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  1. I took the famous Nefertiti OBJ with 2 million polygons, put a gradient on it to render a displacement map and put that map on a flat card in A:M. Overhangs like behind the cheekbones and at the side of the nose are impossible to project off a flat card but overall I'm impressed at how the OpenEXR displacement map captures all the tiny details of the original OBJ. full screen to see detail... NeferTurnH_3K.mp4 The displacement map looks like this...
  2. Had some trouble marrying the audio. I'm declaring this project done for now.
  3. Put this together for the 14th if there is interest will post project/sprite
  4. The Butterfly will hold his own shortly, the view through the window is an introductory tease. I figured out the second path issue and have essentially finished the animation. About 44 seconds give or take. Some credits will be added at both ends to add a little more length. A bit of tweaking to do to fix some small details, but I am pleased with the project, and my progress in the learning curve. I'm learning enough to go in and fix glitches, that makes me VERY happy. Thanks for all your help and I'll be annoying you all further as time goes on. I probably won't show anymore renders until the project is finished. When is the live answer thing and how do I participate?
  5. Here is a render from the project. I will be redoing it for a number of reasons. This entire clip is from the one pose. When I redo things I will delete the pose and animate with key frames. (I'll have to be doing some study on keyframing) Mariposa Presentation.avi Mariposa Presentation.avi Mariposa Presentation.wmv
  6. Nah. Just trying to make smoke and fire against a transparent background I can drop into any scene. Tried in AE but can't get anything as real what A;M can do. I have videos....no tutorials but videos and project files... hard to pour over at times. Rusty PS: My experiment with sprites just fell downward, LOL. Needs work!
  7. Actually I DO have Quicktime, I just read somewher on the forum that it was dead or dying wrongfully made the assumption that something else had taken it's place. Right now I'm using AVS Video editor to assemble clips, but if there's better (free) software available, I'm very open. Here is the screenshot and a Quicktime version of the clip. In the main animation I'm using a model that Holmes made for me years ago, and it's much more sophisticated than my skills at this time, but I'm learning. I made a pose for that character that happens over the first 4 seconds of the clip. When I then try to animate from there, the changes affect previous aspects of the pose. Question one: How do I animate from that point without affection anything previous? Will "Force Key Frame" 'set' things as they are at that point (I thought I tried that but it didn't take) so I can take it from there? Question two: In the model that Holmes made, there are many poses. There is a "Body Rig" user property with a properties triangle behind it, but no pose. When I click on the triangle a list of poses string down for the various body rig poses. It acts like a folder. I've learned how to make folders in the groups, etc.. but there is no option to make a folder in the pose settings. How do I do this to organize my user properties section? I have made a committment to truely learn how to use this wonderful program and become an animator. I'm using little projects to learn these things so I can move on to a Major project I have in mind. this Forum and the people on it have always been one of the strengths of A:M. The Singing Butterfly0.mov
  8. I gave up trying to restart the previous render. I implemented a few things that made the reneder a greata deal shorter and fixed a couple of other things.Here is what I ended up with. I'm quite happy with it. I'll show the full video when I get the project completed. Since quicktime is no longer ther preferred video format, what is the preferred format on the forum now? The Singing Butterfly0.wmv
  9. was looking at old file saw flock project and had to review on how to set up one flock.prj
  10. Having a project like this that raises questions is a good way to learn!
  11. Was just playing around with the altered project. I had to alter the path. What, and where do I adjust the pausing on the path, and the beating of the wings. Is there also a way to adjust whether the butterfly is up or down on any particular point on the path? sorry to be a nuisance.
  12. Hi Myron, I did a bit of googling and saw butterflies beat their wings between 5 and 6 times a second when they're zipping about. So I Edited the flitting animation to reflect that. Then I Figured insects tend to move really fast, then hover a bit, then move really fast again. So over the course of the 6 second sequence I adjusted the Ease value in the path constraint to make the butterfly flit to one spot then hover a bit and then flit to another spot. It's not perfect but you get the idea and you can tweak it to suit. butterfly.mp4 I've attached the changed .Prj but for whatever reason the original project didn't have the textures in it. Hope that helps you get closer to the effect you were after. Forum Butterfly altered.prj
  13. I want to have a butterfly flit across the screen while the credits appear. I modeled the Butterfly and made a path in the chor. I made a flitting action but I'm having trouble successfully getting what I'm after. Using the info I have from a walk cycle tute from days of old, I tried to make it work, but I'm having trouble. How do I get the "flitting" action to work. Get the Butterfly down the path to the end at the end of the chor. I realize that I need to make the chor longer. I'm attaching an embedded version of the project. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks. Forum Butterfly.prj
  14. I went to import it into the project, but I did not see a choice for importing an action. How do I import the action into the project?
  15. Today is the first day that I have tried in Version 19 to drag an action file shortcut onto a model. I have the action file. I have a shortcut in the library. I have the library on the monitor just below the Properties. When I click to drag the shortcut over the model, there is a very small icon that begins over the Project Work Space separately from the mouse arrow, but will not go over the highlighted model that I want to apply it to. The model does not have the unpickable sign on it. The arrow goes entirely off the monitor and the shortcut is not even on the middle of the screen. Also, sometimes I get an error message that says "Encountered an Improper Argument ". How do I fix this issue? I've already tried using the backup copy of the choreography file with the same results. I also tried importing the choreography file into a new choreography file, but had the same results. I use Windows 10.
  16. I thought I answered this post long ago. My desktop is out and I guess my Yoga 9000 isn't quite up to the task. I've since updated the drivers and will dl this project and try again. Thanks for the help! Rusty
  17. I've discovered a render glitch in v19j1 and I need to send the entire project to Mantis. Is Consolidate sufficient or do I need to Embed All as well?
  18. If you have the image sequence in the Project... - Open Project Workspace (PWS) - Right Click on Image sequence icon - Save As Animation Please see attached image of menu:
  19. Rodney, I got the image sequence loaded into a new project. What do I right click on the get the "save as animation" option on the menu?
  20. Myron, To easily convert a image sequence into a video (or video to image sequence) via Animation:Master: - In the Project Workspace (PWS) listing load your image sequence via Right Click on 'Images' - Once loaded into Animation:Master Right Click on the item you wish to convert (also via PwS) and Choose 'Save as Animation' - I believe the default format will be AVI but you can type in the format extension of any supported image format. Note the Compression button next to the filename (if AVI is the format). This will allow you to select the codec/compression (or no compression). Regarding rendering to AVI... You might check the setting in render dialogue that shows the codec/compression being used (similar to the button mentioned above but now in the Render dialogue). That may be why you are having trouble. Resetting that to another codec (or no compression) might resolve the issue. Aside: To convert to formats not supported by Animation:Master I recommend FFMPEG (or any utility that uses ffmpeg) as there is a very broad range of supported formats.
  21. No, I did not do cookie cut. I went back up to the movie you made above, and now I understand where you are going with this. I will watch the movie a few more times and apply the information in your movie to the new picture. Also, since we are not doing alpha channel in the PhotoPlus program, but instead are doing a png, is it really important for me to use the PhotoPlus program? I am much more familiar with the Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 that I have. I could just go to that and make a png. I don't know if at some point we are going to try to use alpha channel again in the PhotoPlus program. That didn't seem to go well. I realize that I am a slow student here, but it is completely different from anything I have done before. Once I get it, however, I will take it to the grave. It seems to be of vital importance for more advanced modeling. In the book that comes with the program, someone might want to add a page that says something like, "When you have learned these basic skills, you will need to explore: (LIST OF SKILLS REQUIRED TO DO AT LEAST A MID-LEVEL JOB WITH MODELING AND A REFERENCE TO ROBCAT TUTORIALS A-H)." All of this that I'm trying to learn now seems to be a whole different level of abstraction from the initial skills, and I am very grateful for your efforts in teaching it to me. By the way, I said Mid-level above, not because I think that's where your tutorials leave off. I think your tutorials probably show much more than I might ever learn, but I think learning this kind of thing to some extent is needed to get beyond the basics. Another idea is to include a list of additional software that might be helpful in doing the next level of lessons. When I read some of the discussions that have gone before, I see that someone takes the file out of A:M and puts it in Program X and does something to it there, and then might take it into Program Y and do something there and take it back to A:M to use it in a final project. I don't usually understand what Program X might be or how we know it is compatible with A:M files or what is special about Program Y and why it's needed. A little on ancillary software might be helpful for novices like me.
  22. Thank you for all your efforts Robert! To address your comment in the video about using the translate channel (or any other channel) as the source of our motion data in the conversion to the controller, this is exactly what I planned to do if there was not an easy automated way to get there with pose sliders. The 0 to 100 values, and the small size of an action file with the ability to parse out the channels from logically named pose sliders was nice. I can get to the 0 to 100 values in other ways with constraints, but when parsing the data it requires more effort due to the duplicate naming. Search a project file for "matchname =Z" and see how many hits you get I had played with some of the text editing solutions to transfer the channels as well. I think you have definitively shown that I need to stick with our first version of the tool that pulled from a position channel.
  23. It is a tool we wrote internally. It is a separate app that we wrote that is a basic converter to translate to the controller hardware we use, and we added some features to help with the real world issues of acceleration and deceleration limits of the actuators. I hope to at some point develop this stuff into an A:M plugin(s) that allows me to see in realtime on a timeline an overlay of an acceleration curve with the current position over time spline. This would allow me to animate to the limits preset into the plugin and make sure that nothing is moving in a way it can't in reality without having to save out and bring back in. When we did this during our first tests we just created an Excel project that did all of this conversion.
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