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Posts posted by Ilidrake

  1. Still plugging away on the sets. I have the first of three finished. Moving on to props and hopefully shots later in the month. Latimer, his mother, and his father models will remain the same. I have a co-worker who is one extremely talented artist. After discussing my film with him he has agreed to do some concept work for me. Basically he is going to draw up the remaining cast for me. Talk about taking a load off of me. The best part is we work together so we can constantly be updating our progress throughout the day. So the next models you see will be complete originals from Lee Kilpatrick...aka Butters.

  2. Okay I'm still working on this. I'm currently at work so I only get about 3 free hours a day to play. So I'm focusing on sets and props as these are easy to do. Here's the latest render I have of the exterior of the house. I really considered adding details but it just doesn't fit the look I want.


  3. I have been a smoker for over 16 years. Friday I started using the patches and have been cig free for 4 days!!!! It doesn't seem like much but if I can make a week I'm gonna feel so great about myself!!!!!

  4. Yep im still scrubbing through my script. I do have other ideas but this is the only one really fleshed out. I wont be submitting it to AS because its not about the money for me. I just want to tell a good story. But i want to do it my way.

  5. I think one of Latimer's personality traits is that he will never really stand up straight. He always shrinks down to make himself less noticable. This of course will change the farther in tue story we progress and the more his confidence grows.

  6. I was going to make him younger and shorter but it didn't lend to Latimer's personality or problems. He has come of age and is at that pivot in his life where he is ready to make his own way in life. Only his parents aren't ready for that and they either don't believe or refuse to believe he is ready. On top of that his mother has dictated every aspect of his life so he is naturally reluctant.

  7. Okay been plugging along on assets for the first Act. I also started on the mother's body (pic below). I'm still not too sure about the Cleo model. As I read the scipt back to myself I get the impression that she is not young. I get the impression she is old and spiteful, and extremely conceited. For some reason this brings to my mind and old, skinny woman who doesn't realize that her glory days are over.


    Edit: Here's a side by side of Latimer and his mother. The mother is 100% modeled. She still needs to be rigged. I'll be moving on to the father and once these three are finished I'll be able to begin Act 1 officially. Still haven't started on the Death, Frankenstein, or Nora models yet. I will also be doing another Cleopatra model so perhaps I can get her closer to what I envision.



  8. Thanks for the feedback Darkwing. Rodney, I was thinking about adding a fence or something to the foreground but I didn't really like the way it looked. I have the basic camera positions and such planned out already I'm just unsure about what to put in the scenes. I don't want to clutter the screen with so much that it detracts from what I want viewers to see. By keeping just the black shape of the house with the window highlighted your attention is immediatly drawn to it. After that you look at the rest of the scene. And Latimer's outline will be in the window moving so given enough frames people should pick up what's going on in the scene almost immediatly. I will be adding some small details to the house but will keep them low key as to not detract.

  9. Nice. I had thought about doing some details like that but wasn't sure about the feel. I have also been considering doing the entire World of the Living in balck and white. But these are only thoughts and these renders are only experiemnts. I do like the look of the house as you have it. I thought the window too large as well but just didn't feel like shrinking it. This of course proves that my render is successful though :) Without giving any story or input, simply a picture, you were able to fill in the space yourself. Thanks for the feedback. I just wished a few more people on the forms would give me there opinions.

  10. I went ahead and tweaked on Cleo. I finished up around the eyes so she has eyelids now. I also spent the time to work with her hair and get it styled the way I wanted. The over-all look is better I think. Still not too sure about the texture at this point but it'll stay as a placeholder for now. And if I can't come up with something else it'll be done :)


  11. Darkwing thanks for the feedback. You raise some very good points. I have actually put a lot of thought into Latimer's parents but it's very difficult to write. I'll continue to tweak the script with your suggestions and see where it goes.

  12. I have been playing with the idea of using the program on my local home network. I have a server machine that I was planning on storing all my files on so I would alway have a backup. This in turn would also be backed up locally and online. But for some reason I can't get the SVN to work with AM. I'm using version 15j and would appreciate some help in getting it setup properly. Does anyone have a tutorial on the matter? I did a search here but came up empty handed. I also checked the help file with the program as well as there website. I can set up a repository easy enough but how do I get AM to recognize it? Thanks in advance.

  13. I've tried CeltX and all I can say is you get what you pay for. Storyboard Pro is pretty dang amazing. You can draw directly in it. Import pics. Template pics. You can import a script into your project for each scene your doing. Camera controls....the list goes on....

  14. In the new script I sent you he actually explains what happened to his body, in the middle of Act 2. I was rather reluctant to have him explain it but in the context of his dialogue it seemed....appropriate. It is basically a symbol of how much he loves his wife. I look forward to seeing your render.


    Yep. I'm taking this serious. i'm working out a production schedule right now to gauge each step and give myself a little more direction. ;)

  15. The good thing about my job is the time off. The bad is when it gets clkose to me going back to work my sleep becomes pretty sparse. So I stay awake modeling, drawing, and researching.


    It would be easier, but it sure wouldn't be any fun. I've been thinking about this set a lot the last couple of days. The scale of it will be immense, too big for me to model every detail. The first glimpse we get of it will be when Latimer first arrives and Gravedigger points it out. This of course will simply be a siloutte type shot with most of the detail going to the castle. The Raven flight would certainly allow us to present the entire city in a condensed controlled way. Show the audience small parts and then there own imaginations could feel in the gaps. So that's a definite yes! I won't update the script with it but I will be taking your flight path drawing so it can be refined when this shot comes up.


    As for me I have been doing a little editing of the script. I also purchased Storyboard Pro for my storyboarding and animatic :)


    And for your eyes I present Edgar Allan Poe!!!! Please be gentle. I'm not entirely sure about textures at this point so a little feedback on that is appreciated. The moustache(think I spelled that right)is the most difficult aspect to capture. His hair is really good IMO. I spent quite a bit of time making sure I got it the way I pictured it in my head.



  16. Good points Rodney. I've been going over the script but I tend to concentrate on character growth and dialogue so it's nice to get these points.


    Out of Time: I would agree that some events like Cleo arriving at the Raven so soon. Perhaps it would be best if Cleo's little vision scene shows Death and Latimer's meeting on the road way before they arrive in the city? This would give her plenty of time to arrive at about the same time?


    I also like the idea of playing with the deeper dialogue. Much better than ripping them out. Not everyone will get it but the ones that do should appreciate.


    Me and you are both envisioning the Raven in the same light. Exact dimensions and layout are still under development but the lighting scheme works for me.


    I really want to see the pan shot. I've given some thought to what the city will look like and how it will be laid out. There is a look I want to accomplish but am unsure of how to accomplish at this point.


    On a side not I began Edgar's head today. It's not exactly where I want it at this point so I will not be posting images until I get it closer to what I want. I was thinking about skin tones today when I was painting his texture maps. Flesh tones will work but I was leaning more towards a gray to bluish tone on the fact that they are all dead. This would include Latimer. Or perhaps a more white to gray tone would work better. I will experiment and post examples as i work through it.


    I'm setting up to do a scratch track of the script at this point. I think it's getting closer to what I envisioned at this point. Your suggestions have been an immense help! So I'll be working on dialogue tracks and mix them later inside After Effects. Which is where I'll probably do the Animatic once I get to a point where I can start that beast.

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