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Posts posted by Ilidrake

  1. That was a lot to take in Rodney but very well put. You've given me a lot to consider. The one thing that does concern me is the through-line of the story. I do not want the theme of my story to be as you stated "This world is a lousy place and death is a great way to get to paradise if you can quickly find your way out of it." What I was going for is that "life is tough in all instances but everyone can rise above it and find happiness". I'm not entirely sure how I can accomplish this with the way the story is currently, though I have been refining it in the last couple days. It also depends on viewer's perspective. You could also see it as, "Although Latimer's death is entirely an accident, not intentional on his or anyone else's part. Then his feelings follow over with him and he's forced to rise above them and become the person he is supposed to be. Ultimately finding happiness not through his life but with the friends he has in them."


    But I'm just ranting now I think :) I've been looking at the script and rewriting for about 5 days now so I think I'll put it away for a few days and concentrate on modeling. This should help me clear my head and give me a new perspective when I pop it open in a few days.


    On a positive note I'll be starting on Edgar, Franky, and Death in the next couple days. Once they are done that'll leave Nora and Marc. That will be the entire cast heads. I am having some probelms with Death. My original idea for Death was to have just a shrouded figure. No head. I didn't really have any plans to show his face to the audience and thus add to the mystery. But after writing the script I can see that this will make animating him more of a challenge because a great deal of the story hangs on facial animation. Especially with Death at the beginning of Act II. If i do model him a head I have no idea what he would look like because until now I hadn't considered the thought of him having a face...

  2. Looking at Latimer more closely, he looks alot like Linguini from "Ratatouille".


    He is not. He is actually based off of my own father LOL....if he only knew. My dad has a rather large...er....um....nose so I simply took most artists advise and enlarged it. I realized after I created him that he resembles Linguini, but at this point I don't care. I like the look and the show must go on!!!! HUzzah!!!!


    Thanks for the feedback Rodney!!! I see what your saying but my main consideration when creating a color scheme for the land of the living is to make it feel less alive. My color scheme for the Land of the Dead was going to be bright and vibrant colors, more alive than its counterpart....but I'm considering what you say so please continue to comment. It really gives me alot to consider when I make my final choice.

  3. Put a few props together just to break up the time. I also went ahead and did a cool down of all the set textures I have to give the scene a bit more depressing feel and to help pull Latimer out and bring attention to him. He really pops now which is what I want. I also tweaked the tone and color of the bounce lights to help the overall mood. I also reconfigured the window and some of the room textures. Right now I would say this set is 100% ready to go. I will not be working on more props at this time. Instead I will focus on the remaining 4 sets and the rest of the cast's heads. After that I will start on body, texturing, and rigging of the cast one at a time.


  4. Good stuff. I like the thought of her fussing about her hair and really giving Marc some grief. Here's what I have so far. This is just one of a few styles I will be using for Cleo, because I agree that she should change her apperance as this would really drive home her conceited outlook. The colors are not final but I like the look and feel of this render. I will probably do about 3 or four more headresses, later. For now I have a basis from which to build and I will now move on to another head as my primary goal is to have the heads done because I believe that by doing them I really get a sense of who the character is.


  5. Okay here's Cleo Version 2. I'm honestly at a standstill on this head with the hair. I don't know what to do hair-wise. I'm totally open to suggestions. I'm not really that good with hair and the things I'd like to do I have no idea how to even begin much less accomplish. Suggestions???


  6. Holy Schinkeys!!! I used ET's face for the inspiration!!! After I read your post i went and checked it out and your right...It never occured to me I was drawing from her!!! So I'll be changing that up then. I don't mind it being similair but it's a little too close for me. Thanks for pointing that out Rodney. I'll have to do some research into Cleopatra outfits through the years and use that to help me come up with a look more original. I do like the look of her face, I'll just need to modify the jaw as it is as you say too close to Yzma for my taste.

  7. Modeling continues. As I said in a previous post I am attempting to get all the cast's heads done. I have three so far. I am working on the villan as of now, Cleopatra. This is the start of her head of course so try to look past the odd angles and what-not and see the finished product....I am myself am trying LOL. Anyway, 2 hours work so far.


  8. I've been experiemening with color schemes and lighting set ups. I purchased Lighting and Rendering by Jeremy Birn, and it's full of good stuff. So below is what I have so far. This shot includes both set and character lighting based on real world RGB values for lights. I rendered to a Targa, as OpenEXR is difficult to work with. I converted it to Jpeg for the web so some of the detail has been washed out a bit but the look is more of what I want.


    I think I will make a short document detailing what I have learned in the process. I'm sure someone will find it useful.


  9. The JPG is the left one and the right one is PNG. I'm also leaning towards PNG because it transitions better, keeping alot of the details. I haven't loaded after effects up but I'm sure it should handle the OpenEXR format easily. Love the sketches. They are alot like my own. I've taken your ideas from the last email and incorporated them into the script, so it's growing. I also added another action scene to the story. A real good scene that let's Franky, Edgar, and Death really shine. I've also started doing the storyboard. I'm using index cards so swapping them around is really easy. Soon as I get an animatic done I'll send you a rough draft.

  10. So each day I continue to work on this, regardless if it's models or refining the story. Today I sat down and modeled out Latimer's body. I want to keep it simple and stylish. Here's my results after a couple hours. No textures for the main clothing parts as I am still considering the overall color scheme of the story. I am considering a gray and dull color scheme for the land of the living and a more robust scheme for the land of the dead. Sort of like a Tim Burton feel as I really love his movies and the overall feel from them.


    Edit: I've added to renders today in hopes of getting some lighting feedback. Lighting I believe is very important to the overall color scheme of the project. I rendered out both images to OpenEXR. Then they were loaded into Photoshop. The JPG is a 16 bit image. The PNG is a 32 bit image (thus the size. more information embeded in it). They have both undergone tone, contrast, and color correction. Both have there plus and minus effects. Which in your opinion is the better of the two renders? And how can I improve the look and feel of the lighting to give a more oppressive and depressing feel. Or have I achieved it? I thought about using radiosity but haven't quite got the quirks of that method worked out.




  11. In between making character heads I'm working on sets as well. I figure as long as I do something each day I'm getting somewhere. So I divide my time between a character a day and a set or a prop. Here's a render of Latimer's room, near the door. I used Thom, though he isn't to scale and the room. I also set up some lighting to see how it would look. I would like a sort of gray and dismal look and I don't think this lighting works. If anyone has pointers on getting a nice depressing color scheme please feel free to drop a line. Thanks.


  12. I couldn't stand the thought of short changing on a model so I hunkered down today, with no inspiration of where this charactet was going, and so far this is what I have for Latimer's father. Over all I like where it's going. It started out rough but I've spent a couple hours tweaking, adding splines, deleteing splines. Now I have to add hair, glasses, and teeth. Compliments, Critics!!!



    With hair. I guess next I'll add eyebrows and then teeth and his inner mouth.



  13. Quick question. Should I devote the time into creating a new model for the Father, or would aging Latimer work? I hate to go the short route and it not come across convincingly. I don't won't people being pissed cause I was lazy....never mind, answered my own question. Here's a quick render I did playing around with Latimer.


  14. Alright I've decided instead of finishing a model completely, I'm going to just work on the entire casts heads. Faces are really complex and take the longest time for me because I will tweak them for days. So I have Latimer, the main character, and now I'm working on his mothers head. Here's what I have after an hour.


    Edit:Here's a render of her with particle system hair. The results are really nice.



    The Mother's head is complete. Textures, teeth, gums, and particle hair! Ta-Da!!! Moving on to the Father.




  15. Thanks Darkwing. I've actually went back and checked out some of my older posts and was like, WOW! LOL It's sad when you impress yourself...anyway I hope to get some good feedback about the script. Good or Bad I'll take it all!!! So I'm calling it a night but on a side note here's a final render of Latimer with texture maps and hair. I went a head and played with the settings on MuhHair and I can can this is probably as good as I can get it. Tomorrow I start clothing the guy!!!!


  16. Thanks for the feedback guys! Funny you should mention that Rodney. I've spent the entire day tweaking the splines and then decided I didn't like the weak jaw so I brought it forward a great deal. It's much better looking and gives his mouth and jaw a better look. I also went ahead and added hair to get a better feel for the his personality. Next I cloth the guy!


  17. A little more work on Latimer here. A little more personality is starting to creep out. Did a bit of shifting of the splines. Added a few here, took a few away there. Added eyes and redid the ears completely. Overall he's looking pretty good. Like everything I model I have to wonder if he'll animate well....of course IF I animated any of them I'd know LOL.


  18. I'll have to send you the latest revision as I've been editing it quite a bit the last couple days. Rodney gave me some feedback that was really helpful in rounding out one of the characters, so kudos Rodney!!! Here's the character with ears added.


  19. Things on this project are steadily moving forward...(so hard to find the energy)...So I have the script finished(until I read back through and start tweaking issues) but it's there. So I decided to start on the main character. Latimer. Here's the start of his head. I think it's about 30 minutes of work. Still needs massive amount of tweaking but it's a start.


  20. So lets say ive got enough film together to warrant adding music. Who would u guys recommend to create such a thing. Yes i am willing to pay.

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