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Everything posted by Ilidrake

  1. Most of the Alice story is flushed out, I just am nervous to put too much out on the forums. If someone were to decide to help with this idea then I would be inclined to include the entire story. As for the vampire story I haven't put nearly the amount of detail you are speaking about into it because right now it is simply an idea and not something I am actively working on right now. Once I decide to actually work on it I will flush out more ideas.
  2. I have two ideas. 1: The Alice in Wonderland idea that I have been working on for about a year now. I'm actually working in several medias for this. The first would be a movie script. The second is AM of course. And I'm actually writing a book to help flesh out my ideas. In a nutshell the story is about Alice's younger sister Anna who has been sent to a mental institute after the death of there parents. In an attempt to deal with the tragedy the Chesire Cat invites her to Alice's Wonderland where Anna seeks out her older sister for answers. 2: I have considered a webisode of a high fantasy vampire story. Basically vampires rule a vast majority of the world, keeping normal people in bondage. Elves, dwarves, and other fantasy creatures are extinct. There blood being a bit richer than humans they didn't last the blood lust long....all but one. A young elf girl managed to survive and with the help of a vampire hunter we follow there quest to free the world of the vampire tyranny. So that's the two ideas I have right now in active mode. Though the Alice idea is a bit more active.
  3. Thanks Rob. That definitly sounds like my choice. I understand pose sliders and can accomplish what I want much faster than rigging bones.
  4. I'd like to rig my characters face and I tried Steve's Head Gizmo but it gives me some serious undesired results, in the mouth region mainly. And I'm not experienced in rigging enough to fix it. So what would you guys suggest? I have the TSM2 rig installed for the body, along with cp weights in place and it's working okay. Should I simply set pose sliders with muscle mode or is there a better way?
  5. Thanks guys. Yep, I was just taking a break from modeling and what-not and decided to play with AO a bit.
  6. I really like this character!!! I also discovered AO today and decided to see how she would look. Comments?!?! Makes a great desktop wallpaper LOL This of course begs the question, can AO be used to do night scenes?
  7. Yep, rigging is next and she'll be ready to animate!!!
  8. Two months of work on this girl and she's finallt getting where I want her. I added the wings and changed her outfit. Comments, Crits???
  9. In case anyone thought this was dead it is not. I'm still working on my models. Here's a pic of the girl's wings. Yes wings!!! I thought she had a good fairey look so I'm redoing her clothes and adding these wings.
  10. System built myself... Render Time 4 minutes 30 seconds A:M 16.0 RC02 64 bit - Running one core Motherboard - Gigabyte 770T AMD Anthlon II X2 250 Pro 3.00 Ghz (Dual Core) 8 gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate
  11. Well put Rodney. I hadn't really thought about it until now and perhaps this is one of the underlying things that troubles me about the guy. I thought it was the textures and what not but it is the proportions. Note that he's human and she's a young elf, but still..... I do believe I will rework him again and see if i can't get a better look and see if it works better. If it doesnt no big deal i'll keep him around just in case. Thanks for taking the time.
  12. Here's a side by side of the two. The hands on the guy need the SSS taken down a lot. There seems to be an issue with normals on the guys belt, behind the buckle. Not sure about any of the textures, though I do like the scalemail shirt. I think the pants should go all the way to his feet but am unsure if I will. If I don't do I need to perhaps add a collar there with metal studs? The hair will remain as it is. Particle hair looks good but doesn't give me the "look" I want. As I say I'm very happy thus far with the characters and there overall looks. Now it's just a matter of getting the textures right, getting them rigged, and animating
  13. Okay today has been a day of hair experimentation!!! Mainly on the fella as his head isn't as complex as the girl's. I have a side by side comparison of the "helmet hair" and the particle hair. Which is the "better looking of the two? I'm thinking of sticking with the Helmet Hair and just redoing the shape and look of it. Thoughts???
  14. Okay here's what I have of the guy so far. Not exactly where I want him but he's still a work in progress.
  15. I did not know that!!! Thanks for the tip Rodney. Once I get her rigged I'll do a few render tests and see how she looks in motion. On a side note I picked up a Cyber Tablet 12000!!! Not too bad for the price. Makes those pesky textures so much easier to paint.
  16. I realize they are thin but i wasnt sure about adding thickness as im thinking about using simcloth on them. Would the thickness affect them?
  17. Okay let me see where to start.... Toned down the Subsurface alot!!! Textured her face a bit. Not sure if I'm happy with it but it will do for now. The skeleton is in place and this is just a test pass to see how her splinage works in the major joints. So far the only place that is giving me issues are the hips, as usual...It doesn't show in this pic but you can't over extend her hips or legs or they start clipping with other meshes. So I'll adjust those splines in the troubles area until I'm satisfied. She does have eyelids I just have them hidden for this shot. Redid the belt. Didn't care for the style so I opted for something I bit more simple. I'm thinking the texture on the pants SUCKS. The shirt is wool and I'm happy with it. Any suggestions for the pants??? And I'm thinking about maybe giving her a leather strap skirt. Kinda like strips of leather that will make a short skirt that just comes past the crotch area. What are your thoughts?
  18. She's not textured yet, thats just surface color with sss on. And yes it needs to be toned down but im gonna wait until I rig and texture her.
  19. V15 or v16 rc 01 here
  20. Thanks guys. Thanks for the input on the guy but i'm scrapping him completely. Ive already started another version of him that i think will be much more appealing, and will fit with the girl much better.
  21. Thanks Shelton. I hope the rigging goes as smoothly as the modeling has. Weather anyone believes it or not she came out of desperation for my Wonderland project that I have going on. The main character has never really meshed well with my thoughts or ideas and she came out while I was reworking the main character for the short I'm working on. I do hope I can find a place for her because she's to dang cute to not use
  22. Honesty I DON"T think he is that interesting. I've been listening to alot of Enya, ALOT!!!!!, and I've also been drinking more than usual for me. More than 2 is weird!!!! So anyway, the great thing about having bouts of depression are the sparks of inspiration you get with them. So I've just been modeling my brains out and this is by far one of my favorite characters I've done to date. And I've done about 6 in the last 3 months.
  23. So this is the character I will be using in the up and coming forum project.
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