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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Sure enough, Answers in Genesis like Review 2004, which I produced for them, so much that they have asked me again to produce a video for Creation Museum. My first step was to 3Dize the Creation Museum logo. I have a couple ideas for a nice animation sequence but I'm curious if anyone else has some input.



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Hey Daniel,


I think you could do something with the text and in the background have the Earth swooshing with the stars as sprites...in the final frames, the earth comes swooshing around into position and the SPRITES get subsituted with the remaining stars as you have them in the image.


So...that was the first thing that popped into my head.


See ya,




Funny. That's the way their old logo does it. I'll see if I can get a copy of that to post for reference. I hate that swoosh, so I want to de-emphasize it any way that I can.


I've thought of a cool still-frame idea. Make the logo out of stone or wood and place it in grass with a partly cloudy background. And then place the camera in the grass looking up at it. I can't remember where else that I've seen this.


Another idea is something simply like was done for the movie title in Disney's Atlantis trailers. Several vertical flashes are replaced with the rotating letters.


The earth seems dark in comparison to the lettering to me...maybe a rimlight? The swoosh looks sorta like an outline of earth's orbit around the sun....maybe use the sun (possibly partially behind the earth so that it's not the main focus) at the center of the orbit to give the whole logo a rimlight? Just spit-ballin'...apparently with a rimlight fixation.


The Earth looks out of place being so dark. I'd experiment with stylising it a touch and perhaps including it in the lighting scheme you've got for the lettering - at the moment it’s looking alien to them.


I think you need to have another look at the lighting as the sides of the letters are lit in varying ways that distract the eye and doesn’t give them enough depth in some cases. The 'n' has much brighter sides than any other letter which does seem a little odd. The 'u' is so brightly lit it’s reflection looks out of place. Of course, you've probably only put temporary lighting in place just to show the logo, so ignore these comments if this is the case.


These are only suggestions which always should be taken with a pinch of salt.




I'm thinking of increasing the ambience of the Earth, giving it a glow, and making it slightly reflective. These should improve its appearance.


Brush metal? That would look cool. Perhaps Eggington's brushed metal.


I worry that increasing the ambience might make it look even more out of place, based on projects I’ve done in the past. I’ve seen a program recently that had a very definite atmosphere which could be said to have been glowing. I’d try lighting the Earth with a brighter light to give it a definite light side and then perhaps put a spherical shell around it with a faint blueish xray-type material with a touch of ambience that fades out the further from the surface it gets. I’m thinking out loud here, but maybe having a glowy atmosphere would be quite effective.




Here's another idea for animation: set the logo in a stone texture with fossils decals throughout. The animation starts off as if walking through a maze seeing the fossils on the walls and at some point the camera flys bird's-eye and we see the logo.


Is this for the creation museum being built in Kentucky? I think it was Kentucky. I just read about it a couple of weeks ago. I am looking forward to it. My wife will love it.




One animation idea I could think of would be the finger of God sweeping through that blue and touching the point where the Earth is, and then have a flash of light bring the world into being. Maybe a subtle halo around the planet as the 'afterglow' of this event in the still version...


That being said, can I please ask what a 'Creation Museum' would have in it? There can't be any exhibits explaining how creation works (I wouldn't think, because there is no plausable mechanism to use). Or is it more of a devotional, looking for ways to connect with God through the original event of creation?

Is this for the creation museum being built in Kentucky? I think it was Kentucky. I just read about it a couple of weeks ago. I am looking forward to it. My wife will love it.


Yes it is. And if this video goes well, then you may get it on DVD if you're a Creation Museum Charter Member.


Bjorn, cool idea! I'll add that to my list.


That being said, can I please ask what a 'Creation Museum' would have in it? There can't be any exhibits explaining how creation works (I wouldn't think, because there is no plausable mechanism to use).


Quite the contrary. There are several working models that even evolutionists have acknowledged are plausible solutions, but they reject them simply because they don't support their presupposed ideas on origins.


Creation Museum will follow a basic timeline that AiG has taught for some time. They call it "the seven Cs of history":

  • Creation: God spoke the world into existence from nothing. He created time, space, and matter in six literal days about 6,000 years ago.
  • Corruption: the entrance of sin into the world by Adam's rebellion and the resulting death and suffering as a consequence (including the first murder).
  • Catastrophe: because mankind was so wicked, God destroyed the world with a super-catasrophic global flood but saved Noah and his family in addition to two of every kind of land animal (including dinosaurs).
  • Confusion: the event of the Tower of Babel and the dispersion of languages and people groups.
  • Christ: when God became man, borne of a virgin, and dwelled in the flesh.
  • Cross: the ultimate climax of God's plan for man—the redemption available to us through His son Jesus Christ if we repent and confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is lord and was raised from the dead.
  • Consumation: the rapture of Christ's birde, Christians, and the coming judgment on the world, and the eventual consummation of all to be restore to its original, perfect state.

AiG will showcase these with a huge variety of scientific data presented through all sorts of means of display (games, interactives, videos, animatronics, exhibitis, and such). Visitors will be taught why we can trust the Bible, what the Bible says about Creation and how true science confirms it, and how it applies to our lives.


I've visited the progressing Creation Museum many times and have been quite impressed with the professionalism and extensive scientific research going into every single detail (for example, would Adam, the very first man with all of the perfect, orginal DNA that caused all the variety we see today, have straight or curly hair? Even down to earlobes!). All information is very-well based in science and even flawed creationist arguments (like the questionable Paluxy River Tracks) will be critically examined.


So you can probably tell that I'm excited about the museum's development. I'm honored to be a part of it through making this video.


And concerning the rabbit trail of comments, I am not offended so don't worry about it. I am often still accused of certain things that some made jokes about, so I wasn't sure whether take it as a slight attack or not. But don't worry about it. All is forgiven. (Now if want to call me a ... whatever that dreaded name from Elf was, then I'd take offense. :))


The logo looks fantastic, I wouldn't know how to animate this, but if I come up with something I will tell you. Good work!


@John: They wouldn't have any public school trips in this country, but I am sure they could have Christian School or Sunday School. It is an interesting idea, but I better stick to just commenting on the 3d stuff, that's all i'm qualified to speak on! ;)


Good work. :)


Well, after reading what's available on the nets and your description, I can say that the place certainly looks interesting. I may even visit sometime to heighten my own scientific training sometime if it proves to be of sufficient quality. Sounds like a neat place for the U of Kentucky (if they have a good biology program) to send some students to sharpen their mettles as well.


Maybe I'll have to see about the commentary on ICR's similar project in California and see if I can dig up any good stuff from talk origins for a Rant.


To be honest with you, it's really, really hard to not be queasy when I see projects like this.

D.Joseph, that last post got me thinking... this is going to be a 'real' museum. How is all this funded? Will school trips be taken around this place?


The $25 million project is funded entirely by donations. AiG has a superb museum team that has researched nearly every notable museum in the world and have discovered hundreds of ways to cut costs by incredible amounts. That and many companies are donating materials or providing them at-cost to seriously reduce AiG's expenses. For example, I heard that all of the RJ-45 networking cable for AiG's new corporate offices was donated, saving more than $25,000.


Once the museum opens, they will probably charge admission, just like all other museums. But lifetime charter members apparently get unlimited lifetime admission.


School trips? In the wise words of Jess, "Not in this country" (unless USA legislators determine that offering alternative views is not violating "separation of church and state" and allow the children to make their own decisions, but again, refer to Jess's wisdom). But I'm sure that some private schools will tour.

...allow the children to make their own decisions...


i must have missed that verse in my studies.




i'm not ranting.. yet. should we create a companion thread so i can excercise my free will? ' ' )


more to the original point, i'd make the swoosh partially transparent... less physical, but that would affect the final still.


also, as it's currently lit, the earth doesn't hold it's weight as the letter 'O'. it should at least be brighter. (i see that's not a new obervation)




D Josepth - I have always been partial to making swooshes and other such features 'kinetic' - meaning that it fades from the beginning to the end. But it does sometimes look amateurish when I do it, so use this advice with caution.


BTW - Companion thread is open in Rants. And John, yes, that article on the "Tsinami" is indeed quite sick.

Here is AiG's former animation of the former Creation Museum logo. I may have the pixel aspect ratio wrong, but at least you can see the animation. Yes, the logo looks terrible without a bevel.

I actually like the persons suggestion about the finger wiping Earth into existance. Another might be to show the creation of Earth(or the 6 days worth of creation), zoom out and fade in the words Creation Museum.


I think sevenar had a good idea with the whole "let there be light" idea. Draw some ideas from the genesis passages, plenty of intersting ideas there that would be very cool to see as animation.

I actually like the persons suggestion about the finger wiping Earth into existance. Another might be to show the creation of Earth(or the 6 days worth of creation), zoom out and fade in the words Creation Museum.


You mean like the dividing of firmament from the earth? Could be a pretty good vision.


Ti moute's idea a couple of posts up sounds interesting. I do not know how much time or detail you could put into the 6 + 1 days but it would look really nice.



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