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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. I love your vid tuts. I wish I made more money so I could pay you to d a new one every week. Its funny the tut I created about the cloth attach group that you taught me.. Well I watched it again and it was so surreal because I had forgotten everything. So there I was me from the passed teaching myself in the future. As if I had a twin with secret information.


    Very strange


    I kept talking to my previous self saying things like what about this or that? And then my passed self would touch on that lol.

  2. Hi Jason .. here is my attempt ...


    Thanks this looks great. With a little tweaking and higher res renders I think you got it down.


    Thanks for your help.


    If you would like my product LightDims found here www.lightdims.com


    I am glad to send you a free one for the help.

  3. Hello my friends


    I have a bunch of perfectly good Hard drives here is the list.


    750Gb seagate sata 2 7200rpm

    750Gb seagate sata 2 7200rpm

    750Gb seagate sata 2 7200rpm

    750Gb seagate sata 2 7200rpm


    500Gb seagate sata 2 7200rpm


    250GB WD sata I

    250GB WD sata I

    200GB maxtor ide

    120GB segat sata I


    I have at least 8 more but am too tired to list them all.


    I have tested them all and reformatted them all.


    I am not charging for them but I will not pay for shipping and handling.


    Based on the wight I am guessing its about 8-11 bucks to send one drive. I am going to add an additional $5.00 to that for me to take the time to go to the post office and stand in line.


    If anyones interested contact me via my website



  4. transparent Glass text look



    Can someone talented in Material create this look?


    You can do it easily with Pro animator but I of course want to use my favorite program. This look is very hot right now so I think it will come in handy for all of us.


    It has a high production value, in my opinion. Kind of reminds me of something apple would do.



  5. Here are 2 zip files. One contains an import model to update existing TSM2 rigs, for seamless fk/ik switching for the arms. The other zip contains an updated leg script, to allow seamless fk/ik switching for the legs and an import model to update the TSM2 rig, for both the arms and legs. These import models update the constraint setup of existing relationships of the TSM2 rig, so you MUST run the rigger before importing these models. The scripts are not capable of creating these poses.


    For arms ONLY, import the update model into an already rigged biped character and save.


    For the legs, the script is for newly rigged models, then import the update model after running the rigger. Save model.



    If you want to update the legs of existing models, you will need to make a duplicate bone of the "1 right foot IK control" (NO CHILDREN), make it a child of the "1 right foot control" and name it "1 right foot IK control target". Do the same for the left foot. Once you created these bones you can import the update model. (See Image)



    Could you make a vid tutorial

  6. I modified this Automator Apple script I found on line.


    You must have Quicktime pro installed for this to work.

    You must have Snow leopard as your OS.

    Your .mov files must be named something like 001.mov or 1.mov. I could right a renaming script that adds increasing integers to the file names automatically if anyone needs it. Otherwise the order may be off. For some reason I had to make the app sort by descending order for it to put the videos in the correct order. If I do ascending it joins the file backwards. Strange. If its not in the correct order for you simply open the app via Apples Automator which comes with every mac and change the widget thingy I put in to Ascending instead of descending.


    Instructions: Basically drag and drop.


    Simply drag the folder containing the .mov files onto the app.


    The result will be a single large quicktime movie from all the smaller quick times. It will ask you where to save the self containing file. If you want to make sure it worked and in the correct order just click cancel and play the file. You can always save it later or quick and run the app again.


    I Have not figured out how to pause the play back on the finale quicktime, you will see what I mean its kind of annoying. I will make an update soon. ((((((Updated)))))) I got the pause to work. Wow apple script is easy. I didn't even have to look it up. I simply wrote the command

    pause movie 1

    I just guessed and it worked.




  7. I think combining video is a bit more complicated than combining text files.


    Why does the editing program even need them combined?



    Its not practical to work with segmented files.

    1. Exponentially more time consuming when sinking external audio from a separate source from a sound guy. Not practical for specifics to editing.


    2. Not practical when adding effects


    3. trying to do global effects or time ramps not practical.


    4. annoying to have 100 or more extra files for what should be 1 file. Makes things harder to read in the project.


    I think premiere and vegas (sorry I am on a windows-pc) can create a group from many different video-files which should be manipulateable as any single asset.

    It is still annoying to import as many files, but it is the best I can think of, OR you just import and render them out after that to one file and use that for editiing.


    See you




    Thanks for the work arounds but if I cant find a way to join the files on the copy, I am sending it back

  8. Video capture devices are cheap enough these days that finding one that will allow you to format your drive other than FAT32 might save you a great deal of trouble. You requirement to stay within FAT32 seems to be the root of the problem.


    Perhaps the company will allow a trade in/upgrade to their product?



    I have talked to the company but they refuse to change it. I talked to their competitor who makes a similar yet quadruple the price product and they told me why.


    The expensive company will allow an HFS format to create a single file. But they use hardware encoding.Hardware encoding is great but expensive. About 3K plus special authorized drives add extra 250 a pop and an extra 1k for an anton heavy battery. The product I got uses software encoding, Its basically a computer the size of my fist with a proc or two and its only job is to encode on the fly. It allows you to purchase off the shelf drives for like $100 and the device comes with batteries. It only costs $995.00.



    I tried to cut a corner and its obvious the company did too. Apparently when you use fat32 it allows the proc or memory to dump its cache every 4 gigs. meaning if you are the manufacturer you can build the thing cheaper.


    It has all sorts of problems, drifting audio, tearing of picture, dropped frames, lack of format support, the fat32 thing and so on. I am thinking of sending it back. They of couse say the problems will be fixed in future firmware updates but, waiting for those updates and not having a product that does the job sucks. And they got my money.

  9. Video capture devices are cheap enough these days that finding one that will allow you to format your drive other than FAT32 might save you a great deal of trouble. You requirement to stay within FAT32 seems to be the root of the problem.


    Perhaps the company will allow a trade in/upgrade to their product?



    I have talked to the company but they refuse to change it. I talked to their competitor who makes a similar yet quadruple the price product and they told me why.


    The expensive company will allow an HFS format to create a single file. But they use hardware encoding.Hardware encoding is great but expensive. About 3K plus special authorized drives add extra 250 a pop and an extra 1k for an anton heavy battery. The product I got uses software encoding, Its basically a computer the size of my fist with a proc or two and its only job is to encode on the fly. It allows you to purchase off the shelf drives for like $100 and the device comes with batteries. It only costs $995.00.



    I tried to cut a corner and its obvious the company did too. Apparently when you use fat32 it allows the proc or memory to dump its cache every 4 gigs. meaning if you are the manufacturer you can build the thing cheaper.


    It has all sorts of problems, drifting audio, tearing of picture, dropped frames, lack of format support, the fat32 thing and so on. I am thinking of sending it back. They of couse say the problems will be fixed in future firmware updates but, waiting for those updates and not having a product that does the job sucks. And they got my money.

  10. If I had a situation where I had several video files that needed to be treated as one and i were editing this in something like After Effects i'd make one "composition" that strung all the files together in order, and then use that as a single piece of footage in the composition where I was dong my real editing.


    In Aftereffects such sub-compositions are passed through without loss of quality since they don't' need to be prerendered to show inthe composition they are inserted in.


    But I've never had 100 files that needed to be treated in such a way.



    That is a viable work around but most people do not use ae to edit, because it is very slow at that and not designed for it. To render out the strung together files is not an option either because at that point you have gained nothing by capturing the files on set.


    FCP has the ability to precomp as well, its sometimes referred to as nesting where you load files into a sequence and then edit the sequence as if it were a source file the sequence just references the original clips and pretends to be them. Unfortunately its not advised because of buggs that have never been fully resolved. It can paint you into a dark corner down the road of a lengthy project.

  11. I think combining video is a bit more complicated than combining text files.


    Why does the editing program even need them combined?



    Its not practical to work with segmented files.

    1. Exponentially more time consuming when sinking external audio from a separate source from a sound guy. Not practical for specifics to editing.


    2. Not practical when adding effects


    3. trying to do global effects or time ramps not practical.


    4. annoying to have 100 or more extra files for what should be 1 file. Makes things harder to read in the project.

  12. Hi Folks


    I have an issue. I have a device which captures video but it forces me to format the drive fat32 which means it segments the clips into approximately 4 gig chunks.


    To edit the footage I need to copy all the chunks to my editing drive from the capture device hard drive.


    I was wondering if anyone knows of a way / script or program / automator that will concatenate the segments durning the copy?


    And preferably on a mac.


    I was looking on line and I cant find anything.


    I was hoping there was a unix command that would copy and concatenate at the same time. There might be but I cant find it.


    Quicktime player will allow you do join .mov files but the process is very manual and time consuming.

  13. Its said that Obama will announce the existence of visitors this year. The conspiracy people say its because the government has knowledge the the aliens will reveal themselves in 2012.

    Who says? I would bet my entire fortune (heh heh) that there is no possibility of any announcement coming from any Obama administration personnel about the existence of any extra-terrestrial visitors.


    Unless they were malevolent, I don't think proof of alien existence would evoke fear in me. Perhaps the opposite. Hard to tell.


    I do believe (without proof, purely speculation, as anyone who says what I am about to say must be speculating) that there MUST be some form of alien life somewhere in this entire universe, just based on probability. I do NOT believe there is any solid evidence we have been visited yet.


    And also based on probability, I would bet that any alien life that could/might have the technology to visit this planet, would find us as interesting as we find discovering a new species. I suspect we humans would look incredibly primitive to them, and there is no reason for them to have any kind of compassion for us. They either want to take over this planet, or use us for their own purposes to make their "life" better. There is no reason they would come here just for the fun of it nor to reach out with goodwill. We might be a tasty new food source for them even. Or if we're lucky, we could turn out to be not interesting nor useful.


    Perhaps I'm projecting the pattern of what history has shown us, when we humans decide to go exploring and find "new land". Usually doesn't work out so good for the first natives. Unless they are smarter than the invaders.



    If they had the tech to travel the stars they most likely have been evolving for millions of years, if that is true than they may have evolved beyond the desire to take something without considering the impact. They may have evolved to consider all life invaluable.


    We are evolving too very slowly but a half black man is president and in the future a white woman may be president and so on. Gays are now starting to get rights like African Americans and other minorities faut for.


    So if we can continue to evolve than just think of a species that has been around for thousands of years longer than us. Who knows the LORD OF THE FLYS instinct to take just because your bigger and you can rather than having compassion may eventually fade away.

  14. Unless they were malevolent, I don't think proof of alien existence would evoke fear in me. Perhaps the opposite. Hard to tell.


    I kind of believe already. Like others...awaiting proof. I've seen a couple of things in the night sky I couldn't explain, but that doesn't make them aliens. Specifically, they were slow traveling star like lights that gradually faded out. My first instinct was some sort of meteorite, but there was no tail and they were too slow. Anyway...who knows!? Obama? We'll see. :)


    Jason: You do know the uncanny valley is a well known concept around here right. :D


    I did not know it was common knowledge.


    By the way, what you described sounds a lot like a satellite. I used to live in Florida and if you looked up at night for any given length of time you could see them.

  15. Its said that Obama will announce the existence of visitors this year. The conspiracy people say its because the government has knowledge the the aliens will reveal themselves in 2012.


    Not that I believe this to be true but its tripy to entertain the possibility. If Obama did make an announcement in an attempt to quell future panic when they reveal themselves, What would that mean to us in everyday life?


    Its a hard concept to wrap your head around. To speak for myself, if I had to accept the undeniable fact that aliens exist and they are watching us, I think it would be kind of like a natural disaster, like an earthquake or tsunami. A lot of shock.


    I remember getting a call from a friend and he told me to go outside and look west. It was night time and I went out and looked east. I saw nothing. My friend lift near me came outside and pointed west. I turned and looked.


    I instantly went into shock. I could not talk or comprend what I was looking at. I was pearliesed with fear.It was a frightening feeling.


    It looked like the sky had opened up into some sort of worm whole that enveloped the nights sky. It was multi colored Like a beautiful brilliant supernova. I couldnt make sense of it but yet is was right there and I had to accept it. What ever it was. I was actually trembling with fear.



    My friend saw my fear and and said don't worry its a starwars missile test. Then I came back to my senses. But the point I am trying to make is that when I had no explanation at all......it was... so overpowering I couldn't respond. That is until I had a reasonable explanation.


    This has happened once before to me. I was at a store and a creature that looked similar to a human female walked in front of me. Again I was stunned and went into shock. Again I could not comprehend what I was looking at. This creature had a human body but the head was incredibly deformed it was completely missing the jaw structure. Yet it was shopping right in front of me.


    It did not look real, meaning to me I thought it was a jim henson / stan winston effect.


    Then another customer said to me dont star she had large amounts of cancer removed from her head, face and jaw.


    Guys i am telling you before I got this explanation my heart was on pause.


    The best definition for what my brain was going through is a term called "uncanny valley" It basically means that the brain can not categorize what it is seeing. The brain attempts to put it in a category that it associates with something from reality or something real but because this thing looks so real and yet it is off your brain can not place this thing in either reality or fantasy. The brain rejects what it is seeing completely and for some like me you go into shock.


    Keep in mind I have had to put pressure on a guy who was hit by a car and bleeding out large multiple wholes in his tattered hemriging body. I didnt g into shock then and I dont do it easily.


    Just just bring this up because if you really explore the the feeling of accepting aliens all around our planet and walking among us. Its an unsettling feeling. WHat would that be like on a mass scale?

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