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  1. Thanks for your efforts. I just recreated the problem in a new project included here. I can keyframe the emitter to change the Rate of Emission and that works, but keyframing the attribute won't actually change the surface properties. I think an easier workaround for my particular situation is to have two emitters, one gray and one pink, and cross-fade their rates of emission. I will check it out. Weird. This is the second time I found a bug doing stuff I didn't think was all the groundbreaking. The first was years ago when I was using the toon shader on models with hair. Thanks again, Alan streak.prj
  2. The PRJ doesn't seem to have the model or a Chor in it. Project>Embed All and resave it. I will look at this at Live Answer Time today if you want to drop in.
  3. Started using AM after many years away now that I have more time to devote to animation projects again. I've got this cauldron steaming very nicely and I want to change the color of the steam to pink (love potion) over time. I keyframed the shortcut to the streak emitter's attribute's diffuse color to change over a few frames and I get a lovely gradient of this on the timeline (see pic). Alas, the actual attribute's color remains stubbornly gray. I've tried reloading the project in case things needed to be started from scratch but no joy. I feel I must be missing some simple switch or something. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Alan
  4. Hi everybody.. since we are in the situation we are in I wanted to share with you a project of mine which I created with my 3d printer and Animation:Master. It is about a breathing mask which is reusable and is easy to clean while being comfortable. If you want to read more about the whole story or want to print your own, have a look at my blog article about it: https://www.patchwork3d.de/blog-5-en/breathing-mask-from-the-3d-printer-1034 Best regards, stay healthy and hope you are fine *Fuchur*
  5. Robert Thank you very much once again. It is as needed, except for the absence of volumetric lighting? At risk of sounding a bit pretentious, its the prelude to a 'Big Bang' sequence. Not the TV show but a sort of spoof on the moment of creation. The centre of the O is actually an egg. Its part of the Chicken and Egg project I've been working on. Is it the jpg format that is allowing it to work ? regards simon
  6. In your project 02_emitter.prj you have the fire and smoke emitters as separate models from the rocket and you are keyframing them to follow the motion of the rocket. That is unnecessarily complicated. It is easier and better to make them part of the rocket model and then they will always follow it exactly. Here is a simple rocket that emits streaks. The streaks always follow the rocket as it turns and always emit straight out the back of it. Load this PRJ, watch it, and then tell me in what way it is not what you are trying to do. RocketStreaks01.prj
  7. I try to put ResoluteWalk (action from Hash CD) to scotty.mdl and then re-Rig use "Skeleton_myFinger_full_ok2" (the same as 2001_Skeleton except Fingers Rig). Clip: ScottyResoluteWalk and the project. scotty_2a.prj Scotty_0000-0278.mp4
  8. @ all: Thanks so much guys. You know what? This was my first 'only A:M' project in a while. In quite a while. Whenever I come back to A:M, it's an eye-opener again and again in the 'jungle' of CG programs and applications. This was really a fun project! Greetz, Elm.
  9. Robert- Have studied the project and am amazed at the cleverness of how you assembled the pieces! Well done! The material and animation is presently applied to a flat model. Do you think that if the model were designed differently (like a circular shape) the clouds could be made to unfold as they do in the attached time lapse clip? Tom timelapse.mp4
  10. Hi guys! I hope you're all doing well..... Can someone please post a complete (simple) smoke project (incl. all files embedded). I can't find one anywhere. That would be nice. Or can the extras dvd be downloaded somewhere? Greetings, Elm.
  11. To make the mono version (in Audacity), I opened the drop-down list by the title of the rack and chose "Split Stereo to Mono" I selected one of the resulting two tracks and did CTRL-c to copy it I did CTRL-n to make a new Audacity project I did CTRL-v to paste into the new project I Exported a new WAV from that.
  12. [Solution: shorten filename] Has anyone else ever had an error dropping in a wave file into a project? I have several PC's I work on and everything is great when importing an audio file, but on one machine I get "trouble opening mci device error: 304" on this Windows 10 machine. The wave file imports, but there is no audio playback. I so I assume it's that machine and look to make sure all drivers are current and can't replicate the problem in any other app other than A:M. I can import an MP3 and that has playback no problem. Unfortunately I am noticing sync problems and it does not display a waveform in the timeline. Probably because MP3 is not fully supported yet. These kind of problems are maddening. I can't find any info on a MCI error 304 to help troubleshoot this and I don't know what A:M is specifically doing when it loads the audio file and how is accesses libraries and such. Probably on my own here but I thought I would ask. Charles
  13. I am going through the project that you posted but it seems very advanced so it is going to take me a while to digest it. I'm still trying to figure out how you added a material when there were no "groups" in the model. I know it shows my ignorance but could you explain the steps of that project in a few sentences ? Many thanks, Tom
  14. Robert- The cloud using the "material Effect" really looks like an evolving cloud. Would you be able to post a project to show how it was done? Tom
  15. Playing with alpha channel to get a sprite ended up with this test if interested will post project and sprite 9 copy.tga Martians.prj
  16. I took the famous Nefertiti OBJ with 2 million polygons, put a gradient on it to render a displacement map and put that map on a flat card in A:M. Overhangs like behind the cheekbones and at the side of the nose are impossible to project off a flat card but overall I'm impressed at how the OpenEXR displacement map captures all the tiny details of the original OBJ. full screen to see detail... NeferTurnH_3K.mp4 The displacement map looks like this...
  17. Had some trouble marrying the audio. I'm declaring this project done for now.
  18. Put this together for the 14th if there is interest will post project/sprite
  19. The Butterfly will hold his own shortly, the view through the window is an introductory tease. I figured out the second path issue and have essentially finished the animation. About 44 seconds give or take. Some credits will be added at both ends to add a little more length. A bit of tweaking to do to fix some small details, but I am pleased with the project, and my progress in the learning curve. I'm learning enough to go in and fix glitches, that makes me VERY happy. Thanks for all your help and I'll be annoying you all further as time goes on. I probably won't show anymore renders until the project is finished. When is the live answer thing and how do I participate?
  20. Here is a render from the project. I will be redoing it for a number of reasons. This entire clip is from the one pose. When I redo things I will delete the pose and animate with key frames. (I'll have to be doing some study on keyframing) Mariposa Presentation.avi Mariposa Presentation.avi Mariposa Presentation.wmv
  21. Nah. Just trying to make smoke and fire against a transparent background I can drop into any scene. Tried in AE but can't get anything as real what A;M can do. I have videos....no tutorials but videos and project files... hard to pour over at times. Rusty PS: My experiment with sprites just fell downward, LOL. Needs work!
  22. Actually I DO have Quicktime, I just read somewher on the forum that it was dead or dying wrongfully made the assumption that something else had taken it's place. Right now I'm using AVS Video editor to assemble clips, but if there's better (free) software available, I'm very open. Here is the screenshot and a Quicktime version of the clip. In the main animation I'm using a model that Holmes made for me years ago, and it's much more sophisticated than my skills at this time, but I'm learning. I made a pose for that character that happens over the first 4 seconds of the clip. When I then try to animate from there, the changes affect previous aspects of the pose. Question one: How do I animate from that point without affection anything previous? Will "Force Key Frame" 'set' things as they are at that point (I thought I tried that but it didn't take) so I can take it from there? Question two: In the model that Holmes made, there are many poses. There is a "Body Rig" user property with a properties triangle behind it, but no pose. When I click on the triangle a list of poses string down for the various body rig poses. It acts like a folder. I've learned how to make folders in the groups, etc.. but there is no option to make a folder in the pose settings. How do I do this to organize my user properties section? I have made a committment to truely learn how to use this wonderful program and become an animator. I'm using little projects to learn these things so I can move on to a Major project I have in mind. this Forum and the people on it have always been one of the strengths of A:M. The Singing Butterfly0.mov
  23. I gave up trying to restart the previous render. I implemented a few things that made the reneder a greata deal shorter and fixed a couple of other things.Here is what I ended up with. I'm quite happy with it. I'll show the full video when I get the project completed. Since quicktime is no longer ther preferred video format, what is the preferred format on the forum now? The Singing Butterfly0.wmv
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