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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by seven

  1. Really nice and thanks for your tutorial. I have commented a bit on it... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16415 Hope you will tell us more on how the atmosphere is done and perhaps upload some project file.
  2. Really kind of you doing this tutorial. I think it is really usefull. You can do a dirt map that easy is nice because then mapping I thought you better make some flattening first. But perhaps you do not need flattening always. Jim Talbot is ysing flattening then he maps his faces. You can have a look here: To flatten a face to map it - Jim Talbots tutorial Then looking at the images you have done. You have got a lot of atmosphere in them... it is not only the dirtmap that makes it. Are you using fog? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=A...=post&id=123827 I am interested in taking part of how you have done it! Can you upload the project file? PS About the tutorial - sure it is good - but is about 6 MegaByte - I believe you can do it under 1 Megabyte - if you do not show the mouse movements and seeing you resizing a bitmap... It is fun seeing you resizing the bitmap - but I do not believe it is necessary to show it! And the project file - if you like to upload it - thanks in advance... Or/And you can tell us a bit about how you are making the atmosphere in your nice images.
  3. And here is how it looks working with the Talking Pen. PS I hope you will get some inspiration doing something yourself with the Talking Pen.
  4. And here is the result of The Talking Pens drawing and saying: I Love You TalkingPen_I_Love_You.mov
  5. The Talking Pen says I Love You and being a pen it has already drawn a hearth! I believe it is possible to make stories fast with this character. And using two pens - you can have a dialogue - making a plot by setting up a problem and giving some solution to it. Just that easy! Making a melodrama - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melodrama - with two pens or more and some props for some surroundings and perhaps you can do half an hour show in a fortnight earning some quids... Here is the project file and everything you need for you to download and experiment with yourself! Perhaps some day I will also do a free WINK tutorial - http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ - on how to use the Talking Pen. Perhaps you can manage it without having a tutorial?!., TalkingPenProject.zip
  6. Your World Tour?!., http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Jules_Verne...SERVANT_p1.html "Round the world!" he murmured. "In eighty days," responded Mr. Fogg. "So we haven't a moment to lose." So how long time is soon?
  7. Thanks! Your suggestions - good ones! really good ones! formidable good ones! super good ones! But I am not going to make that tutorial... following your suggestions... I believe just now... I have other things to do just now I believe... I have already done something... Do it yourself... it is fast and funny to work with WINK... have a try! We have to help each other every one of us... I have done my part... now it is time for every one else... but most have not understood how good it is to have done something for some oneelse... and doing it with WINK is so easy... Yes ... c´mon do something!!!
  8. Thanks! Now I want only just to see something - I want to HEAR something - I have understood that you are looking for some music - but I believe there are lot of sounds lacking in your animation - and that is a lof of hard work to get those sounds in - and I hope you will - because I believe your animation can become great with sounds... it can become alive... Perhaps you know what I think - http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15215 YES - you need to have two characters! There is the female one? We want to have some action - some loving... with sounds... now your character seems to be a little bit lonesome... http://www.lonesomebrothers.com/contact.htm OK! I know you have been working hard on your character... and he is good... just alter him a bit to get a female one too... and I believe there will be a lot more of action... we want to cry of laughter... we really need it... in todays world... give us this... I believe you are the one able to do that!!!
  9. I believe you will never make half an hour of melodrama with your family heads! Why? because Animatiion Master is a stupid program... And Mr Martin will not understand this... telling him this... he will only get mad... accussing you... Well, I believe Mr Martin is a nice fellow... but a little ----. Having four heads... a family of Spheres... and I like to have a melodrama after two weeks... to get some quids in my pocket... Animation Master will never make it... Mr Martin have to begin to think... or we have to learn him to think? There are the bodies to your four Sphere heads? And if you make the bodies some day... there are all the movements of the bodies? And there are all the expressions of the four faces? No, Animation Master will not give you this standards... It is something wrong with the program... Mr Martin has not been thinking... he is satisfied... OK! Mr Martin is a nice guy I believe... but there is something wrong with his thinking... we all want to do melodramas... instantly... but his program will not allow us to do it... we have to figure out this for ourselves... that is not good... he has got our money... he has to let us do what we want to do... Animation Master is a general program... that is good... but most of us do not want to have a general program... we want to have a program being able to tell a story... Mr Martin has not understood this... I think he better give us the program for free... Sure, I am trying to make Mr Martin to react.... for his own best... What I want to have is a nice program... giving me the opportunity to make half an hour of melodrama in a fortnight. Well, Mr Martin - how to make that program? Mr Martin - often get angry at me - you are not allowed to tell him things... perhaps he has not understand that I am telling him things for his own best... Well - can we believe in him? I have never seen an animation done of him - have you? Give us an example of an animation made by Mr Martn himself - and I will believe he is undestanding the problem of doing a half an hour melodrama in a fortnight getting the quids...
  10. Yes... very cool! Sure... But give us the .prj-file or better give us a tutorial on the way you are thinking just now and what you are going to do in the future? What is your aim? A MeloDrama? I like to have some music... some lipsynch... some Rap... I really want this family to get going... but I understand that is a long way... before you can get some quids in your pocket for this stuff... I believe it is something wrong with A:M... we cannot produce half an hour of MeloDrama with it instantly... How to get the program... to express our feelings? I want to cry... I want to shout... I want to keep quiet... I want all the family members of the Spheres to do it... I want to see the Spheres engaging in a half an hour Melodrama now!
  11. Have you been drinking, Mr Jaqe? Drinking is no good! I think you do not understand what Buddha tried to tell you - it is really easy - just loose your I! Have you lost it? Fine! You are telling me to put shells on the cells... No, I do not like to... because... animation is not reality... it is just fake... I am faking... and I cannot do otherwise... and believing I can do otherwise... I will be decieving myself and you too... and I do not want to decieve you Mr Jaqe and no one else... that is the reason I do not try to make something with shells...trying to look realistic... I do not try do it... I am not JTalbotski... for sure he is good on faking reality... and he is clever too... sometimes giving his characters souls... but I do not want to play that game... do you understan...
  12. Have you used the Osipa rig? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15585 I really hope someone will make a good tutorial on that one... a tutorial easy to follow... With this rig I only see faces animated... not bodies... why? And I have not seen lipsynch used with it... why? But it seems easy to handle... and giving a lot of possibilities... I hope on seeing more of the Spheres... a little plot in the Speres family... a melodrama... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melodrama
  13. It is really funny - just hoping on more entertainment - is it a self portrait? working your way up to the computer... starting to get something done... the thing I miss is the sound(s) giving the atmosphere... I believe adding sound(s) you have to alter the animation a bit... to get the seeing and hearing to stay in touch... to give an united experience...
  14. Well - what to say? No! And here you can find a showcase on the - no - subject: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16367 To me buddhism is one of the ways leading from Veda - seeing everything being One - like most religions do. And to get to know "the One" most religions use some word for it - calling it God, Dieux, Allah... but you can choose your own word... to get the experience of it... going beyond words - and you better sit down cross-legged or you will loose your concentration - perhaps beginning to animate something or having a sandwich and something to drink... or using a lot of words instead of concentrating on only one word... to get beyond even that one and only word. So killing Buddha - means to get rid of every word/concept - also the word/concept Buddha... it has nothing to do with killing a person... it has to do with killing your own concepts... your beliefs... ideals... whatever eg. Buddha - that hinders you from just experiencing... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism Having a look here - you are told: Buddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama, who lived between approximately 563 and 483 BCE. http://jyotisha.00it.com/Buddha.htm Stopping the circle of Samsara (Nirvana) is the ultimate aim of both Buddhists and Hindus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsara In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, samsara or saṃsāra refers to the concept of reincarnation or rebirth in Indian philosophical traditions. For sure there are lots of words... thoughts and feelings... in our I:s - the I... our own tool... but everything is still united - being one - I believe... we need to have an I... but we also need to have contact with something uniting all our I:s...
  15. Sub-titles added! It can be hard to understand what the Ones are saying I have understood from some posts... So I decided to add sub-titles... I used the way to add them I have described in Part 3 of the tutorial on how to make a Jaw Synched Caricature. That tutorial you can find here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15248 Perhaps someone have added sub-titles and having some good program to suggest? To the question put by nixie: I will answer - Tat Tvam Asi - a quote from the Veda scriptures - the one behind all religions(not animism) - hinduism - taoism - zoroastrianism - judaism - buddhism - christianism - islamism - and perhaps some more -isms... Tat Tvam Asi - That You Are (That is You) (Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda) Here you can find a lot to read - http://sriramanujar.tripod.com/tutorial/12.html But reading you never will found it! You have to sit down - perhaps cross legged - so you cannot go to the kitchen to drink coffee, beer, single-malt whiskey - - sitting down so you really can concentrate your mind becoming single-minded!!! because it is beyond words!!! Tat Tvam Asi To - Mr. Jaqe - telling he is a buddhist I will say - Kill Buddha - because Buddha is also a concept - an idea - and the real thing is behind words - concepts - ideas... http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Zen And here is a link on sitting - meditating - http://www.experiencefestival.com/hara - concentrating on a center some fingers - about three to five under the navel - the center called Hara - to find out who you are... And here the sub-titled animation of the Ones: ones001subtitles.mov
  16. Ones - info! I have tried to use Depth Of View - DOF - then doing the animation. Here you can find a little more on the subject in the Artistic Rendering Forum: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16038 You can have a look in the A:M help and read this: One advantage of using a virtual camera is that depth of field can be so easily controlled. And using a background image on a Layer in the Choreography - being in the blurry zone behind the characters - will let you fast and easy make the settings - the surroundings for the plot. I have not used music - but in the next animation I will do it - because music talks to your emotions. I have used two characters and lipsync - it is the easiest way to make a plot I believe. You have to start with having a problem eg.: -What time is it? And you have to find out some answer to that problem: -Eternity! Now you have hypnotized the onlooker... just that the media does with us... and Internet that is media for everyone - not being a globalist - having bought all the media and the media workers - the Internet is open to the idealists - the ones looking for the truth - wanting to communicate their findings - with sound and moving images of the reality. So being an idealist - you do not only want to hypnotize your onlookers - onlisteners - you want to dehypnotize them - letting their imagination and emotions free - how to do it? Well there is no answer I guess or you have to try to dehypnotize yourself first - perhaps sitting meditating every day - finding some other state of mind - some peace, some love, some silence... Well to put it easy - - the question is the answer - trying to ask: -Who am I?
  17. Ones - the project! Ones.zip
  18. Ones - the movie! ones001.mov
  19. Ones this projected started out by trying to find a way to do fast and fun animations. The character(s) had to be as easy as possible to animate. Why not use one cell - a one celled organism - the ones who started life on earth. I Googled on it and found: http://www.4to40.com/earth/geography/index...orldunderwater2 And they seemed to have some sexual life too: When the animal wants to have young, it simply splits into two, and each part goes its own way. And they were also dangerous some of them: Some of these flagellate animals can be a nuisance and may even be dangerous. Well they looked a bit like human beings our first ancestors: Some flagellates come close to one another to form a colony. Each animal can live separately but prefers to be in the company of its brethren. An example is Volvox. And they are really smart - making their own food out of sunshine: With the help of this chlorophyll, Euglena, like plants, use the energy of sunlight, to manufacture their food. And they were something inbetween: Botanists therefore claim that these green flagellates are plants but, because they can swim, zoologists say that they are animals! The last thing - the inbetween - another state of mind - perhaps the supreme state of mind I wanted to communicate - the yoga state of mind: http://www.dlshq.org/download/easysteps.htm So here is the result - an image - and you will find an animation - and the project file with sounds and image if you want to have a try yourself. And it is lipsynched - to find out more about lipsynch you can go to The Software Tutorials Forum: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showforum=50
  20. And here a Bird´s Eye of View of looking out through the spout of the pot - the crack in the pot - being single-minded. I Googled on single-minded and found this: http://www.singleminded.ca/ Certainly one of life’s unexpected pleasures is stumbling across those long forgotten gems that get put aside in favour of the latest fancy, the latest discovery, be it a new best friend, a new favourite food or a new pair of shoes. Tonight I had the fun and fortune of coming across not one but two such lost hits: an MP3 of Stevie Wonder’s Superstition, and my dusty bottle of Jura’s sublimely peated whisky by the same name. And I found this: http://www.buddhistinformation.com/zen_in_daily_life.htm In the West, Zen is much more of a lay movement and for those practitioners who wish to maintain their lives both in society and in the Zen way, a switch of emphasis is necessary. Single-minded devotion to achieving enlightenment or the 'Great Awakening' has to give way to a more varied practice in which formal Zen training and the demands and concerns of ordinary life are interwoven. I believe both links are about contemplation - man needs this - but I believe the later way - perhaps not so funny by first sight - is the better one in the long run!
  21. Well, I did what you told me - looking out from the pot through the spout and I caughit a glimpse of someone - trying to look inside the pot and drinking something - it does not look like coffee or perhaps it is really weak coffee? Who knows? Only the drinker himself. Or is he also just believing - not knowing? Hard to tell! Who is the seer? Is it your I seeing things? Can the I see the I seeing? Questions like that just confuses you... Why bother? Have a glass or a cup of something instead... Or sit down - meditate - experience what happens! Scaring? Yes! It is like being dead alive... This is a bit fun - LOL - I think - The Headless Way - Have a look on the movies - a new old perspective on things.. http://www.headless.org/English/movies.htm
  22. Thanks thejobe for your photoshopping - really nice done! Sure everyone is photoshopping - it can be nice - and it can also be too much - sometimes I like to draw the sun just like a child or making a sign for it - because doing photoshopping for hours - still it is just a sign - but another sign - a more photorealistic sign. The sun - the really one - is something different... you really cannot tell what it is - just give different descriptions of it... and then the different descriptions are put up against each other - breaking the waves of your brain and heart - your I trying to understand - feel - then perhaps the real sun breaks through - and you can hear the coffeepot telling you it is time for a coffee break... And here is another coffee pot done with DOF - Depth Of Field - a new topic I just have started in the Artistic Rendering Forum: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16038
  23. Thanks for your comment, drpenguin! I was really joking a bit... joking with photoshopping. But - I succedded - you told me: LOL - so good... I made you laugh. How proud I am. Perhaps a bit of the silence also founds its way to you? Understanding a bit of the break between different views, moods... ways of describing things. Painting the sun is not that easy... The sun is just a word... But what is it? Do we really know? I made a sun-logo. But what is the sun? So thanks again for your comments! You are welcome back! Perhaps you like some of the other images, too! You are welcome to comment on them. ~"he can't hear you, he's wearing sunglasses" And what do you mean by that drpenguin? Have you come up with it yourself? Or? Tell me! Googling on - sun - you find 191 million links! You can go here: http://www.solarviews.com/eng/sun.htm And read about the image above: A New Look at the Sun This image of 1,500,000°C gas in the Sun's thin, outer atmosphere (corona) was taken March 13, 1996 by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft. Every feature in the image traces magnetic field structures. Because of the high quality instrument, more of the subtle and detail magnetic features can be seen than ever before. (Courtesy ESA/NASA) And here is the image you commented on:
  24. I had a try: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15940&st=15 The stars are too small I think. Where to alter the size? I cannot find the expression you are talking about. And there is the script hiding? Thanks for a little help - a little summary. Note: I did not say WINK it - but you are free to do it - telling the steps in doing it.
  25. And now out among the stars.
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