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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. This tutorial explains lighting in depth.


    Its extremely long but stick with it because it gets more informative as it goes on.


    The tutorial has instructions on how to instal this updated default chor.










    This version of the tutorial has poor audio quality. I will upload another version that has clear audio soon.


    Vid tutorial chapter list




    1. examples of the the new default chor lighting scheme

    2. how to instal the updated default chor ino am

    3. breif intro to the tecknocrane. for an in depth tecknocrane tutorial watch this. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37208

    isolating each light to see its effects.

    4. rim light

    5. key light

    6. kicker light

    7. the fill light aka global illumination and ambiant occlusion

    8. back ground light

    9. shadows

    10. Why Kleig lights?

    11. Shadow property settings and why.

    12. intensity and falloff

    13. cone angle

    14. temperature or color of light

    15. where to put your subject

    16. tinkering with the key light.

    17. more dramatic lighting techniques.

    18. wrap up with thumb.

    19. intentional imperfections


    If the audio is too hard for you to listen too I will up load a beter version in a day or 2.

  2. I say forget all the beginners. Lets concentrate on expanding and making tutorials on lesser known features for high end users.

    I fo rone would love a tutorial on how to make a video on HDRI image based lighting on animation not just a still.



    How is it not working for animation?



    I don't understand.

  3. I would like to work with you on the vid tutorials. We can do screen sharing and easily work together. With me starting from scratch and installing the body rig and the face rig it will force us while recording to answer all questions and not gloss over things that may trip up someone else. I have a nack for needing everything explained.


    I can then edit down the video leaving out dead space. And I can re record the audio with a proper audio track.


    We can take it once step further and you can use my video as a template for additional refined videos that may further explore a subject. For example We may have videos 1-10 but video # 6 may have a supplemental 6a video.


    I offer my services to anyone that wants to work together on a vid tutorial. With screen sharing and screen capture its a breeze. All we need is your talent and knowledge.


    I know you have the best intentions, Jason, but the way this offer is worded implies that I haven't been able to record a "proper audio track", haven't properly formatted my video tutorials and have glossed over things...at least often enough to point out. If you want to release an improved version of any of my previous tutorials, it won't bother me.


    Any tutorial could always be better and I have no problem taking constructive criticism, so if you would like to critique the tutorials before they are released, I can shoot them your way before posting. My schedule is pretty crazy, so it would be very difficult to do the screen sharing Q&A type of thing. I don't have issues with collaborating with anyone, I've done it quite a bit.



    First off :


    All your previous tutorials are perfect. I was not speaking about any specific tutorials I have seen. I sam simply implying that this type of stuff is so specific its easy to overlook a small key feature that could stop someone dead in the water. Most people seem to have the feeling that vid tuts are a lot of work and that puts them off. When i was talking about "proper audio track" and stuff like that, it was my intention to try and eleviate any resistance to making the tutorials. I am not good with words, so I am not surprised it was interpreted with a negative effect.


    Let me be perfectly clear I have no criticism to give regarding anything you have done. You could not have been pointed further in the wrong direction with my response.


    I would love however to be the first to view your tutorials. If I have any trouble completing the tutorials and getting the results intended I would love to collaborate.

  4. I say forget all the beginners. Lets concentrate on expanding and making tutorials on lesser known features for high end users.

    I fo rone would love a tutorial on how to make a video on HDRI image based lighting on animation not just a still.

  5. Did someone say vid tutorial


    Yes, but I've been trying to put it together over quite a long time...things have changed too much. I don't want to put it together and then have it outdated immediately. It is actually going to be a lot of little tutorials on how to use and set up the rig as well as install it. I have several things that I need to tweak in the rig before it can happen, but it is part of the rotation in my "things to do" list. At the moment, I'm about two months behind where I want to be on my personal project, so I've been concentrating mostly on that lately (although I squeezed in a rig update).


    I've got a quick upgrade to the FACE interface that will make it a lot more adaptable and a foot control that I would like to put in (still need to experiment with it and see if it is worth adding...it would be very cool if I can get it workable) and I need to do an experiment with a shoulder setup that I don't think will end up being viable (so I'll just do a quick test first on that).


    Once I can get the set modeling finished for my personal project, I'll be doing more rotating of things...which has worked very well this year at getting stuff released (I think it has been six under five minute tutorials and one thirty minute tutorial). Another week or two and I think I'll be at that point, I'm thinking.


    I would like to work with you on the vid tutorials. We can do screen sharing and easily work together. With me starting from scratch and installing the body rig and the face rig it will force us while recording to answer all questions and not gloss over things that may trip up someone else. I have a nack for needing everything explained.


    I can then edit down the video leaving out dead space. And I can re record the audio with a proper audio track.


    We can take it once step further and you can use my video as a template for additional refined videos that may further explore a subject. For example We may have videos 1-10 but video # 6 may have a supplemental 6a video.


    I offer my services to anyone that wants to work together on a vid tutorial. With screen sharing and screen capture its a breeze. All we need is your talent and knowledge.

  6. By the way green lantern sucked so bad. What a turd. The trailer from the wonder-con event was incredible. It showed so much depth with all these characters. It turns out the trailer contained the extent of the depth and character development. Watch the 6 minute trailer and you have sucked all the nutrients the movie has to offer.


    Man did they mis the mark.


    The transformers franchise is literally allowing movie makers to get a way with similar crap.

  7. I found Captain America refreshingly, unexpectedly better than most comic book movies now a days.


    My only few issues are.


    No "motivation" for the montage when Captain america starts beating up bad guys and doing comic poses too music. They made the same mistake in Spider man 1. Even in the commentary of Spider man 1 or 2 not sure, Toby cuts down either the script of the directing when he correctly states the lack of motivation for the montage of action sequences the moment spidy is in his suit.


    Montages only work well in 80's movies when the motivation is to improve ones self and show a little progress over times in each shot.


    The montages in both these movies shows no progress just a bunch of hero shots showing no emotion or progression. Its a cheat that sticks out like a sour thumb its a wasted opportunity, its eye candy that leaves you feeling empty.


    My other issue was the casting. There are thousands of starving actors out there. Has hollywood lost so much talent that we need to cast the same actor playing 2 comic book characters that exist in the same world and same time and could easily meat. wouldn't that be awkward.



    My last two complaints are the suit. I know the guy who designed it. He does good work but not when he is given too much creative freedom. In Dare devil the director kept having to explain to him that all the buckles and straps were not necessary because they were not MOTIVATED, meaning there was no reasen for them to be there. If you look at the suit for captain A, there are buckles and straps under hits arm pits , over his shoulders and on his abs. The only buckles that are motivated and work are the belt and gloves. The rest makes no Freaking sense and should not be there.


    Last complaint: no creatively choreographed fight sequences. "Have we learned nothing from movies like the matrix"?

    Other than that I liked the movie

  8. Just make sure you turn it off thats the catch. I never got the discount and paid $80.00 out of my own pocket. It was a hard sell and did not equate to any revenue. They urged me to stick with it at 15 to 20 dollars per day. While building product awareness. What a rip off.

  9. Welcome back!


    I believe render times are pretty similar now with a small edge to Windows computers.


    The larger edge is that there are several 3rd party plugins (TSM2 for example) that are Windows only.


    The downside of Windows is that Quicktime is not yet directly available in 64-bit programs. However, you can have both 32-bit and 64-bit A:M installed on the same computer, no extra charge. You could render to a TGA sequence with 64-bit A:M and use 32-bit A:M to convert that to Quicktime or use Quicktime Pro (what I do).



    I don't know if its official, but you can always ask if they can give you both mac and pc versions for the single license fee. They did it for me once. In practice I find myself using the pc version almost exclusively. I am a mac person but the AM app just seems to feel right in windows. Before V16 Am on the mac didnt work very well for me. Its was kind of buggy. I think a lot of those issues are fixed now.

  10. As I said, I set the type to sine and used the default settings. Then used the paint tool to add craters and used the weather, erode and blur filters. There's not much to show in the settings, it's all default, except for setting the type to sine.



    Can you post a screen grab of your paint that created the craters? I thin Robert is trying to keep everything in this informal contest apples to apples so that when you get 5 or so people submitting its easy to see what made different results.

  11. I hate posting a fix this quickly, but, I missed a minor problem that would keep one of the controllers from being positioned where I think it should go (if anyone is in the middle of an installation, you can just manually reposition the on-face cheek controllers in Bones Mode). I also added some sizing Poses for the new controllers.


    Squetchy Sam was unaffected, but I decided to repost him with an updated date to avoid future possible confusion.


    Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


    If anyone finds other issues, let me know and I'll fix it as quickly as possible.



    I know I shouldn't even bring this up because because it is the reality of our user group, but its so depressing when Someone puts countless hours and effort into and creates something truly remarkable and in my opinion crucial to our community and yet there are less than 10 downloads. If I was a millionaire I honestly would sponsor a by weekly contest paying out $1000.00 for 1st place, 500.00 for 2nd and $50.00 for 3rd.


    I would have contests for rigging, SSS, Modeling, animation, and so on.


    I bet if I had unlimited funds I could spur a ton of interest in this app. As a wealthy producer said once, when you don't have time or creativity, to solve a problem just blast it away with money.


    Thanks for the greta work.

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