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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by cuboos

  1. is there a way i can upgrade my A:M from V. 11.1 to V. 12 or 13 with out having to spend another 300 bucks to purches it? if so how? and sorry about spelling tried to type this fast
  2. here are pics for the missing ones [attachmentid=16398][attachmentid=16399] and do you know ware i can find make a face 11.5 and its getting a bit hairy 20?
  3. ok rodney here are all of the stuff i have done [attachmentid=16383][attachmentid=16379][attachmentid=16380][attachmentid=16381][attachmentid=16384] and here are some links http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12894&st=90 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12895&st=120 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12893&st=90 that should be all the ones that are missing
  4. what did that just say?
  5. one of the places i got this from was a science museum thing some ware near lego land CA it had a wooden vase panted black on a whit background and it was on a spinning platform with a little bit cut out of it so it looked like they were talking to each other any one els in California seen this?
  6. i made this little GIF. just for the fun of it and decided to post it here [attachmentid=16220] what do you think?
  7. don't know if this is the right place to post this but for my war of the worlds short i need some sound effects what i need at the moment is a good sounding heat ray sound effect i wont one that sounds like a real one i don't want any of the old sounding ones from like the 80s or like the 1953 war of the worlds (hope i'm not asking to much on that one) and a foot stomping sound that sounds like a gigantic metallic object is stomping on the ground thats about it hope i'm not asking for to much there
  8. cuboos

    New Creature

    wow that thing is creepy cant wait to see how this one will turn out
  9. its says invalid project file
  10. any one have a good tutorial on how to use the booline cutter? oh yea sorry if i spelled it wrong typed this in a hurry
  11. WOW! i think i just mite use that as my background
  12. WOW! hmm cool my lightsaber is in there
  13. is there anything i can do?
  14. no my graphics card is a G force and it a new one and this happed alittle after i installed it
  15. its not just one modal it every modal and i mean how do i render pic in shaded and wirefram mode and in scelital mode?
  16. umm i cant screen grab i have dual monitor and it grabs both monitors at the same time and i mean the bones are only black in sceliatal mode they are normal in bones mode and the CPs are black in shades and wire frame mode while i'm in modeling mode is there a way i can render a pic while its in shades and wire frame mode and in bones mode?
  17. when ever i'm in shaded and wire frame mode the CPs are black and they don't change color when i select them and when i'm in a coragraphy or action the bones are black and they blend in to well with eachother and its hard for me to tell wich bone i have selected what do i do?
  18. sweet thanks it worked
  19. how do i make .MOVs loop so they keeps replaying?
  20. i used to live in phoenix and im head back there for summer break maybe we could meet some ware
  21. whoa was that made in A:M?
  22. i can make realistik laightsabers in photoshop can it be aplies as a decal or somthing like that but still be transaprent?
  23. i made this funny animation for a movie site me and some of my friends are starting http://youtube.com/watch?v=tiBLwYkgr2Q i let me know what you think if this is the wrong place to put it then show me were the right place to put it is
  24. this is a pic i made to dimistrate the heat ray with the seceltan model from the hash CD [attachmentid=15363] these are some gag pics i made on my spare time because i was board (i do weird stuff when i'm board) poor shagy and rabbit never made it [attachmentid=15364] note the tripod is blue because i blue screened this in photoshop [attachmentid=15365] whats way up doc? [attachmentid=15366] well i don't know what to say about this [attachmentid=15367] oh this mite not be the right place or maybe time to ask but could any of you let me know if the stuff i have done would be good enough to put in the image section of the website? sorry about any bad spelling did this kinda late
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