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Posts posted by Gerry

  1. At the time I attempted to post an image of the "broken" icon I see when I try to view videos on this forum. However I don't get the "Flash player not installed" error message or the like. I've never seen the icon anywhere else, it's a triangle in a circle, with a diagonal bar across it.

    I've always just assumed it was because of some video conversion going on in the background, and Flash is usually the culprit on the iPad. I'll try to dig up that thread.

  2. I was able to get a screen grab but I can't upload from here, and for some reason when I try to email it to myself to upload from the desktop, it just sits in my outbox. I 've tried it about five times already and nothing. I'll try again later.

  3. Well dang Mark, that's one handy key combo! Yep rodney, it appears I can get a screen grab. Will try that now.


    But the failure of uploaded videos to play is something I mentioned like three years ago when I first got my iPad. The forum software converts everthing to a flash file format for some reason.

  4. Yep, there's a link there for windows version. I've ordered the Mac version and now just waiting for the download email. I'll be using it in AfterEffects, though I also have Premiere which I never really use.

  5. that's why collectibles are valuable, *most* people throw out their old junk. Kids who have been collecting comics for the last 20 years or so are in for a shock when they find out that everyone has every book, sealed in plastic. Even the valuable or important ones will be worth next to nothing.


    I read an article in Business Week online a couple weeks ago that had numerous examples of books that sold for thousands ten years ago but are now worth a couple hundred or a grand. They don't keep appreciating in an upward line. It depends on what's trendy.


    I have a bunch of Frank Miller fan art that I tried to sell when his movies were hot, and it was only worth a couple of bucks. Likewise, a full run of "Witzend", which is/was legendary. Mostly worthless because its importance has flagged over the decades.


    I think the lesson here is, collect what you really love, don't collect as an investment.


    "Blazing Combat" #1, anyone?

  6. Another very nice tut, Robert. I haven't looked at visping's model, but my comment is that I don't think you can set up a constraint like this in a model, it would have to be done in an action or chor. I wonder if that's the problem here.

  7. Here's a surprise: "Sister Mary Dracula" is NOT a Graphic Novel! I know, I was surprised too. I was a little confused when I was working through the info section on Amazon when I was setting up. You have to select a genre and sub-genre, and I didn't understand why "Graphic Novel" didn't have a "Humor" sub-genre.


    Then I was talking to a friend whose partner works in a Barnes & Noble, and he told me that anything humorous went in the Humor section and NOT the Graphic Novel section! So then the Amazon settings made sense.


    Someone on another forum commented that he liked the ten-page teaser but he wouldn't be buying it because "I don't read graphic novels". So I told him not to worry, it's not one, so he can still read it! http://www.amazon.com/dp/1493543164/ref=rdr_ext_tmb

  8. I'll have to look for that kindle comics thingy. Haven't seen it in the documentation yet. All the rest of this is good info. True that someone could have downloaded all my jpegs and compiled them, but at present my book isn't in the pipelines that are watched for stuff to steal, if that makes sense. Being on the Comixology release list sort of sticks a "steal me" sign on my back..


    I'm looking at my proof copy and I don't see those vertical lines you mentioned, but I'm getting five more copies in a day or so. It will be interesting to see if they vary from the proof.

  9. Hi Mark, thanks for the comments. the size is the default size and though there were other options I stuck with the default, as there was some notice about that size working better in the various marketing channels, something like that? I'm fine with the size, it makes the book seem thicker!


    I have a few issues with the interior printing, mainly the tight gutters and the pixelation if you look real close, but neither of those things interfere with reading the book. I got better printing with ComixPress. I didn't notice the vertical lines, but I'll look closer when I get home. All in all I'm happy, though there are some layout things I would fix if I decide to resubmit it from scratch. I may do that after the holidays.


    If you feel moved to write a review on Amazon I wouldn't mind!


    I'm also looking over the guidelines for Kindle. I got an email notice from them that the pdf I sent for the print book was too large a file size to be optimal for Kindle, but I can't find anything specific about what file sizes they prefer. Most of their guidelines are for text-based books. Still Looking, and still mulling the problem of bootlegging. Did you find it was any particular platform or format that lent itself to theft?

  10. You know putting Goo and Roo in a back section of the book isn't a bad idea actually, wish I'd thought of it! I may do it next edition.


    When I was first filling out the info on CreateSpace I entered my "official" name, not realizing that that's how the sell page would be populated. Result: the sell page lists me as "Mr. Gerard C. Mooney" and the only way to change it is to re-submit it like a new book, new ISBN and everything. I actually may do that after the holidays and include G&R at that time.


    P.S. And *someone* is buying these books, sales are pretty good for just a couple of days!

  11. Thanks for the comments! Mark, that's too bad and not much consolation if people are reading it for free. I hadn't realized how easy it would be to pirate an ebook, just shows what I know about that whole area!


    Rodney, thanks as always for your enthusiasm! I had thoughts of getting Sister Mary reviewed by some Catholic websites, or something of the sort, but in doing research online for a couple of hours last night, I was struck by their overwhelming seriousness. I'd also like to submit it for review in some Catholic newspapers (even panned, I'd be happy with that!) but there are fewer and fewer of them. I might submit it here or there, but getting it into bookstores of any kind isn't part of my plans. I would like to stir up some controversy somehow, still thinking on that one.


    And Goo and Roo is still alive. They are lovable little guys, right?

  12. Thanks for the comments, gents, and Mark, I've already been looking over comixology. It's definitely a pretty cool system they've developed. At the moment I'm just taking a breather and cipherin' how to do an eBook without having to do it for five different platforms. I can publish it for the Kindle fairly easily now that it's on CreateSpace, but I'm a little flummoxed about the others. Maybe just doing it on Comixology is the way to go.


    And thanks to those who have already purchased it!

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