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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Odog2020

  1. Yep, I have to put my name in as well, completed TAofA:M sometime in November 05 Thanks for the opportunity to save a few bucks Rodney.
  2. These are some things I am working on to put in shaggy's house. BTW, does anyone know how to make a decal change on a model during chor??? [attachmentid=12040]
  3. ok so here it is, without the sound effect. [attachmentid=11934] logo1.zip
  4. Yeah, sorry, I forgot to put the sound file in with it, I just pasted it into the animation. I will fix it.
  5. I finally got around to making a logo that I can put at the front of all my animations. Hmm, that means I have to make so animations first, but I could always put it infront of the already made tutorial animations?? Ahh well, without further ado, the one, the only............. EDIT: [attachmentid=11935] logo1.zip
  6. Yes I know, I took a look at the profile I just thought the piece was disturbing because I don't feel the father punished the child enough thats all.
  7. Yes that was disturbing but funny as he11 Poor parent, now he has to ground the child
  8. Okay, that sounds easy enough, importing walls from the apartment. Yeah, the square footage on this little shack would go from about 500k to probably 750k depending on where it is in Hawaii, man releastate is outrageous here. Anyways, I plane to do more work on this house, however I am going to model ceramic shingles for the roof, so I have a long road ahead of me, that will add about 75k to the house. James
  9. Shaggy called me at work the other day, and told me that he was tired of being homeless, and asked me if I could help him get a house. So, being the caring guy I am, I decided to build him a house, nothing to fancy, and still needs work, cause all it has is a garage, and a living room. So, I was needing a little input on how to add the interior to this model. It is scaled at 22 feet high, about 40 or so feet wide, and the garage is about 30 feet deep or maybe shorter I cant remember. Anyways, just thought I would get some advice from fellow hashers. Thanks James [attachmentid=11777]
  10. Good looking gun, I kind of thought it was a bereta when I looked at the picture before reading it, but then I thought about it, and it looks nothing like a bereta. I would love to be able to see D E S E R T E A G L E .50 down the side of it. James
  11. I'm confused on how you put all those target controls on there, I don't even know how to put one, but man you did an awesome job with rigging this baby. And the leg movements are great. I would really like to see this thing crawling up the WTC in WIP. James
  12. Man, great model, and damn that is a lot of patches. About half way up, the windows are bigger, is it really like that? Anyways, that can be great propaganda for Soldiers, Sailers, Marines and Airman, to remind them what they are fighting for. Thanks James
  13. Odog2020


    You know what I find most amazing about the A:M lip sync, sometimes you can actually figure out what they were saying if the artits is good enough. I may be wrong, but it looked like she said "I love you ...." couldn't make out the last word, but that is great posing. The model looks great as well, looking forward to seeing her in action, singing. James
  14. That was great, nice and smooth, mine always come out jumpy and way to fast Well, great video, my son loved it. James
  15. That, I think, is an extremely well done model. Looks to me that it was made out of Titanium. Man I can't wait to see this baby in action. I have to agree with some of the other post about the CP being heavy, that may be what is caused you to have to wait 10 minutes for the paste. I can only imagine how long it would take to render an animation of your model in action. Great work, really awesome stuff. James
  16. Yes, I think I have to agree, that is one great model. One question, how long did it take you to model the handle, I think that is pretty impressive with no maps on the handle. And the camera idea is great, kind of gives the animation a 'Samurai Champloo' look, or whatever that show is called. Great work James
  17. Great to have you back, I have been waiting to see more of you character. I only noticed that you did more by seeing your avatar in another thread. He still looks good as always, and thanks for the modeling tips a while back, although I am trying to get throu the ABC. Well, can't wait to see him in action. James
  18. man that was great, and my son loved it. It just looked so smooth and real, don't know why they were picking on the middle guy though Anyways, great work, would love to see more when you get em
  19. I am not to sure about the other screen, and the audio files, I have never messed with audio other than the exercise in the book. However, I can give you some tips on how to keep you animated characters on the ground, and from sliding and slipping around. When you are creating choreography actions, say for example a walk; -on frame 00:00:00, set the character in the first stage of the animation, click the choreography button on the top, and select the character. Then hit the "force keyframe" button -on frame 00:00:05, or whatever you next action frame will be, animate the next step, the again click the choreography button at the top, select the character, and click the "force keyframe" button again. The reason for doing this is that it creates a keyframe for all the bone positions, instead of only the ones that you moved. -keep doing this everytime you animate a frame before you move to animate another frame. This will keep you slipping, sliding and coming off the ground to a minimum. If you make a mistake, or forget to do this, and you notice your character is doing unwanted animation, open the timeline, select the model, and delete the keyframe that you are working on, for example; If you are working on frame 00:25:05, and forgot to keyframe 00:24:25 and notice that the character is slipping or the movements are not what you want, open the timeline, select the character in the PW window, and delete all the red dots for frame 00:25:05. -Of course after you get done with your animation, you are still going to have to go back and clean up between keyframes, but it makes it a lot easier this way, or that is at least in my opinion. Also, I think that it is easier to animate one character at a time, then when you get done with all the animation of a single character, go back and add the other characters and their animations. I think this avoids confusion and makes it easier to make a great project because you are only concentrating on one animation at a time. Anyways, I hope this helps, and it make work the same for the audio and the other screen that you are having problems with. Well good luck with cleaning up your video, and I would love to see it in 3d when you get it completed. Great job James
  20. Thanks for the extra light. It is a great piece just using basic shapes. I think my favorite part of the model is the screw heads. great work
  21. Man that is a great piece of work, showing us the progression was brilliant. Looks like that fish could make grown men cry. James
  22. Well, I have to say it is a good start, but I did notice some things, that I am sure you are aware of. -There is no hole in the ground where the drill came out of -You characters are floating on the ground, and in some places sliding around -In the last scene, the hippo is walking inside of the ground, I think the ground was at his knees -His weapon was also floating around in mid air. I am sure that you already noticed these things, but it looks good right now, just needs a little work. Keep going, and remember don't settle for "Ah, this is good enough" James
  23. well, he has some very reflective skin, or metal, or whatever. Anyways, for an evil robot he keeps himself pretty clean. I couldn't the the antana very well, but I did see it in the shadow, can you post a pic with more light. Thanks, keep up the good work. James
  24. Man, thats really great, I am still trying to figure out if it is in a defensive or offensive stance. I love to see your guys work.
  25. man, i loved it, the expression on he had was great
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