sprockets Short film by Svetlik Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. I'm still a NOOB at modeling, but I'm exceptional at animating.

    Any Tutorials over making practice models that I can brush up on?



    This tutorial series is well worth the money. But the rigging part although important to watch and learn is far to difficult to do from scratch. I recommend using the TSM2 rig. I would recommend the lite rig but the tutorials are still under development last I checked. After you purchase this and do all the tutorials contact me and I can point you in the direction of more training. I believe I have every video tutorial ever made concerning AM. It would take you 1 year of non stop training every day to get through all the material. For now start with Barry's Training its the best most well rounded video tutorial made to date for AM. My only complaint with the AM training community is that the people who start to Master AM move on to Maya soon after. The people who don't move on but know the program best don't often if at all make video tutorials and share their knowledge.


    I guess the problem is that CG in general is very complex. Learning CG in my opinion is like Learning Photoshop, After effects, Final Cut Pro, Pro tools, Motion, and Compressor, all rolled into one package. Modeling, Rigging, Surfacing, Animating, and Rendering all require a large investment of time and practice to achieve Photo realistic results. I don't know that many generalists who do it all professionally. Most Just do one or two jobs, Modeling and rigging, or just animating, or just surfacing. To do it all is like asking a professional director to Act, operate camera, Produce, do makeup, and write. Sure it can be done but something often suffers. Even if you study hard and you have lots of talent, you may not have the time.


    The good news is. AM is one of the more user friendly packages as compared to the big dogs. AM's concepts are mostly universal aside from splining. Your efforts will not be in vein if you need to learn the other packages for a job.


    Tutorials are here.



  2. I got the same thing. Clicking on the link opens another browser window with a list of code in it.

    Actually that's *normal*, as AM prj files are plain text. Normally what you would do is copy and paste into a plain text editor (I use Wordpad on a PC, but TextEdit or BBEdit would work on a Mac) and save with a .prj extension.


    But when it wouldn't then open in AM, I looked at the code and there appears to be large blocks of gibberish text that look like they don't belong. Not sure what to make of it. Maybe it should be zipped before uploading.




    I will send zipped version soon

  3. Jason, thanks for your thoughtfulness, however when I click on the link I get a webpage not available message.



    I here that from some people. But the link does work. The problem is on your end. I recommend installing additional browsers like.







    try them all


    Try using another computer



    Both of these solutions have seemed to work for people in your situation.

  4. The QuickTime Movies are Zipped


    Please fallow these instructions



    Do Not !!!!!!! double click on the zip file. This site is not for streaming.


    Click on the link below.


    Right click on the Zip file


    Choose save link as or save as to your desktop. This action will get the zipped file to your computer then you can double click the zip file to unzip the 7 movies.


    Do Not !!!!!!! double click on the zip files. This site is not for streaming.


    You can click on the link below however PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE ZIP FILE BEFORE TRYING TO OPEN THEM:



  5. Sorry to high jack


    Can you explain how this works, "this was a 48fps PRJ rendered with "step" at 2 to get just 24 fps" I have never understood the step option and its relationship to the project frame rate.

  6. I was watching one of the videos and it referred to a white render. I like that look but don't know where or how to do it. Anyone?



    I agree the white render is a great look and it is very simple to achieve.

    I recommend you use these settings as an initial jumping off point then play with the values from there.

    Create a new choreography.

    Turn off all your lights in the chor. You don't have to do this it depends on how much ambient intensity you have.


    Turn on AO global color 80 x80 is a good jumping off point. lower the intensity if the render is to bright


    Make the objects/models in your chor a slightly darker grey, it gives a nice clay look.



    render with ambient occlusion on. lower % give more grain and take less time to render. I would use multiple passes atleast 4, but the more the better.


  7. Very cool


    My firs reaction is why do I want to switch to this rig? So It would be nice if there was a button that lead me to a video that sells me on the rig, lets me know why I would take the time to learn this rig when I have invested time in TSM2. Dont get me wrong, my instinct says this rig has its advantages or you folks wouldn't have put all this time into it. It would just be nice if I could see a short infomercial style video illustrating why I want to learn this rig over the next. I know its a lot to ask for but those kinds of things get me excited about the product.


    The Squetch rig is versatile. And to add to the reasons mentioned before, you have seamless IkFk switching that TSM2 doesn't have. Not only arms, legs, also torso, every switch actually. Squetch rig is so much "modern".





    thanks for the info

  8. Very cool


    My firs reaction is why do I want to switch to this rig? So It would be nice if there was a button that lead me to a video that sells me on the rig, lets me know why I would take the time to learn this rig when I have invested time in TSM2. Dont get me wrong, my instinct says this rig has its advantages or you folks wouldn't have put all this time into it. It would just be nice if I could see a short infomercial style video illustrating why I want to learn this rig over the next. I know its a lot to ask for but those kinds of things get me excited about the product.

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