Getting Am is a very good first step in learning animation and creating your own animations. There are very few limits to how well you will is more the fact the more you put in the more you will get out of it. It is up to you completely. Yes you have the ability to make your own characters and make your own movies of any length but be realistic at the beginning. Do all the turtorials in the manual. And really do them dont skimp ...take fact do some over and over.
As you are doing these tutorials have some fun and play with the many models that come with all adds up to your collective knowledge.
AM is very very complete. and yes that does mean a lot of things to learn.....but take your time. Step by Step.
You have a great tray of fine brushes and tubes of paint in front of you (Animation Master)......they are tools......But it is the skill to use them that takes time...and practice practice practice..........but if you work at it will make your character and your story ........
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