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  1. I'm sorry for the delay getting this posted. My work has been out of control. We have a list of systems that need to be replace and very time when think we get ahead. Another systems needs to be replaced. Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.5 SDK Change Log: Fixed 0007278: Files above 2 GB not correct read Fixed 0007277: ImageIO HDR fails on some supportet files Fixed 0007276: Crash , when obj Files with decals importet Fixed 0007275: RenderServer crashes without notice on this project Fixed 0007267: Feature: node cloner for materials New entrie in the menu for materials "Clone Material" creates a new material with the same attributes New entries in the menu for material attributes "Clone Attribute" creates a new attribute with the same settings "Copy Attribute" copies the settings from this attribute (including childs) into a buffer "Paste Attribute" paste the settings wich are copied before into the now selected attribute the last 2 actions working also between different materials and different projects Fixed 0007272: Dragging Pose causes crash Fixed 0007271: Deleteing unwanted Hair Guides leads to crash Fixed 0007264: Duplicator Wizard causes crash Fixed 0007274: In v19.5c, cannot render an EXR file without a crash Fixed 0007268: Crash during Radiosity render Fixed 0007273: on Path in Chor causes crash
  2. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.5 SDK Change Log: Fixed 0007218: Gradient Materials not rendered with gradient Fixed 0007244: Bone positions corrupted on save and reload Changed: minidump files may have be greater, in this case please zip the dmp file before attaching to the bug report (command "zip -j9 dmp.zip *.dmp"shrinks the file up to 90%) Fixed 0007243: saving a project with relationships can corrupt projectfile Fixed 0007242: external modified decals not reloaded before final render Fixed 0007240: Constraints lost on close of Relationshipwindow close Fixed 0007238: PNG plugin bugs Fixed 0007237: Constrain cp motions during modelling rotations not working Fixed 0007234: Freeze after cancel load of missing asset Fixed 0007236: Freeze on missing asset Aslo bug 0007241 Fixed 0007232: Hair properties include several Toon Bias selections Fixed 0007235: Combiner not combining Updated For Security Reasons: External Libraries libpng bump to version 1.6.41 zlib bump to version 1.3 ziparchive bump to version 4.6.9 openexr bump to version 3.2 imath bump to version 3.2 jpeglib bump to version 0.9f
  3. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: 0007231: [Materials] Some Enhance plugins not working 0007219: [Particle Systems] Particle Baking and parameter keyframes los on reload of PRJ 0007206: [Particle Systems] Particle parameter keyframes ignored after PRJ save and reload lost on 0007228: [Interface] PWS activity causes crash 0007230: [Materials] Crash and Freezes while making Materials 0007229: [Materials] Creating a material causes program to lock up 0007212: [_Other] Freeze on cancel of missing asset. 0007223: [Dynamics] on Spring Mass causes crash 0007226: [Bones/Rigging] Attached constraints not deleted, if a bone is deleted 0007227: [_Other] Crash on delete of Prop
  4. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate 0007210: [Net Render] NetRender Crashes during startup (sgross) 0007216: [Interface] Clicking outside of Chor locks out Manipulators (sgross) 0007222: [Bones/Rigging] Deleting bone causes crash (sgross) 0007225: [_Other] Crash on v19 model load (sgross) 0007217: [_Other] Crash on load of old model (sgross) 0007214: [Interface] Accent color of Windows does not change window color of tiled windows in A:M (sgross) 0007213: [Particle Systems] Hair width over length is somehow repeated several times (sgross) 0007208: [Hair] Crash on reset of Hair Parameter (sgross) 0007137: [Dynamics] Dynamic Constraints broken (sgross) 0007203: [Net Render] NetRender nodes close with format error (sgross) 0007200: [Interface] NetRender interface spelling correction (sgross) 0007194: [Net Render] Actions render incorrectly in NetRender (sgross) 0007196: [Modeling] Crash on Copy of Groups (sgross) 0007195: [_Other] Crash after edit of Expression (sgross) 0007189: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on delete of multiple bones (sgross) 0007186: [Bones/Rigging] Path Constraint target list crash (sgross) 0007185: [Bones/Rigging] Bone name trouble (sgross) 0007184: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on Bone Drag (sgross) 0007162: [Rendering] Surface transparency causing Hair transparency (sgross) 0007188: [Sounds] Playing any audio in A:M sets system volume to zero (sgross) 0007175: [Plugins] Mirror Constraints not working? (sgross) 0007180: [_Other] Crash during Backup? (sgross) 0007181: [_Other] Crash on Revert (sgross) 0007179: [_Other] Crash while renaming Pose (sgross) 0007177: [Decaling] Crash while examining decals (sgross) 0007178: [_Other] Crash on PRJ close (sgross) 0007176: [Modeling] CopyFlipAttach adds unnecessary dot suffix to new names (sgross) 0007174: [_Other] Crash loading PRJ (sgross) 0007173: [Realtime] OpenGL3 Hair with textures drawn not correct (sgross) 0007172: [General] False rounding for float/double values (sgross) 0007171: [Realtime] OpenGL crash, if a scaled copy for the realtime texture needed (MipMap) (sgross) 0007166: [Sounds] Sound stops before end of play (sgross) 0007157: [Rendering] SSAO not working (sgross) 0007165: [Composite/Post Effects] Feature: allow Blur greater than 15 (sgross) 0007160: [Realtime] Fluid particle false shaded render after load (sgross) 0007159: [Rendering] Crash on render (sgross) 0007129: [_Other] v18 D Box PRJ no longer works (sgross) 0007155: [Rendering] Fluid Particles render as Camera Background color only (sgross) 0007154: [Particle Systems] Blobbies don't die, don't resize (sgross) 0007152: [Particle Systems] Can't Bake Blobbies? (sgross) 0007153: [_Other] Default Resolution in Camera settings: Change from VGA to HDTV - 720p... (sgross) 0007146: [Lighting] Use Front Realtime Light reverts to OFF after onscreen render (sgross) 0007142: [_Other] Reverting property in Chor doesn't * project (sgross) 0007147: [Materials] PRJ saves forces unwanted keys in Material instances (sgross) 0007148: [Rendering] Custom Frame list renders only first frame multiple times (sgross) 0007143: [Plugins] Simcloth doesn't simulate (sgross) 0007145: [Net Render] NetRender Memory Allocation Error (sgross) 0007144: [Images/Animations/Rotoscopes] EXR missing from allowed image import types (sgross) 0007139: [Rendering] Shaded/Wire Renders don't show "Show Grid" or Rotoscopes (sgross) 0007138: [Rendering] renders use CPU SSAO instead of GPU SSAO (sgross) 0007140: [Animation] Euler/Vector/Quat default selection not retained (sgross) 0007134: [Net Render] NetRender nodes get stuck on "Loading Frame" (sgross) 0007121: [Materials] Increase the viewport size of a material? (sgross) 0007151: [Particle Systems] Crash on change of Attribute to Combiner (sgross)
  5. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Mac OS X 10.13.6 or earlier: Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Fixed All 7081 PNG transparency not working Fixed All 7074 Chain of bones scales erratically Fixed All 7077 Bone color not displayed only OpenGL affected, not OpenGL3 (recommended to use this driver) Fixed All 7057 Crash during A:M Backup it should have now a better error message for this (both as messagebox and in the logfile), let me know if the crash still occur. Fixed All 7073 OBJ export or Prop import not working 5 point / hook export fixed Repeated decal export not fixable, due obj file format doesn't know anything about repeatable decals Fixed All 7075 5 point patches render with gaps Fixed All 6976 crash on Paste Mirror on a Pose Fixed All 7072 Progressive renders are blank Fixed All 7070 Shift-cursor key doesn't move rotoscope. Shift + Cursor moves now the rotoscope/bitmap 10 pixel Ctrl + Cursor scales around center Fixed All 7071 CFA creates unnecessary copies of Materials Fixed All 7062 Copying patches dosen't copy decals on patches Fixed All 7060 Copying a patch (only 1) with a decal does not copy the decal Fixed All 7054 Decal exporting A new menu entry for single stamps / a opened stamp view is added. "Render Stamp to File" This renders the actual stampview to file with a user defined resolution. If You start from the stamp entry in the PWS and the stampview isn't open, a new stamp view is opened. In the dialog , which opend after hit the menu entry, You can change the Path and Filename (the button on the right side) fileformat is selected trough the filename extension (supported OpenEXR, TGA, PNG and PSD) the "Width" and "Height" for the newly created file limited to 16384 x 16384 for Win64 version, 8192 x 8192 for the others the limitation is the result size, means a resolution from 32768 x 8192 is also possible. Warning: On the highest resolution around 14 Gigabyte is needed at the creation process. The width and height are always changed to a even size. (1025 becomes 1028 , always modulo 2) "Save layered" If this checkbox is checked, two layers are created, one for the decal self and one for the splines. For all formats ,excluding OpenEXR, in this case two files are created with the naming scheme "Filename"_Decal".Extension" and "Filename"_Splines".Extension" OpenExr is saved as one file with two layers. "Render with CP's" rendering also the CP's on the spline layer Fixed All 7061 Snap Group to Surface snaps to wrong surface. Fixed All 7068 Rename Bone renames wrong bone Fixed All 7066 Crash on Radiosity render Fixed All 7052 Environment Map materials not working Fixed All 7059 Tooltips only show for keyboard-shortcutted buttons Fixed All 7058 Progressive Render of shag crashes
  6. I do not have time to do my right up this time. GoDaddy forced a email move and It's making things crazy right now. My real email may have lost all of it's folders and everyne has to what looks like re-download all emails on their work clients.. But I'm working through it now. Do here is the plan text versions of the update/Changes I will try to edit this weekend to make it look better. But the way this week is going I may just go jump off a cliff, so I can get some time off hahaha!! Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Mac OS X 10.13.6 or earlier: Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: - fixed all 0007055: Action stops working if window is closed - fixed all 0007056: Library icons not displaying - fixed windows multiline tooltips are back - new all 0007051: Feature: ALT causes bias handle to aim at next CP [see demo video in post below] ALT changes aims the bias to the next cp on the spline in direction of the handle side, SHIFT+ALT leaves the bias handle on the other side unchanged - fixed all 0007050: Can't create five-point patches - fixed all 0007049: Renderslave crash , when rendering is finished - fixed all in workbook mode, the icons on the tabs are back ... - new all 0007047: Hair grooming mode / guides without showing particles? A new button "Disable Particlesystem update" is available under Tools->Customize->Commands->Categories:Tools [see demo video in post below] add this to Your grooming bar. The other way to enable this button is Help->Reset Toolbars If this button is checked, the particlesystem is not updated while You'r modifying the hairguides. Be sure that only the window , where You modify the guides, is visible (no tiled or cascaded view mode), otherwise the other views are updated. Implemented for Edit, FK, Brush and Lengthen Mode. - fixed all 0007048: Hooks don't work on small sizes
  7. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Mac OS X 10.13.6 or earlier: Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Fixed All: 7025 Re-arranging bone heirarchy causes constraints to not get made Fixed All: 7023 Adding IK constraint creates motion with incorrect offsets Fixed All: 7022 Interrupt drawing broken Fixed All: 7024 Multi-pass anti-aliasing broken Fixed All: If a renderpreset was loaded ,the projectcamera was not flagged as modified Added All: 6997 Feature: minimum size for translate mainpulator? The translate and the scale manipulator now scaled up, if the size is to small AND the "World Space" button is set to ON. Fixed All: 7021 Fluidsystem broken Fixed All: 7020 Real-time fluid particle display much slower than before. Fixed All: 7018 Cast Occlusion OFF doesn't work. Fixed All: 7019 Problem with Direct X-Exporter Fixed All: 7015 Only one sprite system can show in real time Fixed All: Deleting a bone, which is a boolean cutter isn't recognized, means the model is anyway flagged as boolean Changed All: Properties "Boolean Cutter" and "Prevent assigning cp's" are not longer visible in a model instance they can only be changed in the model cache Fixed All: 6979 PWS adds un-needed labels to User Properties folders. Fixed All: 7014 Cp instance empty additional driver for bias, project marked always as modified. Fixed All: 7013 Particle sprites flipped in Progressive Render Thank you. @yoda64Sorry I was so delayed getting this up!
  8. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Mac OS X 10.13.6 or earlier: Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Changed All Particlesystem Streak and Blobbie there is a new Boolproperty "Color change over lifetime" , this controls how the color is changed as default the color is changed over the lifetime from each particle, if it set to "Off" the color change is done for all particles equal Fixed All 7011 Particle systems should only display modifyable properties Fixed All import plugins if peaktolerance is set to 0 , all cp's are peaked ,usefull for importing mechanical models if peaktolerance is set to 360 , all cp's are smooth New All obj import plugin dialog changed added option for displaying the info messagebox (default the messagebox is displayed)added option for open a frontview for the imported model after the plugin has finished Fixed All 7010 Selecting a spline by "Spline select" with Mirror Mode on and hiding everything else results in a different selection Fixed All 7012 Crash , when loading a obj file created from blender Fixed All 6827 Changing Decal parameter turns all light off Fixed All 7008 Crash when activation pose slide (on/off) in Action Fixed All 7006 Editing Toon Gradient causes freeze Fixed All 7009 Crash when rotation STL-Prop in Chor Internal Dumpfile for unhandled exceptions has now a new naming scheme "ApplicationName_DayMonthYear_HourMinuteSecond.dmp" Dumpfiles deleted , when the Master / Master_64 starts Dumpfiles now enabled in release builds and netrender Posteffect Frameburn changed added PercentProperty "Opacity" -> control the text opacity Default : 75% (as before) Min Value : 1% Max Value : 100% added BoolProperty "Display name" -> display the filename Default : True (as before) if it set to False, only the framenumber is burned the default font is now "MS Sans Serif" Windows only added BoolProperty "With shadows" -> display the text with shadows Default : True (as before) if it set to False, only a white text is displayed (better readable in my opinion) Changed All Stampview , "Plugin properties" not longer displayed , makes no sense in this context (if You have one let me know and I revert this change) Changed All for groups in a choreography fixed a crash , when a object in a named group was deleted from the chor removed properties, which makes no sense in this context added the possibility to add other objects to the named chor group(select the chor group -> than Shift + LMB Selection objects can be deleted with a Dialog (RMB -> "Remove From Groups...") popup menu only displayed menu items , which make sense for this type of group
  9. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Mac OS X 10.13.6 or earlier: Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Fixed Windows 6982 Click in PWS causes crash Fixed Windows 6981 upon loading v19.0g and higher get an error on Enhance:AM .atx and .trb files
  10. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Fixed All: 0006942 Audio in Chor doesn't play Fixed All: 0006941 Crash on Decal scaling New All: for chor new entry in the menu -> "Bake and Remove Bullet Constraints" bake simulation data and remove than the Bullet Constraints from the models If the Shift key is hold while clicking this entry, a simulation run is first done for all Bullet Constraints New All: for objects new entry in the menu -> "Reset Main Bone", set the main model bone back to the default values (helpfull for simulation with bullet constraint, if the main bone not at default , unexpected behavior can occur) Fixed All: 0006934 Bullet "Bounce" parameter has no effect Fixed All: 0006938 Bullet simulates with strange results Fixed All: 0006820 Specular highlights not working on transparent surface. Fixed All: 0006931 Magnet Mode distance handles disappear Fixed All: 0006935 Rotoscope disappears if resized Fixed All: 0006933 32 bit version crashes Fixed All: 0006928 AI-Wizard crashes A:M Fixed All: 0006932 Explode/Rebuild doesn't work Fixed All: 0006937 Crash on adding Null Fixed All: 0006936 Crash on Save Fixed All: 0006895 Depth of field doesn't work Fixed All: 006894 Scale keys lost after save Fixed All: 0006914 NetRender: Corrupted surface on first frames Fixed All: 0006927 Final render darker than previous versions Fixed All: 0006926 Decal Image name lost after adding non-loca material. Fixed All: 006921 Crash on dragging Groups in PWS Fixed All: 0006919 Crash after selecting CPs Fixed All: 0006912 Netrender: Can't expand "Time" Column Fixed All: 0006913 NetRender: Disabled slave Prgress precent freezes Fixed All: 0006925 endless loop for complex undoing operations Fixed All: 0006920 Pose slider made by Push_CPs doesn't work Fixed All: 0006855 Soft shadows not soft Fixed All: 0006917 Reordering Groups after making keyframes in Chor causes crash 11 Fixed All: 0006922 Substeps for frame render is always 0:0... Fixed All: 0006811 incorrect real-time and progressive renders on particle image sequences New All It's now possible to show in which group a cp is in.For existing installations the button needs to be add manually. Add the button Tools->Customize->Commands->Manipulator -> "Show Groups, where the CP is included" to the toolbar, or "Reset Toolbars" For new installations it's default in the manipulator toolbar. Works only for single selected cp's. OSX latest supported version is OSX 10.13.6, because my mac can't be updated to a newer OSX version
  11. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Breaking Change: sdk changed, external plugins must be recompiled Fixed All: 0006908: Layer are not visible in chor rendering with Render Lock Mode (green button) Fixed All: 0006899: View Undo, View Redo shortcuts not editable Fixed All: 0006906: Reordering Null in heirarchy causes crash Fixed All: 0006907: Adding one model to another model causes crash Fixed All: 0006904: Cloth object doublesizes and misses deflector objects Fixed All: 0006902: AppHang on Render Fixed All: 0006901: Five pointers and splines disappear Fixed All: 0006903: Duplicator wizard doesn't work. Fixed All: 0006900: Can't Undo after Lathe. Screen redraw stops working. Fixed All: 0006898: UV-Editor does not show any wireframes/CPs of mapped objects... Fixed All: 0006896: Distrotion box in Action causes crash Fixed All: 0006893: Multiple Models on Path not on path and wrong multiple For the second problem (does not insert choosen number of models) a new checkbox "Allow overlapping" is added , then the choosen number is always imported , otherwise a overlapping bbox check is done and this can reduce the number of imported models. Fixed All: 0006887: Pose Sliders do not show current value of Pose Fixed All: 0006888: Image sequence "Frame" settings are ignored Fixed All: 0006890: booleans broken in final render
  12. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log Fixed All - 6852: Rendercrash when Toon render > Override Shading > Toon with Falloff has a custom gradient attached to it... Fixed All - 6850: Lower corner text wrong Fixed All - 6843: Bullet simulation doesn't move when moving bones Fixed All - 6828: Choreography Properties Channel type not correctly shown Fixed All - 6831: Diffuse maps not working Fixed All - 6839: Am slows to a crawl occurs on models with very high patch count Fixed All Decal->Stamps->"Recall View/Position" works now correct I have had v19.0e for a few weeks I just did not get the chance to post it. Keeping up on email with me work load is still a bit hard but I have been better at email. Now I just need to get better at releases.
  13. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log New: Interface: Save before Render: saves the project, if it is modified, after hit "OK" in the "Render to File Settings" Dialog can be controlled with the "Save upon Render" checkbox at Tools/Options/Rendering , Default is ON Physic: Bullet Integration into A:M added Bullet Constraint for physic simulation with the bullet physics engine Alpha Documentation Modelling: Scale to X=0 option Before we do a Copy-Flip-Attach it is good practice to select all the CPs we presume to be on the center Y axis, go to their properties, set their pivot point to X=0, then scale them to 0% in the X axis. It would be a convenience if we could select the CPs and then just >"Scale to X=0" to accomplish this frequent task in one step. Interface: Clear Undostack (menu Edit) removes all entries from undo/redo , has also a button Modelling: Fix Internal Patches "Remove internal patches" Tries to break internal patches , detach cp's from detected internal patchesand create a named group with this cp's. for 3 and 5 point patches it works only partially depends on the spline layout Interface: Reset Toolbars (menu Help) Reset all toolbars to their default layout Particlesystem: Hair support for Turbulence on forces Interface Rendersettings [bug]6782[/bug] Render UX 000: Maximize Render Dialog Window [bug]6783[/bug] Render UX 001: Add Render Option to File Menu [bug]6784[/bug] Render UX 002: Allow Render Setting Open/Collapse State to Persist works only in "Advanced mode" Two new buttons here too, "Expand All" and "Collapse All", expand/collapse all possible properties Plugins: [bug]6759[/bug] Feature: update .ai importer to accept other vector formats added a plugin for importing the SVG format Plugin to add bullet constraints to multiple models in a chorRMB on choreographie -> "Add Bullet Constraints to multiple models" Interface View: [bug]6720[/bug] Feature suggestion: Birdseye View Queue undoing/redoing for view position have now a seperate undostack has their own buttons and shortcuts shortcut for view undo Shift+Alt+Z shortcut for view redo Shift+Alt+Y If You don't make a new install or "Reset Toolbars" You must manually add the buttons from Tools->Customize->Commands->Standard Choreographie [bug]6779[/bug] Feature: Right Click/Duplicate Menu entry "Duplicate" for objects in a chor If the Shift key is hold down , while clicking "Duplicate" keys from the source object are not copied. Interface Timeline Constdrivers displaying now their values in the timeline Interface CPweight dialog [bug]6772[/bug] Feature Request: Weight Menu Undo the weight dialog has now a "Cancel" button , which reverts the changes done in the dialog to the state before the dialog was started. Weighting has now also a general Undo/Redo , if the dialog is exited with the "Done" button. Interface Modelling [bug]6773[/bug] Bias Handler Snap to Grid New button for this , Tools->Customize->Commands->Manipulator default key Shift+2 act's like "Snap to Grid" Existing installations needs to add this button manually to the toolbar or "Reset Toolsbars" additional: new menu entry for the menu, if a group of cp's is select "Snap Bias To Grid", snaps the in and outbias for the slected cp's to the nearest grid interval Interface Modelling [bug]6771[/bug] deleting all "Relationships" new menu entry for models "Remove User Properties" , delete all user properties and relationships for this model avaible only for modelcache, not for instances Warning : This action is not undoable Interface Modelling new menu entry for models "Remove unused drivers" , delete all drivers without a key avaible only for modelcache, not for instances Interface Rendersettings [bug]6744[/bug] Feature: Save before Render saves the project, if it is modified, after hit "OK" in the "Render to File Settings" Dialog can be controlled with the "Save upon Render" checkbox at Tools/Options/Rendering , Default is ON Changed: Plugin: Brick it's now possible to add Bullet Constraints for the instanced model z position can be set models can be imported in userfolders save/restore settings documentation Plugin: Simple_Scatter it's now possible to add Bullet Constraints for the instanced model models are now imported into userfolder documentation SDK added Bullet Constraint (HConstra.h) added Userfolder for chor (hhashobj.h HHashObject::InsertUserFolder) (sample how to use both at HXT/Brick) added OpenView for HChor [bug]6687[/bug] SDK missing method for joining splines? (HModel.h BOOL JoinSpline( HCP *cp1, HCP *cp2)) GetObject() is changed to GetHObject due a nameclash with wingdi.h [bug]6689[/bug] No API method for CP detaching (HModel.h void DetachCP( HCP *cp1)) added GetPlayRange and SetPlayRange for HChor, HAction and HActionCache example: BOOL CTestPluginApp::OnChor(HChor *chor) { TimeRange tt = chor->GetPlayRange(); tt.m_end.StepFramesBack(5, GetHProject()->GetFPS()); chor->SetPlayRange(tt); return TRUE; } Help AMAindex.txt rebuild ("Display help for current property") Particlesystem: Hair Forces need not longer high magnitudes to affect hair dynamics groom mode selected guidecp's now drawn with the selected cp color added possibility to select more than one hairguide for operations except the "Brush Mode" operation two new buttons "Select Hairguides" if You press this button you are now in the selection mode, and can select more than one Hairguide Limitation, it's only possible to select one HairguideCP, for the other selected Hairguides the HairguideCP from the first selected Hairguide is used "Deselect Hairguides" deselect all selected Hairguides Distortion Action Objects [bug]6686[/bug] Distortion Action Objects Resolution limited to 10 Has now the same resolution as the modeling window (maximum 1000), and use as initial value now the same settings as for the distortion in the modelling window Bake Surface [bug]6732[/bug] larger border for Baked Surfaces Plugin: Ai import AI import can be find now under "Plugins->Import" (before at "Plugins->Wizards") Interface [bug]6777[/bug] Increase size of Info Properties Description and Notes Fixed [bug]6755[/bug] computation error for normals [bug]6748[/bug] Space Marines project renders differently than original (tweaked darksimbiont materials) [bug]6749[/bug] Flocking birds does not render correctly in Render Lock Mode [bug]6737[/bug] Animated Material loses animation in saved file Particlesystem: Hair Hair dynamics are not updated, if project fps was set to 25 undo/redo now working as expected when some patches hidden , not all hairguides for the visible patches are drawn Distortion Action object changing the resolution for the distort action object after the target is applied works now as expected (distortion box is updated properly) bug fixed , when the Target is set back to the default value (default values for the distortion box was not restored) All Particlesystems redraw error for all Particlesystems fixed , if the model or group is translated,rotated or scaled [bug]6740[/bug] A:M crashes if try to render to file with multipass after reset Decal crash, when a decal has two (or more) images with maptype "Other..." ,the driven properties are the same and one should be deleted [bug]6739[/bug] Hair renders white in netrender Choreographie If a model is scaled and a constraint with transform properties added,scaling is incorrectly chor translate mode broken [bug]6733[/bug] 5-Pointers seem to have a different behaviour for hair particles... [bug]6728[/bug] Bullet Rolling Friction > 1.0 suddenly halts object [bug]6727[/bug] Three-point patches render texture incorrectly [bug]6718[/bug] Mirror Bone not mirroring CP weights correctly [bug]6730[/bug] loading old file causes crash [bug]6729[/bug] Adding CP causes crash [bug]6717[/bug] Slow Paste when DSTS material present [bug]6722[/bug] Smooth Plugin causes crash [bug]6724[/bug] plus key not always working for frame change [bug]6721[/bug] Props view inside-out in shaded-wireframe Note: Normals can be displayed now for Props too [bug]6716[/bug] CP at Bone origin is ignored by Compute Bone weights. [bug]6725[/bug] Using Sweeper on this model brings A:M to a crash [bug]6713[/bug] Changing CPs from Peaked to Smooth doesn't "dirty" PRJ [bug]6714[/bug] PRJ is already "dirty" when loaded [bug]6715[/bug] Can't adjust bias of CPs next to Hooks [bug]6704[/bug] Rotate Manipulator doesn't work on D-box in Action [bug]6712[/bug] Altering hair doesn't add asterisk to PRJ [bug]6711[/bug] Undo not working in Hair Grooming mode [bug]6707[/bug] NetRender ignores Camera Fog Keyframes [bug]6706[/bug] Crash after moving mouse between windows [bug]6703[/bug] Crash after importing Rotoscope... [bug]6710[/bug] "recall view/position" never works the first time. [bug]6708[/bug] STL export doesn't include displacement [bug]6694[/bug] Dragging Groups causes crash [bug]6680[/bug] Crash after dragging Groups [bug]6693[/bug] Dragging Bones causes crash [bug]6679[/bug] ALT for Free Rotate not working on axis [bug]6563[/bug] Add with Shift-Key pressed does not add a new non-continuies spline [bug]6695[/bug] Undo after extrude causes crash [bug]6700[/bug] On-screen renders very slow Bullet if no cp/patch is assigned to a Bone with bullet constraint , crash occured joints hasn't worked correct new behavior, if the constraint is added to a model, which is created from the "Explode Rebuildmodel" plugin. In such a case , bullet constraints are added to each "Explode_" bone with a breaking value off 1, constraint's between the pieces from the model automatic generated most of other settings not avaible in this case see the Fracture example [bug]6691[/bug] Extruder plugin causes crash Force - Type "Cone" falloff not handled correct Type "Cylinder" false result for Kind "Fan" fixed Type "Box" fixed real time view for "Width Softness" [bug]6685[/bug] Decal placement tools do not work correctly in Camera view [bug]6631[/bug] Depth sorting problems in choreography [bug]6643[/bug] Bias-Handler not showing (the line of the bias handlers not visible) Rendering: material on 3 point patches now correct calculated (in some cases a division by zero has occured) [bug]6511[/bug] Menu incomplete with Patch Group Tool [bug]6540[/bug] copy loose decaling on 5 point patch [bug]6645[/bug] Patches render inside-out in shaded mode [bug]6505[/bug] Layers drawn in front Realtime: crash ,when Draw Normals is on, and a other project is loaded , where the shaded mode for a model was not set[/u] [bug]6647[/bug] Grid only shows when an object is selected Interface: deleting RigidBody constraint from popup menu not possible "Constraint to Path" position updated after select a Pathmodel or Spline from combobox or cursorpicker Modelling Chor creating Pathmodel in chor is back now [bug]6657[/bug] Rendering to file: No file saved... [bug]6661[/bug] Screen stops updating after using CTRL-Z [bug]6662[/bug] After closing PRJ and starting New PRJ, crash on drawing new spline. ModellingCrash, when deleting a bunch of cp's and splines, and heavy use of Undo/Redo [bug]6663[/bug] After Deleting a spline, Undo does not restore it. [bug]6664[/bug] Crash upon drawing spline in new PRJ [bug]6666[/bug] Crash after multiple Undos [bug]6667[/bug] Tutorials Splash screen missing background image. [bug]6668[/bug] Axis handles for Scale mode not drawn properly [bug]6660[/bug] Play range do not stick when saving and loading a scene/project [bug]6670[/bug] Patches not completely drawn in in real-time view [bug]6671[/bug] Distortion Box CPs disappear [bug]6672[/bug] Undo doesn't work in Distortion Mode [bug]6673[/bug] Lens flare errors in Net Render [bug]6571[/bug] Net Render slaves cannot load camera from Technocrane [bug]6674[/bug] Prop not visible after Turn [bug]6675[/bug] rop textures not displayed correctly Note: For decaltype "Color" the alpha channel is not used in final render, if You need this, change the decaltype in the chor to "CookieCut" (the obj file format doesn't know such a type) in contrast the realtime render use the alpha channel , even the decaltype is "Color", but I will not change this behavior due heavy sideeffects Decal crash , when the decaltype for a prop decal is changed to Bump or Displacement Decal Combobox for decaltypes displaying now only the usable decal types for props Decal Bump and Displacement maps for Props now working properly Modelling false menu displayed , when selecting cp's with holding the Shift or Ctrl key and no group was selected before [bug]6791[/bug] Crash when doing Move or Zoom [bug]6787[/bug] Much longer rendertime compared to previous version,if reflectivity is != 0 [bug]6786[/bug] Changing preroll from one particle system affects all other too [bug]6781[/bug] No reflections below reflectivity values of 0.501 [bug]6780[/bug] The Modeling Grid turns itself off [bug]6774[/bug] Crash upon Rendering (Texture Size) [bug]6775[/bug] After fresh install, mfc140.dll not found [bug]6776[/bug] Copy/Paste crash [bug]6770[/bug] flockfx model not saved [bug]6741[/bug] shag hair problem rendering [bug]6769[/bug] Channels not displayed properly with N or R [bug]6766[/bug] Unable to correctly select render quality in Net Render [bug]6760[/bug] Snapshot doesn't remember last directory used [bug]6763[/bug](OSX only) JPEGs cannot be loaded into the application [bug]6757[/bug] A:M stops updating display during SimCloth [bug]6753[/bug] Flag does not wave correctly when doing cloth simulation [bug]6756[/bug] SimCloth fails in V19
  14. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All: [bug]6687[/bug] SDK missing method for joining splines? Fixed All: [bug]6685[/bug] Decal placement tools do not work correctly in Camera view
  15. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All: [bug]6505[/bug] Layers drawn in front Fixed All: [bug]6631[/bug] Depth sorting problems in choreography Fixed All: [bug]6643[/bug] Bias-Handler not showing (the line of the bias handlers not visible) Fixed All: [bug]6540[/bug] copy loose decaling on 5 point patch Fixed All: [bug]6647[/bug] Grid only shows when an object is selected Fixed All: [bug]6663[/bug] After Deleting a spline, Undo does not restore it. Fixed All: [bug]6664[/bug] Crash upon drawing spline in new PRJ Fixed All: [bug]6666[/bug] Crash after multiple Undos Fixed All: [bug]6668[/bug] V18p Axis handles for Scale mode not drawn properly Fixed All: [bug]6660[/bug] Play range do not stick when saving and loading a scene/project Fixed OSX: Combobox "OpenMP Threads" doesn't display correct the last choice Fixed OSX: Particlesystem generated on the false coordinates (comparing to the windows version) Fixed All: [bug]6670[/bug] Patches not completely drawn in in real-time view Fixed All: [bug]6671[/bug] Distortion Box CPs disappear Fixed All: [bug]6672[/bug] Undo doesn't work in Distortion Mode Fixed All: [bug]6673[/bug] Lens flare errors in Net Render Fixed All: [bug]6571[/bug] Net Render slaves cannot load camera from Technocrane Fixed All: [bug]6674[/bug] Prop not visible after Turn Fixed All: [bug]6675[/bug] Prop textures not displayed correctly Note: For decaltype "Color" the alpha channel is not used in final render, if You need this, change the decaltype in the chor to "CookieCut" (the obj file format doesn't know such a type)in contrast the realtime render use the alpha channel, even the decaltype is "Color", but I will not change this behavior due heavy sideeffects Fixed All: crash , when the decaltype for a prop decal is changed to Bump or Displacement Fixed All: Combobox for decaltypes displaying now only the usable decal types for props Fixed All: Bump and Displacement maps for Props now working properly
  16. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0n Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All: - 6628: Exporting MDL from Chor causes crash Fixed OSX: - 6630: Option Dialog Box changes crash Fixed All: - 6635: Instead wizard amplitude appointed wizard mirrorbone Fixed All: - 6632: Simcloth simulation crashes Fixed All: - 6638: NetRender crash when changing JPEG settings New All: menu entry for Models "Renumber CP's" renumber the model cp's
  17. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log New All: - 6627: Very slow rendering on select frames New All: - 6624: "Paste with Bones" over-simplifies CP Weights New All: - 6621: Expressions no longer possible New All: - 6616: 2-axis Translate handles not drawn properly New OSX psd and tif imageformat plugins added New All: psd files are corrupted if they have a alphachannel Changed All tif imageformat plugin, added compression dialog avaible compression types None,Packbits,LZW,Zip default is LZW New All: - 6611: "Apply Snapshot" not available in Pose Window changed "Apply Snapshot" applied snapshot now correct scaled , if a value 1 is used for the created decalimage possible to input the value for scaling numerical New All: "Remove All CP Weights" has reassigned some cp's to the false bone New All - 6623: Plugin "Clone CP Weights" clone the weights from one model to another model , the target must be identical to the source model (bones,cp's) except the cp weights and cp bone assignments New All: crash in AMXtex plugin , when export animations
  18. Links Updated Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log New All: Button "Snap to CP" snap a bone to the nearest cp You must manually add this button from "Tools->Customize->Commands->Manipulator" (Cube with red point and arrow) to add a keyboard shortcut search for "Snap Bone To CP" only active in modelingviews , when the view is in bonesmode Snap the selected bone manipulator (Chain,End,Shaft) to the nearest cp, hidden cp's are excluded from the calculation except of moving the shaft, the bonelength isn't preserved Fixed All: [bug]6609[/bug] Do not select hidden CP function In shaded modes , cp's which are covered by other patches not longer selectable (also not selectable with group or lasso modes), works in all views. It's now configurable , the button must add manually from Tools->Customize->Commands->Manipulator" (filled cube with a red Z) to add a keyboard shortcut search for "Respect Z-Order" at "Tools->Customize->Keyboard" Fixed All: Displaying the correct keyboard shortcuts in the view popup menu Changed All: Export plugins "Generated Modelmapsize" can now be up to 8192x8192 Fixed All: [bug]6610[/bug] Rotoscope not visible in Pose and causes Exception on Delete Fixed All: [bug]6608[/bug] Preview render gamma correction function is incorrect. Desired gamma (== gamma for previewrendering) has now it's own spincontrol for changing the value and also a displayfield Fixed All: [bug]6602[/bug] Input PNG gamma correction function is incorrect. The gamma correction is now done in dependency of the current gamma Fixed All: Flocksystems false icon in chor unusable icons for instanced models removed. Fixed All: Bonemanipulator not refreshed , when the bone length is set in the Length edit field Fixed All: [bug]6612[/bug] Normal indicators display strangely when some geometry is hidden. Fixed All: [bug]6592[/bug] All normals are visible in shaded mode (when display normals is enabled). Fixed All: [bug]6614[/bug] OBJ sequence exporter needs bigger image size options- 1 setting to work for all frames Export plugins extend the resolution for "Generate Model Maps" up to 8192 Fixed All: [bug]6614[/bug] OBJ sequence exporter needs bigger image size options- 1 setting to work for all frames obj export plugin ask only at the first frame , if the filenames for decals should be unique, when a range of frames should be exportet New Windows Only: plugin Imageformat TIF supports save and load , not supported Multiframe Tiff (load only the first frame, save not supported) New Windows Only: Plugin Imageformat PSD (Adobe Photoshop) supports save and load (save only uncompressed) Layer and Masks are not supported (load and save) Greyscale with Alpha not supported (load and save) Fixed OSX: [bug]6575[/bug] Model Geometry Not Visible In Choriography In Shaded Mode (Mac)
  19. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All - 6601: Percentage pose and skeltal keyframe bug Fixed All - 6599: Filepath recognition is not the same as used in master.exe and renderserver.exe Fixed All - 6311: Patch Images do not Bake Fixed All - 6598: realtime display error for textures with alpha channels Fixed All - 6595: Boolen Cutter is working from some viewpoints perfectly, but from other not.... Fixed All - 6539: average normal Fixed All - 6597: Crash when rendering from a non camera view and Motionblur is active New All - 6391: Set camera to current view two new menu entries for camera objects in a chor Set camera to bird view" transfer the actual camera view into a birdseye view in perspective mode "Set bird view from camera" transfer the actual birdseye view to the selected camera, switch to camera view and make keyframes for rotation and transformation, the birdseye view must be in perspective mode otherwise this option is not avaible New All new plugin "Textured Grid", avaible only from the objects folder self "Select Image", opens a image selection dialog for selecting the decalimage to use "Pixel per Unit", let You define the gridsize for the create model can be a float value (as example 6.4) "Subdivision x" , how many subdivision in the width axis should be createt "Subdivision y" , how many subdivision in the height axis should be createt "Offset (Pixel)", how much pixel the decal should moved on the gridplane in x and/or y axis , if there any other value as 0 in this editfields a wraparound for the decal is done "Copies", how many models should be createt , minimum value is 1 makes only sense if a offset is used , the offset is shifted for each model "Use offset for the first model",if the checkbox is checked the offset values are used also for the first created model "Orientation" , in which view the grid should be created "Modelname" , the name for the created model , if "Copies" > 1 then a numericalvalue is add to the name Changed All new button for "Zoom Selected Object", add this button manually from "Customize->Commands->Navigation" to a toolbar keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Z (as before), but can be changed now if You use this from camera or light view , it creates a keyframe for the computet new rotation Changed All ViewSettingsDialog added a "Apply" button applied changed settings without closing the dialog Changed All Switching viewmode to perspective has now as default keyboard shortcut VK_NUMPAD9 (9 on the numpad) , only active if You have not changed any keyboard acceleration at "Customize->Commands->Keyboard" to get the default acceleration back , You need to delete the file Master.MAC(Master_64.MAC for the 64bit version) in the A:M directory Changed All Particle systems speedup for Blobby (rendering) and Fluid (computation) Changed All Final rendering with SSS on speedup, if OpenMP is enabled
  20. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log New All: (0006593: Wizard: Import Images on Grids) Plugin "Gridimages" , avaible from a choreographie "Add Images"opens a image selection dialog for selecting the decalimage, multiple selection is possible if the checkbox "Import as an animation or a sequence of images" (win) or "Import as sequence" (mac) is checked and the selected image is a imagesequence a animated decal is created can be used multiple times, new selected images are added at the end of the imagelist "Clear List" remove all items from the imagelist Listbox Imagelist you can drag and drop the entries to make a specific order with You get a menu Menu item "Add Images" the same as the Button "Add Images" Menuitem "Remove selected" removes the selected item from the list "Pixel per unit" let You define the gridsize for the create model/layer, can be a float value (as example 6.4) resulting gridsize is shown in the listbox "Subdivision" how many subdivision in the width/height axis should be createt, has only influence if "Create as" "Model" is selected "Create as" "Model" , creating models for the images "Layer" , creating layers for the images[/b][/b] "Create as CookieCut Decal" create the decal as a CokkieCut deacltype instead of the default Color typ decal has only influence if "Create as" "Model" is selected[/b][/b] "Add to chor" add the created models/layers to the choreographie, if more than one image is in the imagelist a general offset between the importet models is computet, so they don't overlap[/b][/b] "First position" the position for the first created model[/b] "Offset" a additonal position offset "Orientation" in which view the grid should be created has only influence if "Create as" "Model" is selected "Modelname" the basename for the created models/layers New All: menu entry bones menu "Bone snap to CP" snap Bone to nearest cp no keyboard modifier -> bone pivot is snapped keyboard modifier Shift -> bone pivot is snapped, bone end is moved to maintain bone length keyboard modifier Ctrl -> bone end is snapped, bone pivot is moved to maintain bone length New All: popup menu entry for imagecontainer "Reload Images" reload all images, if the timestamp for a image is modified , refresh icons in the projectbar and realtime textures related sdk command GetHProject()->ReloadImages(); New All: popup menu entry for single image "Reload Image" reload the image, if the timestamp for the image is modified , refresh icons in the projectbar and realtime textures New All: SDK addition HLayer creation and import into a chor Fixed All: Turn rotates only around the global axis of selected objects , not the local axis Fixed All: [bug]6605[/bug] Group constraint does not obey normal Compensate Mode practices. Fixed All: [bug]6606[/bug] Moving Bone does not "dirty" model Fixed All: "Snap group to grid" for CP's in action or relation Fixed OSX: Imagefile dialog has now the checkbox "Import as sequnce" similar to the windows version Fixed OSX: file open dialog has now the checkbox "Cancel all remaining missing files during this load." similar to the windows version Informational "Bone snap to grid" snap Bone to nearest grid position no keyboard modifier -> bone pivot is snapped keyboard modifier Shift -> bone pivot is snapped, bone end is moved to maintain bone length
  21. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All [bug]6585[/bug] Crash when change group order. Fixed All [bug]6562[/bug] SSS and Average Normals don't appear to work together. Fixed All [bug]6584[/bug] CP Weight does not work. Fixed All [bug]6583[/bug] Render crash by the pose sliders. Fixed All [bug]6572[/bug] hover text for bone draw mode Fixed All [bug]6587[/bug] Renderserver: Cannot access selected output directory! error Fixed All [bug]6573[/bug] Render or Netrender hangs on specific FRAMES Fixed All [bug]6580[/bug] Model Window's Background color is set to (0,0,0) Fixed All [bug]6564[/bug] impossible to select (Lasso line mode) - new all [bug]6581[/bug] Please add output image with alpha unpremultiply format settings Added new setting "Save with unpremultiplied alpha" to the output properties page, default value is "Off" Fixed All [bug]6586[/bug] Renderserver: "Unable to save outoput path" error and saved files are highly fragmented Fixed All [bug]6594[/bug] The GPU memory total amount RenderSlave uses is too big. It' configurable for each render job .Default value for GPU and OpenMP using is off, it can be changed on the first page from the job wizard (renderserver) The configuration is render job dependant and has precendence over the gpu settings on the render options page. Changed All OpenMP In the global properties page is now a combobox , where You can select the number of threads which OpenMP should use or disable OpenMP.
  22. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All [bug]6561[/bug] transparent models are not drawn correct in shaded views Fixed All [bug]6557[/bug] Transparency is not shown correctly in workspace for OpenGL 3 Fixed All [bug]6570[/bug] multipass rendering with motionblur failed Fixed All [bug]6563[/bug] Add with Shift-Key pressed does not add a new non-continuies spline (worked in v17) Fixed All [bug]6569[/bug] Do not connect two different spline at the beginning of the connection with key-Shift pressed Fixed All [bug]6576[/bug] Crash in final render, when a group has no patches and SSS for this group is on Fixed OSX [bug]6574[/bug] Crash when loading JPEG Fixed Win32 png and exr imageio plugins are not build with the new libs (the old one are still distributed, 64bit version are not affected) Changed All switch from openexr v1x to openexr 2.2 (adresses exr and hdr imageio, read and write(only exr) now possible for the compression methds NO,RLE,ZIPS,ZIP,PIZ,PXR24,B44,B44A,DWAA,DWAB) switch from jpeg6a to jpeg9a (adresses jpg imageio) switch from lpng1237 to lpng1251 (adresses png imageio) New OSX A SSE4 version is now distributed too , the installer for this version detects if the cpu has the capabilities for this version , otherwise it doesn't install. This results in needing a secondary installation packet . To avoid to download the false packet You can look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Macintosh_models_grouped_by_CPU_type if Your mac supports sse4.2 or open a terminal and type "sysctl machdep.cpu.features" (look in the output for SSE4.2) or look in your Master.log (Avaible instruction sets)
  23. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Fixed All [bug]6542[/bug] Crash When Rendering With SSAO & Stereo Together Fixed All [bug]6528[/bug] Crash after editing groups then re-ordering htem in PWS Fixed All [bug]6523[/bug] Rotate manipulator not drawn correctly Fixed All [bug]6538[/bug] strange hair
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