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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. What's the most wintery place you've lived, Jason?



    I lived in Waldorf Maryland for 3 years. It was cold at times but I liked the weather. The only thing I didnt like the overcast sky's.


    Arizona and Florida had beautiful skys very clear. I felt clostrifobic when I moved to Maryland. But the weather was nice. I enjoyed the crisp clean cold air.



    If I could handle Maryland do you think I could handle Wyoming?


    I have tainted myself by living in sunny California for the last 10 years.


    I paid 285 grand for a shitty condo. Its worth 135grand now

  2. While working on the office set I found a back up on my second server of the logo fo DDI I was creating. Happy to say that in that back up I found a WIP folder that had alot of Cupid's Sick Day files. Most are the beginnings or middle status of models that will be used. I am very pleased to find this folder and will take me a couple of nights just to go through it.







    Looks great. The lighting and rendering quality are superb. good choice with the glow.


    Only suggestion. And its a big one I learned from a master. Put the camera in at least 5-10 different spots. vary hight, and angle.


    A genius photographer told me that it is very rare that you with camera in hand are lucky enough to happen to stumble upon a subject and be at the perfect shooting position, hight, focal length and angle to get the best image for that subject.


    Solution: Take about 5-10 shots and vary all those 4 aspects, don't stress yourself by putting thought into it, get on your knees, climb up a tree, pretend your a fly on the wall.


    Now look at the 5-10 shots from very different positions, angles, focal lengths, and so on.


    after your review there are bound to be a 1 or 3 shots that speak to you, that appeal to you. they may not be perfect yet but you will notice potential. You will also notice shots that don't look good at all.


    Afte you identify the shots that appeal to you go back and refine 1 of them. take 5-10 shots in minutely varied positions near the shot that you liked. The sweet spot will most likely be in one of those refined pictures.




    Even pros do this if they have the time and the subject is not going anywhere. After you have found the sweet spot on a stationary subject now think about different times of day to shoot it. long shadows like before sunset or after sunrise, are often good choices.


    Now think of different times of year. Sometimes it takes patience to create the perfect shot.



    In california near los angeles. I wait until after it rains to get specific planed shots because the smog is removed from my shots and the air is clean resulting in higher detail.


    This is good advise. Ever since I learned this my work has gotten so much better. I used to stress about getting the perfect shot now I just fallow this advise.


    His commencement speech for Stanford is a good watch, as well.



    this video is extremely inspiring. I cant think of a better story where someone gets the last laugh.


    The guy that had Jobs fired later regretted it and said it was his fault and his mistake. In the guys defense Jobs was spending money the company did not have without the companies knowledge.



    Ultimately this video makes me feel as if I am wasting what little time I have left on this planet. Time to start risking and creating again.

  4. Thanks, Jason! I think we can prune those down a bit for brevity and style but those are a good starting point.


    The "Tool tips" window I'll cover in my first quick start Lesson 0 so you won't need to pursue that one.


    I'm not going to use either the Library or Community window in any of the regular tuts so we will want coverage of those for people who are curious.



    Here's the question a tut on "Library" needs to answer... Why do I want to use this when i can already load files directly from my hard drive? And... If do decide to use it, how do i add things to it?


    I view the Library as a vestigial feature from days when new users probably didn't know how to navigate to a file on their hard drive and it had to be made visible in the interface for them. Is there a still killer use for Library today? What is it?


    The items in the Options window I'm going to try to cover as they become relevant in flow of the regular tutorials so let's wait on that until we know what doesn't get caught that way.




    However... i was thinking you were going to cover this material that I outlined earlier regarding customizing the interface.




    I was a little unclear if you wanted me to cover the entire interface. But I can scale it down to just the stuff in the link above. I have always been bad at following direction.

  5. Needs Critiquing, please advise me, give opinion


    I have been recording these into small chunks. I feel this will target the audience better and keep people from getting board to easily. There is a sense of accomplishment when working your way threw each tut, so the shorter and more targeted the better.


    Tell me whats missing, or how it should be said better. Or you can even create the tut yourself it will not hurt my feelings. I think multiple combined tutorials from 2 different perspectives might be helpful and give a well rounded view of the features.


    No worries though, right now we are roughing this out. I can always add a uniform splash screen later as Robert suggested.










  6. Id like to contribute to the official taoam. I am willing to work on this lesson. Let me know if thats acceptable and I will take on the task. I will make a thread showing results so everyone can give their 2 cents and I will update it as advised.


    Jason, when you are covering the extra buttons that are in the Customize dialog, it's not necessary to explain what every button does, but point out that they can click on any button in that display to get a text description of what it does.


    Of course, when you are demonstrating adding buttons to a panel you probably will want to explain what that particular button does that made it worth adding, why you find it valuable.


    The answer to "Why would I want to do this?" should always be evident.




  7. Do they still make 4x3 monitors or tv's?


    I really think that we need to fallow suit with company's like apple, Ripple training, Lynda taining, and total training. It just does not make sense to go against the grain.


    A compromise could be to encode the tuts in 2 resolutions High and low.


    1280x720 and 960x720. The 960x720 will be distorted though.

  8. I highly recommend we make our tutorials 1280x720p or higher. Lynda.com, total training have been using this resolution for at least 4 years.



    Quick story. I used to work heavily in DVD. I remember a meeting with a high profile director and the heads of our encoding department. Remember this was like 1999.

    The director who made a little movie called E.T. wanted to increase the quality of DVD. He was not happy with the results. Believe it or not the mpeg 2 back then was not as high a quality is mpeg 2 is today. Or at least the hardware to convert film and video to mpeg-2 did not produce the same results back then. You may notice this on older titles in terms of compression and micro or macro blocking especial in blacks and rapid movement like wip pans where every pixel is changing on a frame by frame basis.


    Anyways The heads of the department suggested to the director that he should film his movies specifically for DVD, meaning no wip pans or extremely dark scenes. I remember they also suggested no long shots, to stick to close ups.


    I will never forget the directors reaction. It was so perfectly juxtapose against how serious they were with their suggestion and they had put a lot of thought into it.


    Lets just say he thought they were joking at best , and if they weren't he thought they were idiots. He didnt say that but you could read his face and reaction.


    He explained that he would never take that advice because new formats come and go all the time and it was up to the technology to catch up to his standard of film making.


    To be honest thats how I feel. people will eventually upgrade to larger monitors or dual monitor or higher resolution monitors. Internet speeds will always get faster and cheaper. So lets not lower our standards. Lets make movies that will remain up to date.

  9. A Lesson x that might not be a core TAoA:M chapter but included in "good things to know":


    Lesson x Codecs and file formats


    -how to choose a codec

    -how to use A:M to re-compress

    -how to use QT Pro to re-compress



    Or possibly this might be in a lesson on "rendering", although I think rendering shoudl be intoruduced as needed inthe regualr chapters.



    There are some many things about A:M that are interlinked their usefulness that it is difficult to separate them out.


    I can handle that tutorial as well if you wish.

  10. But imo why re "Hash" the old tutorials?


    I look at the current TAoA:M and feel it's not teaching some things well. That's my reason. TAoA:m is their first exposure to tuts and it needs to be strong enough to not leave them with confusion about how continue on.



    Valid point

  11. yet another lesson x I think needs a space...


    Lesson x Customizing the interface

    -making and changing keyboard shortcuts

    -using multiple monitors

    -docking and undocking panels

    -changing the "appearance" scheme

    -adding new buttons to panels and creating new panels


    an example project might be to make a new panel that mimics the number pad buttons (possibly useful for laptop users).




    Id like to contribute to the official taoam. I am willing to work on this lesson. Let me know if thats acceptable and I will take on the task. I will make a thread showing results so everyone can give their 2 cents and I will update it as advised.

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