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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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  • Interests
    Animation (Obviously),<br>Theatre, Writing, Space Engineering, Technology and Policy,<br>Fine Beer with Good Company
  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    Abit Siluro GeForce 3 Abit mobo Athlon XP 1400 512 Kingston RAM WinXP

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  • Name
    Bjorn Cole
  • Location
    Atlanta, GA

OdinsEye2k's Achievements


Prolific (6/10)



  1. Of course, the moment I speak up on this kind of thing, I get super busy. But anyways - with my sporadic availability, I'm kind of thinking of more of a show-and-tell type start for the group. I think just about every time in past few years I've had a big idea for animation, I got buried in my engineering life. My two bits anyways.
  2. Well, you have one in the range. I live in Glendale. Pencil me as a maybe and we'll see who else pops up. Bjorn
  3. Hey all, As a delinquent member, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I haven't touched AM about since my last contest entry because life as a student is absolutely crazy. In addition, I am currently working at an aerospace software house in Berlin (Pacelab for the US website) for the summer. The job came as a real surprise, so I've been learning German as I go. Luckily my project manager speaks very good English, so I can simply try to learn at lunch when it's not so high-stakes. Anyways, I hope y'all are doing well and still smokin'! Bjorn
  4. Maybe it's the parka, but for some reason the latest Russian Batman pic looks like a shot from Robot Chicken. Or maybe it's the pose. It looks like something from real life, but at a small scale.
  5. Cookie cutter decals will give you flat patches of hair if you do the stamps on a plane.
  6. Dunno about kindergarten, but a couple of grades later it's easier. Defining a planet seems like defining the class bully. If it's big and aggressive, it's a planet.
  7. Yeah, clearing the neighborhood is going to be a kind of confusing definition for non-experts (and probably some dueling between them as well). The Trojans of Jupiter are a good point, although they orbit in Jupiter's gravitational Lagrange points, so you could argue that they are already "captured" by Jupiter (actually, looks like the Wiki article agrees with me). If any asteroid leaves those two zones, they are likely leaving that orbit as they encounter Jupiter's gravity. Neptune and Pluto don't really share an orbit, they just cross over each other once in a while, but Pluto is really out of the plane that the other eight planets roughly share. This is pretty wild below. The gas giants are actually weaker in clearing their brethren away than, say Earth or Venus. It probably has to do with how much bigger in space the outer orbits are. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar...ry_discriminant
  8. Hey guys, Been a while since I've had any A:M'ing time. I got inspired by one of the Bradburies (I think it was Matt) who had done the planets. There are some *huge* textures out there (also, Blue Marble Next Gen is awesome cuz it has a picture for every month on the year so you can see the snow advance and retreat) that can be put to good use. I still need a cloud map, and I'd like to have some kind of auroral "roadway" from the Eastern Washington, California and New Mexico areas to finish it off. But here it is in progress. It is actually the opening screen (no text) for my thesis proposal presentation. I'll be dry-running in about two weeks, and hopefully have the paper ready to go in a month and a half. And in case anyone wonders, the topic is technology evolution, or as one might say, "intelligent design." There's actually quite a few economists out there trying to generalize Darwinism in order to handle the inputs of directed rather than random innovation.
  9. Strange bit of trivia (and thus slightly OT) - you may have to take Pluto out or add a few more bodies. That trans-Neptune neighborhood is getting pretty strange: Pluto may still be a planet. Also, it may turn out that Charon is not really a moon of Pluto, but more like they are a "double planet." PS - Nice renders.
  10. It actually worked pretty nicely for my Mars contest entry as well. Getting that reflection at the strength/coloration I wanted it at would have been a truly colossal pain otherwise. And also - the Spidey is sweet.
  11. If so, Ken, we can always have Captain Thom standing proudly with the com tower raising high in the background.
  12. Oooh ... if we did a weekend, I could also get some hang-glide lessons in at Lookout Mountain (early mornings and late afternoons are when the winds are quiet, I think). Whenabouts were y'all thinking about this? I also have been slacking mega-time on A:M. However, I did have a trick or two up my sleeve that I wanted to show around - mostly a fun potential use for the surface constraint.
  13. Maybe a non-isotropic surface? Like when mud and clay mix around on the ground? Not really a deep concern, just trying to clarify...
  14. Or if you are looking for a little encouragement: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg724n/scars.html Ignore the words if you want - just look at the absolute junk I started with and how it evolved into something tolerable.
  15. Since there are so many still examples out there, I thought I'd post myself up a moving version. I think others have shown this technique before, but here's my thinking and set-up behind this particular scheme: You have the overall muscle bulk laid out (arm/leg masses, chest, etc). To add definition, you set up complex AM models (which would animate only with difficulty if part of the main mesh) as 'plus-ups.' These models would be good for structures like triceps, all those back muscles around the shoulder/spine area, tendons and whatnot. You could either paint these and try to animate them - or - you could build them out of splines, animate the splines for flex/relax poses. Applying a gradient material would be one way to get elevation data (I don't know where depth buffering is anymore or if it exists, if it has as many levels as EXR, etc.) - just run a flat plane though the 'muscle groups' to be your 128 ('flat') datum. This way, you've got all your stuff in quite an animatable form. Now, the results in this vid aren't close to anatomic, I suck at lighting it, etc. But I'm hoping you can see where I'm going. flextest.zip
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