't have to move it trought the barrel, before you move it away from the gun. 3: The bullet it in a good position to start with, so why is it moved up? why not just (as I said in nr. 1), just let it pop out then? That would make things a lot easier, atleast I would think so.


NOTE: Im not too experienced with AM, so my Point of Views/advices may be "bad" or just silly. You have been warned :P


Actually, it doesn't sound that hard. You explained it pretty thoroughly. I used a path like john said but not in the way he said it. Instead I constrained the bullet to the characters left arm, had a constraint to path, and turned the constraint to path on at 100% when it was supposed to leave his arm. I had to fool around with the path a little, but it turned out ok. But if you look at frame 10, it kind of just pops out of his arm. Joakim, You could do that. That seems ok. But john has a good path set so it will not stray up or down. But then everybody has their own point of view.

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