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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by case

  2. NO MAGE REALLY 50% OF WHATEVER MONEY THEY MAKE I GET 50% pretty good deal i think!
  3. I GET 50% of what i price the game and make the money you could make money from me wich hey yall are making the models i may just pay yall!
  4. INDIE im basing the game off this film for an indie game no harm no fowl!
  5. ok got cha! CONNOR CASE
  8. welll anyway yeah torque ananced will take me a while to get use to!
  9. OK i get what your sating now. DUDE HOLY MONKEY FEET i got torque anvanced game engine my dad got it for me anyway so mage how bout this! NEW IDEA!
  10. no mage you dont understand torque is am compatible unlike alot of them,
  11. Whos fighting?
  12. that looks awesome but the window on the right middle it was the only thing that made me see it was not real!!!
  13. MAGE the thing about it OPEN SOURCE if I WANTED To if i really wanted to and ya ll would make the models to look like that then yes yes i could open source and animation master is a thing that can almost make a game like doom 3 gears of war i mean almost anything!YES YES IT COULD AND YES STILL TYPING FAST
  14. MAGE the thing about it OPEN SOURE OF I WANTED To if i really wanted to and yall would make the models to look like that then yes yes i could open soure and animation master is a thing that can almost make a game like doom 3 gears of war i mean almost anything!YES YES IT COULD
  15. tido i got to the point where i started wondering the same thing you are its cool im getting a xbox 360 torque master were i can put games i made to software for the 360 which is amazing posibiltys i will be able to make a game to be on 1080 pal extra high def but ok ill make a game with the team ive got going its all good!
  16. well ok cool have fun nah its cool
  17. o man by the way torque am exporter is now allowing me to take the rig materials even Polly count over to torque Lady's and gentlemen i back in the saddle
  18. torque is firing up right now everything new stuff coming out im back everyone ok nuns what do we have done i got lost at page 36
  19. The game is going to use all of the actions you make so personally you guys need to try very hard to keep these actions top quality 3rd person games rule around the main character so Mario dont get carried away he needs to be top notch!
  20. Cheers for the feedback. I'm playing with the speed to see what's realistic, Trying to get the impression of speed rather than the total realism e.g watching a motorbike race on tv always looks slow, watch it at the track and you can't believe the closing speeds. Makes tv footage look very sanitised. On another note. I'm having fun again with 3D finally after having to work through a horrendously badly organised project a over a year a go which killed it dead for me. But now my sleep pattern's gone to hell. I find my self daydreaming camera angels again and wondering how to model everything again. Once more unto the breach maybe... OK this is funny im 13 i know how you feel man! Ive got torque im going to be making a game soon and i keep thinking how the heck im i going to make this thing work! Dude your not alone!
  21. torque is here for those who are new im connor [a.k.a] (case) torque is stepping up the ladder with all the new releses of develpment tools soon nuns very soon i will be able to get everything i need!
  22. ok im lost whats going on?
  23. keep going good so far!
  24. yall are going to model the ones i posted yes there my favorite! ALLRIGHTY THEN! WELCOME ABORD THEANTMAN!
  25. me too school is kicking my anus!
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