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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. I am looking at getting an OCZ Vertex 3 Sata III 2.5 in SSD - 240GB as my OS/boot drive (still have a 2nd disk for data). I might go in over lunch tomorrow and do the long installation on Saturday. My laptop is only SATA II (at least, the drives are SATA II, I can't tell for sure about the interface), but I figure it's best to get SATA III for the future.


    This means I'll be getting Jason@Hash to issue me a new license in a few days.



    You cant go wrong with the Vertex 3. Its probably one of the fastest most reliable drives on the market when tested against other drives. But if you only have sata 2, I recommend you step down to the Agility 3. I paid $149.00 for a 120GB. Not as fast as the Vertex 3 but extremely fast non the less. Ther Agility 3 is sata 3.

  2. SSD are definitely the wave of the future - but if you have Vista or XP I can't really recommend them. Newer drives support a garbage collection function called Trim, without it performance degrades over time. XP and Vista also (as far as I know) do not support Trim. This feature is supported in Win 7.


    Sweet spot for SSD is about 128GB right now. 256GB is coming down in price but still pretty expensive. You can get a 64GB for a very reasonable price, if you make that your boot drive/photoshop scratch disk you will not be disappointed. Just don't expect to keep everything on it.


    I have one in my work laptop ( I bought a Kingston, I haven't had any problems with it, other than a bit of slowdown as XP does not support Trim) and it makes a big difference. I need to figure out a way to set up a scheduled task to run a manual wipe utility to keep performance up.



    The problem you are having is that Kingston SSD drives are the slowest drives on the market by a huge margin. Never purchase a kingston SSD. I am using The OCZ drive for my Atomos Ninja.


    Atomos and Decklink have both said Kingstons are not supported. They wouldn't say why as they probably do not want to bad mouth. I did a little research and found that when tested against other brands they are not even in they same ball park.


    But they are inexpensive.

  3. After a few days my drive died. :(


    Ok I murdered it. Involuntary drive slaughter.


    I was copying files. They copied successfully. I attempted to properly unmount / eject the drive on my mac. Unfortunately it hung.


    Yes I know I should have shut down the computer at that point but I maid the fatal mistake of pulling the USB cable.


    That was the end of the drive.


    I love Amazon. They are sending out a new one.

  4. Furchur



    What do you think about the 8core Bull dozer vs the X6 ????


    I was customizing on IBUYPOWER.com


    and I can basically purchase the same system for the same price only difference is these two procs. My thinking is that I should go with the 8core even though it is slower than the 6 core. I think this because my biggest complaint with AM is render time. 8 cores will render more frames per hour than 6cores even if the six coures are a little faster core for core.

  5. Thanks Furchur


    I was curiouse how the AMD X6 1090T at 3.4GHZ would do with the AM Bench Test. Intel will always be faster but the price is not always worth it. I wish they made Mac pros with dual AMD 1090T's. If they did that they could probably drop the price $500.00-$1000.00 on the mac pros.


    Apple / intel wants to charge a wapping $1200.00 more simply for this.


  6. Be warned SSD drives have a finite life span, but they will most likely last longer than your spinning disks.


    Also be warned Burnable CD's DVD's and Blu-rays also have a finite life span as they use some sort of organic material like a type of algie. Those of you with pictures on a CD or DVD in a vault will definitely be disappointed 10-15 years from now when you take them out.


    If you want to protect and back up your data. get a box that supports raid 5 or 10. than get a 2nd one and keep it in a box as a backup. buy a bunch of bare bone drives.


    Now your protected for at least 50 years.


    As drives die you simply swap them out for new ones. The data is protected with raid 5 so that if any one drive fails you have no loss. Raid 10 will allow any 2 drives failing. If the box fails or dies thats when you pull out the identical back up. Put the drives from the old box in the new box and turn it on.


    I cant see anything safer than that.


    I have 4 promise smart stores all raid 5 all on APC backup power. I have something called a ProBOx which I love. Raid zero no protection but I use it as my time machine so thats fine. If my time machine dies I simply rebuild it from the source.


    I also have a drobo. It has a technology called beyond raid. Which basically makes swapping drives out hot swappable and you don't need to have the same size drives so you just keep expanding one drive at a time as you run out of room. You start off with 4 500GB drives and in the end you have 4 3TB drives without ever having to recopy anything. Kind of slick.


    I think I will be the first person I know to have a PETABYTE.


    I have to store tons of video for clients and personal projects.


    Beware drobos are extremely slow when transferring files.

  7. I spent about 4 hours doing a tons of research. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about SSD's


    I decided to purchase this one found in the link below. Its the highest gain at the lowest cost. If anyone is searching for an SSD this is the bang for your buck model. a step down from this Agility 3 is the Vertex 2 which is also good but the decrease in performance is not worth the few bucks you may save. A step up from the agility 3 is the vertex 3 but not enough of a performance boost to warent the $40.00 increase in price.


    Anyone of these 3 drives are a great buy but the Agility 3 is the sweet spot. I Do not recommend the Agility 2 at all.


    Why do I only recommend OCZ?


    I searched and read many comparisons on performance. Intels are rock solid and good performance but way to expensive when comparing equally rated performance. Crucial have the oposite problem. You may find CRUCIAL slightly cheaper in price than the OCZ but research shows they are not as good as the OCZ but they are a close 2nd.


    There are many and I mean many manufacturers of SSD drives but for now the clear victor on price, performance and quality is OCZ.


    To reiterate. If money is no object go with intel and get their latest and greatest but you will pay for it. If the OCZ is still too expensive go with a Crucial, but I don't recommend stepping down to them. NEVER under any circumstances purchase a Kingston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They should not be allowed to even sell their drives. Pure crap. Do not buy Kingston.


    Conclusion: OCZ.




  8. You can always wait.... things will only get cheaper.


    whew...that's a relief...given that I last thought about this in april, one might conclude I'm into the waiting it out thang ...



    I would purchase on black friday. New egg, ibuypower, and another good computer company


    cyberpower will also be giving deals.


    I would expect as much as a 20% savings from todays prices.

  9. Definitely a lot to think about.


    As for more render nodes just email Jason and ask him how much they would charge for some more nodes. Tell him how much you will need. The price is not significant. I am sure he can give a discount for Nancy who was a huge contributor on TWO and SO.


    In my opinion the bang for your buck is with a 6 core AMD desktop. Those extra render nodes will come in handy for AM animations. You will need at least 12gigs of ram to make efficient use of the nodes spread across 6 cores.

  10. Not sure I need the win7 Pro ? Only upgraded because I wanted to be able to run some programs in xp mode if necessary (I have old PS, Illustrator, etc software)


    I have Photoshop 6.0 and it works fine on Win 7 Home Premium



    Their RAM sounds overpriced.



    Unless you are using more than 16GB of ram in your system you do not need anything more than Win 7 home premium.

  11. I recommend this. I own one. no problems with it. 24x7 tech support for life. only $799.00


    Its a six core 2.8GHZ with 8gigs of ram , free shipping, ATI Radeonâ„¢ HD4350 Silent Graphics Card w/ 512MB DDR2 VRAM




    Thanks for the links, suggestions Jason, Fuchur.


    The base system being offered on Dell is $850. - that includes:


    Base - $849.99


    Win 7 Home premium *

    8GB SDRAM ddr3 at 1333Mhz, 4 dimms *

    1TB 7200 HD

    nvidia geforce GT530 (1GB)

    NO speakers *, NO monitor

    thx truStudio PC *

    (16X CD/DVD burner, wireless N, usb 2.0, ethernet, MS Ofice starter, keyboard, mouse, Mcafee 1 yr, 2 yr Limited HDWARE warranty, inhome service, etc)


    I modified base system, increased price to $1419, now includes:

    win 7 pro- (added $130.)

    16 GB SDRAM dual channel ddr3 at 1333Mhz, 4 dimms (added $360)

    cheap speakers ($20.)

    Soundblaster xfi extreme ($60)


    Not sure I need the win7 Pro ? Only upgraded because I wanted to be able to run some programs in xp mode if necessary (I have old PS, Illustrator, etc software)

    Definitely want 16GB (maybe this is too expensive?), need speakers.

    Upgraded sound from integrated sound, to dedicated sound. My current system has integrated, and it is impossible to record voice cleanly


    Not sure if I care if only has usb 2.0?


    Isnt that Dell only a 4core? I highly recommend you go to a site like ibuypower and customize. I feel that dell is over priced.

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