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Everything posted by Jin-Kazama

  1. I saw a model of audi tt car...i think it's cool....for warming up..i drew the main splines ( my method )...do u think it can be a good car??? it has some places where i'm afraid to stuck ...what do u think about an audi car?
  2. ok...i wanted to model a car like this in the attachmentbut couldn't find the blueprint for them...this is the type of cars i wish to model
  3. R_Reynolds. your touches is very important.... so...what's the best car i can choose to model...something futurized and very cool....any suggestions?
  4. dear R Reynolds it was a pleasure to have your help, i was more than happy for correcting my mistakes...my respect to you sir.. if u have read my lst thread you will notice that i found solutions for many things like the front and backlight modeling and tires modeling too...i could simplify the car body geomitry...this was a good step for a beginner. and now...i would like to have your help, i'm not the only person who would write this tutorial, Mr. rodney would put his magical touches and tips, Mr. dhar would also share that and will correct my english so the tutorial can be clear.. i would like to invite you to write our multiwriters tutorial, this will be for the good of all hashers...i'm not looking for fame at all....all i want to do is to show other 3d apps users what A:M can do...and would show that car modeling can be done and the results will be the same as their results...i got many comments about car modeling in A:M...and that upsets me alot. i will need for every possiable help that u can offer. espically for the filleted part..this part can be completly written by you if u wish....you will write it better than me..so...don't mind helping us?
  5. hi all i started working on my car modeling tutorial....but before i go on, there're some questions which i want to ask: 1- beveling...car body parts are rounded beveled..i've tried to use the bevel plugin but it doesn't work at all...and if i try to bevel it manualy the spline which is connected to the beveled spline curve lose its curve smoothness and bias values..i have version11,how can i have a perfect rounded bevel for the front hood for example. 2- each time i try to add a CP in a spline curve, the curve become unsmooth..and the bias values changes...is there a way to avoid this? 3- what's the best way to write a tutorial...as a PDF file, as a web page or as a flash movie ( not a real movie but the steps of modeling plays as slides ) looking forward to hear from you..
  6. dennis....i know...your list will come to me when i will be buzy, but when i'm free....nothing comes.....what luck is this Gzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. wanna help.....wanna help.....wanna help.....
  8. ok luckbat.....what slows down rendering time? the image is good....u have a powerful processor...mine is 1.7...lucky
  9. luckbat...do u mean that a model with 3000 patches will be rendered as a model with 300 patches? mechanical modeling is a big challenge in A:M....very few modelers could manage it in A:M...i'm still having a bad time in beveling edges, smoothing curves.......no polys...no smooths....manual work.....hard isn't it???? but u know what??...............it taste good.....the challenge....u r going ahead to take the lead of this type of modeling for us (( the beginners modelers )) keep the good work up buddy.....u deserve my respect.
  10. well jedi...yes u do A:M had learnt me that it's a good thing to do your model with the lowest patch count number...A:M isn't a ploly modeling software and u can have nice and smooth curves from a simple number of CPs on a spline...good for not making ur model so complecated and also for render time.. i'm a littel buzy with my car modeling tut...my next project will be modeling the UFO robot GRENDIZER...have u ever heard about him?? i'm very proud of ur models...looks very very very very very very great...only...if u try to lower the patche count...u r the guru of mechancal modeling man....(( waiting for a tut buddy ))
  11. that's is a lot of splines...wow the splines arranged like if it was a polys before do u use the spline patch plugin?
  12. why don't u try my modeling method? give it a chance
  13. jedi....this is an amazing work man.....u r the mechanical guru now if it's possiable, can u show me some wireframe/shaded images?
  14. ok dhar....i got it now.... well, for me....i don't add any sound inside A:M, that happened to me once. instead...i use AE (AFTER EFFECTS) for any addins... sure it's not a solution, it must be done in A:M, but i realy donno why the sound race the movie...i didn't rty to dig into the problem in depth, as i was in a hurry and wanted a fast solution... so, i use A:M for 3d and let AE does the rest for me.... if someone know any solution it mightbe helpful.... i feel sad i can't help u dhar....grrrrrrr....
  15. what's the problem??? i couldn't download the file cuz my connection speed doesn't support this big size
  16. hi again i've seen this car model along time ago....the designer is NOA1, does anyone know where is he now? i emailed him alot...but he didn't answer....such a talent like that can't be ignored this car made using A:M, it's the perfect example of car modeling in A:M, and i hope i can get this level one day....i respect u noa1 san.... this car was the first reason that made me think about car modeling in A:M, we should be proud of noa1 noa1, pary for me to do my mission well..
  17. Thanks alot rodney, i understand Well....let’s start.....i’m very lucky cause Mr. Dhar will add his magical touch in the tutorial...he will translate, correct any language mistakes i may have, so the tutorial will be in a perfect english language.. So now i have 2 persons will cooperate, Dhar, and rodney......but what about rodney? Mr. Rodney will be kindly requested to support me with some modeling tricks i may have, a list of questions is ready for u rodney...you are my modeling tricks supervisor. Also, Mr. MMZ Time lord and DDUSTIN are kindly requested to be the tutorial lighting and rendering supervisors...... Mr. Agep is kindly requested to be the modeling details supervisor Mr/Brother/friend. dennis u r kindly requested to be my tutorial finalizer supervisor (( where is my list )) Mr. Viper is kindly requested to be the rotoscope, refrence images supervisor This tutorial will be the greatest tutorial in HASH comunity ( i hope ) WHAT A TEAM!! I’M A HAPPY MAN Tutorial Index: 1. Introduction to Car Modeling 2. Preparing your rotoscope and images refrences 3. modeling the basic shape method 4. deataching the car body parts 5. body parts detailing 6. finalizing your car detailed shape 7. adding accessories 8. headlight and backlight 9. the rims 10. the tires 11. bulding a basic interor ( is spelled correctly? ) for the car 12. rigging the car 13. lighting setup in the Chor 14. rendering effects 15. conclusion 16. credits how about these steps for the tutorial? If you gentelmen have a better index please let me know....i’m not a good tutoral writer With my love
  18. enta shahm kateeeer ya dhar (( u r an honorable man dhar )) thanks alot buddy....there r no body here speaks arabic but me and u, before we know eachothers, the only one who could understand what i want to say even if i missed it is dennis...that will be greate , thanx
  19. mine or dhar's, doesn't matter as long as it gives u what u want, well...Dhar...i will need u brother....would u help me writting the car tutorial? my english isn't that good
  20. AAH.....ONE MORE THING can u post me the rotoscope u r using? i want to check something...this car has many curves, i want to test my modeling method on it, if u don't mind....maybe it will lead u somewhere!!
  21. thanks ddustin well...is it time to go for the tutorial....?? and what car should we choose?....wanna nice one.... will i get the help i'm expecting?
  22. well.....i'm using a manual lightin setup for that..... no body told me how does the backlights look? also if this result in my GL is good?
  23. viper, there r some places needs tweeking,,, can u lower the patche count? or u realy need to have them? i'll download the blueprint of this viper and will try to find out how can this be very smooth with a low patche count...i just wake up.....i need a breakfast....maybe after the breakfast....haaaaawom is it this one??
  24. thanks, i read both articals but i don't have the Ambiant Occlusion or even the shader....where can i get it from?
  25. hi all as i finished my study in cars body..front lights, back lights....now it's time to rendering GL or global illumination is a very improtant thing....as u know....AM has no brazil plugin, as a result, this should be done manualy... i've tried a method and here's some pix for my results.... if u think that this is a good fake for GL, please let me know so i can post the steps i did to get this results thanks and wish to cooperate with me by the way....this is the last study....after this one...i will start writing the tutorial.....i hope to get the most help i can from everyone...please help...as this will be for all...and ur names will be placed in the credits, also among the tutorial steps...your notes will be there as well with your names....
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