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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by rekh

  1. robcat,

    where do report bugs. I tried to play around with the terrain wizard and the buttons are unresponsive. I then tried the font plug-in, and though I can type, I cant change the font type; the buttons are unresponsive.

  2. :clap:
  3. From the change log, Steffen already got it worked out and in v17a it should work again, see #0006210: ... - 0006210: [interface] Missing Icons In PWS (sgross) - erledigt. ... Sorry, German language in Mantis (A:M Report System). - geschlossen = closed. - erledigt = solved. See you *Fuchur* Thanks, Fuchur. What's the ETA on 17a?
  4. What Fuchur said.
  5. - bump -
  6. - BUMP - Nothing new. Just campaigning for a 64 bit Mac version of Animation Master. AM is becoming my main app, and when I upgrade my machine, I'm taking AM with me. That is all.
  7. You guys are awesome!!! Thanks for having patience with the newb. I explore the forums every chance I get, and have read mention of a new AM manual in development? The wealth of knowledge on this thread alone begs for a new TAOAM. Again, thanks for the science.
  8. Great stuff, Rodney! Thanks.
  9. I guess what threw me for a loop, was as I worked my way through the tut, I thought I was going to have to build the spiral for the tree in the choreography window, but low-and-behold, it was already there. **** Back when I was doing the tuts from TAOAM, I remember making a note to myself about the windows. I think this "note" came about when I added a material to a model in the model window and rendered it. I remember how slow it rendered. Then it dawned on me, I had been spending so much time in the model window, I nearly forgot about the choreography window, and how much faster things render in the choreography window ... I know, goofy. So the action, model, and material windows are different labs to build and modify models. What we do to the model in said windows, changes the model/character in the choreography window in real time? I've followed the tuts, but what makes me laugh, is that as I learn the surface of this program, I can't help but think, "okay, do I move this to this or that window." Anyway, sorrying for boring you folks...
  10. Yes, Sir! This app has a ton of power. Is there a thread or tut that helps rookies like me understand the relationship of the interconnectivness of the windows. In doing the above tut, it really dawned on me how little I understand how these windows work with each other. Anyway, thanks again guys. Still need to do some practice on building different trees, but it's nice to know that I have another cool option in AM.
  11. Yup ... that did it. Thanks, mtpeak2. Looks like I'll build a few trees in AM, an add "2d" trees as fill-in. Thanks for the link!
  12. rekh


    As a Mac user, did you notice if the treez plug-in is present. I can't seem to locate it, and I already posted a thread about trees ... don't want to start a flame war.

  13. Greetings AM'ers, Before asking this, I did a search on the forums and found a tutorial on generating trees in AM, but I didn't find the Treez plug-in in AM; at least not on the mac. I have an old version of carrara on the HD. It generates trees. I rendered a tree with an alpha channel, and imported the image into AM. I moved them around, scaled them, etc. Anyway, I think this will work for now ... my plan is to use AM to do comics; with other software naturally. But sooner or later, I may want to get into animation, and may need characters to interact with trees. For you Mac-heads, how do YOU generate trees in AM?
  14. Hmmnnn... wonder if this will become a problem. I'm getting ready to upgrade my machine. One of the reasons why I jumped back on the AM wagon, is because I didn't have to insert the CD, etc. I'm getting really comfortable with this program. Don't want to boot-up this way and boot-up that way. I hope the AM gods develop a 64 bit app. Make mine Animation Master!
  15. bighop,

    where do I send the $90. Do you take paypal?

  16. Hello Bighop,

    If the training material is still available, I'm interested.

  17. rekh

    Ah ... okay, thanks for taking time. Hope that new version comes out soon.

    Thanks again, Mark!

  18. There's usually a previous version in the "old" folder ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/ but it appears not to be filled yet. Have you looked in the v16 folder for v16? I have not. Just copied and pasted the url; exchanged windows for mac. Popup asked for a password. I used the the same user name and pw that I use to log into the forums. Doesn't like that...
  19. rekh


    I recently returned to AM. I hadn't noticed the missing icons until you mentioned them. Yup ... still a newb. Anyway, are you referring to the hand icons, etc? I tried to download 16 to compare, but I got v17 instead.

  20. ... went looking for a previous version 17(beta). Is there an old archive page to download one of the betas? Yesterday I downloaded what I thought was the latest 16v, and received 17 instead.
  21. Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks, robcat2075. g3.tiff
  22. Thanks, robocat2075! ... at work, but can't wait to get home and try it out. And thanks for the welcome back. Oh ... I know myself too well. What is ? I know, goofy question...
  23. Hello, I recently returned to AM. I'm working my way through TAOAM. I am also just digging around and pressing buttons and just getting to know the program. Question - How do I add a background image? I'd like to create charcaters, etc. but also use backgrounds; like cityscapes, or the inside of rooms, or environments created in other programs, and render my charcaters on or ontop of the background. Thanks!
  24. Tried to send you a message. Not able to. Just checking in with you, how are things going in AM? I just had a chance to sit down and get started. Just finished exercise 6.

  25. Yes,

    I am on Hero Talk.

    I remember this being a great program. It was just very buggy on the mac a few years back. Been playing around with it since I purchased it, and its very stable. You'll get a lot of bang for your buck with Animation Master.

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