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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    3D Animation At All!!!
  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    Pentium Core Duo 3.4, Windows xp, XFX 512 MB, 2 GB Ram

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  • Name
    Jesús Ayón
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Apprentice (3/10)



  1. Que onda Luis , como estas? Oye Felicidades por tu modelo , esta muy chingon, de verdad que da gusto ver tu desarrollo en el 3D. Me gustaría sigerirte dos cosillas que podrian mejorar un poco tu screen shot: 1. Seria bueno agregarle mayor expresion a la cara, tal vez una sonrisa convinada con una expresion en ojos como de anojo, darle una expresion de "Confianza y mayor poder", me parece que actualmente no tiene expresion en su cara. 2. En el pie derecho (el que tiene levantado), se veria muy bien si le dieras un dobles a la punta del pie, para que se vea que esta apoyado y es flexible. En fin , son solo algunas opiniones, guato saludarte y Mucha Suerte¡¡¡
  2. Hola mi estimadisimo Luis, veo que haz estado ocupado... muy buen material en que tienes aki, al principio no sabia si estabas trabajando para algun proyecto de Video juegos o que onda, hasta que lei que tu mismo estas haciendo este material con los programas que mencionas , la verdad que chido esta todo esto, sigue avanzando como hasta ahora... Felicidades ¡¡ Saludos.!!!
  3. Thank you very much higginsdj , I took a look at your comments and I see that you´re right jajja , I´ll take care of those details and post advances, I´ll fix everything (or die trying)....
  4. Hi guys, I just finished another little action piece and I want to share it with you for feedback... Saludos from México.. Second_part_test.mov
  5. Looking great men .. I´ll hope to see the advances.
  6. Thanks a lot guys for your comments, I'm about to post some new advances and this time I'll render it with a frame counter to make it easier for you to comment on my mistakes. I'm having a lot of fun with this shot and appreciate very much your opinions....
  7. Great way of using your bones, I would love to do that some day...
  8. Thank's a lot guys, I'll post my advantages as I go forward and I hope to get a right result, I'll work on that acceleration of the characters, the timming is one thing to work on, .... Saludos from México..
  9. Hi everyone , I´ve a some time without posting work, but recently I had a little of free time and start to animate a Lucha Libre test, jaja , I´ll apreciate everyone´s help by telling me everykind of constructive crits so I can improve my animation the best as possible, I let you this and be rude .... mmm well , not to much ... Saludos from México. Fight_testing.mov
  10. Fantastic smooth movements, I´ll take the tips, thank´s... Saludos desde México
  11. Hi. I did the test and got this: Version 15 F 14:54 min AMD Athlon XP 4200 1.921 GHz 1 core 4 GB RAM Windows XP 64 bits I little slow i think , have to make some tests.... Saludos.
  12. Hola Sabino , excelente trabajo en todos tus modelos, acabo de ver el nuevo personaje esta genial espero poder trabajar con el en Motion Mx,,,.. Saludos. Hi Nino, excellent work here, all your models are great,. I just seen the new character of the boy and it´s great too, I´m waiting for use it here on MotionMx, Saludos...
  13. Your Models are WOW ... pure cool stuff¡¡¡
  14. Very nice Work there.... I like it ...
  15. Very Nicely Done Sabino, I like very much the way you model your characters I hope to hork with you again some day , Greeatings.
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