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I'm working on my first model of a human figure, that kind of thing. But I've run across a problem. Could anyone help me? Here's the problem: when I copy flip attatch the half of my face that I've got, it comes out with missing splines, patches, and cp's that make it look normal. Here are some pictures. Maybe you could help me based on those?

CAPTION: half of face.

2nd Caption below: After copy flip attatch.


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Based on what you said and seeing as I had the same problem with my alligator character usually that just happens. I don't know why but it does. What you can try is two things and this is just my way of getting around it. There are probably more advanced ways to by more advanced users but seeing as im not advanced and I want to help you out I'll give it my best shot :rolleyes: . Ok the first thing you can try is to undo the first copy/flip/attach and try it again. Try it 2 or 3 times before you try the 2nd thing. If that doesn't work well you're going to have to connect and add whatever is missing. Now the 2nd thing you can do is duplicate the 1 side of the head and rotate as nessecary then move the copy of the head close to the original and align it correctly. Then you can connect the splines and continue the flow of the splines. I used the 2nd method for my alligator character and the picture attached is the results I got. I used the 2nd method because I found alot of problems with copy/flip/attach. The problems where the ones that you spoke about. I hope this helps you out Vash! Good luck on the character.


Paul :)



Thanks Paul. By the way how's your "alligator" going. I've been working hard on this model but it doesn't look how I imagined it would.

I just fused the head. Here's a rendered image: sorry for the bad Gif format. but it takes up less space.





The alligator character is coming out pretty good. Im going to not do a film with him since I want to move on to bigger and better things and plus he wasn't designed so great for the joint movement since I already tested his joints out. I did add a simple rig system to get him to animate but not going to go through with it since I want to make something better. But all in all I have a plan to make him sitting in the dark, smiling and thats basically it maybe a nice color or something but just to use what I made. I see your falcon model and see that it worked out except for one problem. You got a bunch of creases. I suggest you send a email to darklimit asking him to teach you how to get rid of them <_< . No don't! Inside joke since dark is the one who taught me how to continue through splines in there flow so that I don't get any creases. I spent a few days bothering him about it too :P . But anyway what you got to do is get rid of those creases! Unless thats part of the design lol. But just make the splines continue in the flow not make the splines become 6-way intersections heh :). Great luck on the model Vash!


P.s>> I attached an image of the alligator in a facial pose that I did for him. He's sorta smiling lol.


Paul ;)



I've been working on my model and I again ran across a problem. But this problem was created partly on my part. After extruding my leg, I switched to side view and noticed something. half of my leg receeded behind the rest of the model. It's stuck sort of like that, and I was wondering if there was a way I could group this ring with out grouping the one outside/sort of above it. This time the picture is in JPEG format. I was also wondering if I should Give him 2 talons or 3 talons?


PS: is there a way I can attatch an image without making it a thumbnail?





Yes you can group the ring by clicking on one point on the ring and then pushing the comma key. It should then select the entire ring that you want. Yea you can attach the image without doing a thumbnail simply by uploading your image to the internet then redirecting that image to your post. When you reply to a post there is a button that says IMG. Use that to find the link to your image. If you want free webspace to upload images I use www.photobucket.com since they are really good but only can post images under 250k and its unlimited as far as I know.




Yes, the creases are part of this model. Since it increases rendering time to add material, this is the other most natural way to get this "ruffled feather" look. My body has come along, and when I get the arm here it will be complete except for a quick copy/flip/attatch. The rig hasn't started, and I think it's not to close to complete. But it's coming along. Here's a new update on my model:



I messed up again. I need to know how to seperate a ring fused to another ring. or 2 or more cp's attatched together. I accidentally fused the hand on the wrong side and now I need to break it. A picture might help. The grouped ring is the ring which needs to be broken.



Well Vash you can always select the points that you didn't connect right and choose detach point. Or you can select the points and choose break or "K" for the keyboard shortcut "break". Hope this helps. Hit me up on aim if you got it.


AIm name- paul210m



If you want to detatch the hand...? I think that's what you want. I would grap all the CPs fromthe wrist and hand. Copy (ctrl+C) and then Paste (ctrl+V) to get a second copy of the hand. I would then go back to the attatched hand and select all the CPs for the hand, but not the wrist CPs, and delete the hand. Any left over splines attached to the wrist area can be gotten rid of by grabbing them and hitting "K" to get rid of it.


Hope that helps.


Yes! :) I beat the clock! In just under four days, I finished this slightly bad quality model! Thanks Paul for your support. I'll still do some tweaking but I think it's about finished. Of course I'll add a skeleton rig. Can you believe I've had AM for a year, and this is the best I can do? :( Anyway, for reasons unsaid, I'll be slower at tweaking and adding a rig than at the recent modeling I've done. Thanks again Paul! Here are some attatched images for any who care:

One other thing, could you help me on where to start on building a human model.



Well Vash, If you havn't yet check out Colin Freeman's website at http://www.colins-loft.net/tutorials.html


Those may be too advanced for you right now but dont let those words put your amazing talent down. Try it with all your heart and you can do it. Just might not be perfect at first but thats ok. If you find those too hard though just try drawing a character from your head and then modelling it. Also learn about what causes creasing and what dosn't.


Paul :rolleyes:




I said amazing talent because in us all whether we where born with the hand for 3d or not. We all have the ability to be the absolute BEST! We all have amazing talent within us. We just have to let it out and believe that we do.


It ended pretty well! But for future models, I suggestion a couple of things:


*use rotoscopes (draw front/side view by hand, scan and import into A:M)


*It seems the body isn't very smooth, so I suggest that you use the extrude tool from the neck or delete some spline rings (same goes for face)


*that's it

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