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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by C-grid

  1. A second method with key-bone instead of key-branch: - open A:M - My view is set to ProjectWorkSpace, Timeline and 3DModelView - Open the project - Double-click on Actions to create a new action - Click on 'Key-bone' - set timeline at frame 10, move L Calf to the right(FrontView) - set timeline at frame 20, move L Calf to the left(about there where it is on frame 0) - set timeline on frame 10, select L Calf, press [CTRL-c] (copy keyframe) - select R Calf - set timeline to frame 30, press [CTRL+SHIFT+v] (this is copy keyframe mirrored) Niels
  2. - open A:M - My view is set to ProjectWorkSpace, Timeline and 3DModelView - Open the project - Double-click on Actions to create a new action - Click on 'Key-branch' (I know it's a little parculiar for mirroring one bone...) - set timeline at frame 10, move L Calf to the right(FrontView) - set timeline at frame 20, move L Calf to the left(about there where it is on frame 0) - set timeline on frame 10, select L Calf, press [CTRL-c] (copy keyframe) - deselect the bone(make sure no bones are selected anymore...) - set timeline to frame 30, press [CTRL+SHIFT+v] (this is copy keyframe mirrored) Niels
  3. This is the 'key-branch' knob. Niels
  4. Set the bones-key mode to key-branch, set the timeline > select bone > copy key-frame > then 'select' no-bone > set the timeline and paste mirrored. Niels
  5. After the render-process is finished, you could [R-mouse-click] on the last rendered-frame and choose "(pre)view in associated program", this will probably start-up (Windows) MediaPlayer if you use windows... Niels ps. I know apple doesn't have a (or did they change that..?), maybe applekey&&mousebutton will show you the menu..., dunno.
  6. First play the file with the QT-player, then you know if the file is OK. When a browser shows a question-mark, it can't find the right plug to support the offered extension... Niels ps. "Any tips?"...use .wmv
  7. I think the best approach might be to redraw the model from the frontside keeping the old as a roto, draw the shape with lesser CPs, after extruding the shape, changing bias to 20-30% instead of 100% with for instance the leg-area will keep it smooth and abstract. Niels ps. You could do the beveling while extruding and let the bias be at 100%... [EDIT] I dunno if it's true, but I think the 'different' look is created through subdivision of the patches ergo, 10:10=1 while 88:10=8.8
  8. Making the scene depends on more than one factor, is it cartoon, other, semi-realistic or realistic then question yourself the camera-speed, if you hoover the cam around with 40-mph even with a 'realistic-scene' the product-detail will be low... Then there's the question of re-useablilty, ergo using the same scenery for more than one purpose... A mountain could be handmodeled and painted correctly or using a simple circular extrusion with a few CP pulled, a displacement-map and diffuse-map applied... Another approach is a small(er) ground-plane with an image of mountains or 'painted' in the dome(matte). Niels
  9. C-grid


    Mmm, hair...<>lifelike.... Do you have a REAL fast computer....? Besides (multiple and flow)colouring, (flow)thickness, brushing and dynamics, the shader used is important. Start experimenting on a low-patch model and apply the hair-material on a few patches(now there's room for a better density-preview) and save the material for the 'real-thing'. Niels ps. Make an action with the material to a few patches applied, to review dynamic behaviour let it move in a small arc for instance.
  10. C-grid


    A dome represents the (atmoshperic)environment, a 3D-scene dome could be a cube, sphere or oval-sphere, most of times when a sphere is used the bottom will be deleted so you get a sort of hat-shape. In A:M I normally create a frontside 3 CP oval-spline and lathe it in 4 steps, the lowest CP will be beneath the horizon, create an action, switch to muscle mode,select all, press 'N' rotate the pivot, right-mouse-click>>flatten, apply decal. In the option of this model, you should set flat to ON. When you don't want the decal-approach, create the dome, make new material, change attribute to toonnation>>skysomething. Niels
  11. If you make a copy of the specific part, press [.] and set LOCK CP on, you can easily see the old shape as helper... Niels
  12. [Y] doesn't retain the shape of the spline, although I wish there were a [sHIFT+Y] there's not, this to my knowledge. After clicking [A] and holding [sHIFT] a CP will be added and the spline-shape will be retained. Niels
  13. You should keep in mind, that children can only comprehend a certain detail-level. A dutch-draw-artist Dick Bruna shows this principle very well with 'Nijntje' for the real youngsters. Children interpret little already as much. As teach-device nowadays the '2 pictures whats the difference' is offered. Niels
  14. Yes, I know Treeez, it comes standard with v13, I did make some tree's with it but it does give a certain particular tree, I like having it, but my feel tends to respond, drawing a 1 spline trunk add some spline for branches onto the trunkknot may give faster and easier tree's, of course not to replace Treeez. Niels
  15. I don't always walk for my own vision and sometimes support is art. Well, like I said earlier, I first intend to let it say "No drivers allowed(on this part of the road)", but I changed it to a landscape and added later-on "Hash", support may be the best description. In the back of my mind thinking, if this only will be played back through the Hash-site it's nice for A:M, on the other hand, I still remember reading from polygonist in some forums(over a year ago), they doubt if all models were really created in A:M in the first place, I know all models could be, this since deliberate import as props is an option(which I haven't used yet). Niels
  16. Is it a setup?... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...rt=#entry218728 I could reply... "If your eyes and brain were connected you should be able to really see...", nah, I won't do that since I agree with the Scripture: insults may teach but it will pass the student. Rodney, could you persuade me the principle why, "'Hash-sign' on the billboard" is really wrong/weird? This considering being a work-in-progress movie-post... Niels ps. Rodney, there's no blame/setup/insult in 'Niels' or 'Neils', it would be pronounced (nearly) the same in english
  17. When you're target-render-format supports transparency(alpha-channel) a new option appears in the camera>>output options>>buffers>>alpha. Choosing such a format will automaticly set alpha ON, set this to OFF when you want the chor-background rendered in the still. Niels
  18. Hello Rob, I have no experience with v14 version after release 2, from what I have read, I understand that on some systems dual-core should already work. Niels ps. Rob, if you want to increase the renderspeed, take the 'crab'(mmm, toys/gadgets) of your desktop to lighten the grand-cpu-usage-cycle...
  19. here it is Niels
  20. Haven't been to one yet... Niels ps. My first intention was saying: No Drivers Allowed!
  21. A test run... Niels itest.wmv
  22. Tell me; Whats going on with the front wheel guards. Niels
  23. I am working on a cartoon car. Niels
  24. Daniel, - Do you experience openGL/DirectX problems in e.g. games? - Did you try to switch A:M driver from openGL to DirectX or vice-verce? - Did you upgrade A:M(v13q), displaydriver or directx before this started to happen? - What I see is not the 'typical-known-nvidiacard/driver' problem. - Did you try adjusting the configuration of the videocarddriver, a good card with wrong settings can be unpredictable in what it will display. Niels
  25. If the arm-spot stays at animation, I fix the skin not the hair Niels
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