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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by ruscular

  1. Here's my quick take on nf1nk's idea with a succession of cones poking thru each other to give the effect of the sand cascading down the sides.








    particles are troublesome in that they seem to be emitted in regular clumps rather than truly randomly.

    can you apply dust as well? I think your sand is good, and you can randomize the sand by adjust flow in animate mode.

  2. I agree with Vern, and I don't do that often enough as he is kind of nutty! But I agree with the long legs are fine just the way they are. I love women with long legs. ahem.....okay.....just to say it is a fantastic model, ......and when can I play with her?


    I have made my Danger girl model with red hair, and she wants to meet Wonder Woman.

  3. http://www.slashfilm.com/2008/02/07/cool-s...ar-wars-poster/


    I went to the Oregon 3D museum and check out the lenticular 3D art work. I also saw that you can buy sheets of lenticular lens to turn your picture into 3D stereo effect if you can print it out to lenticular specification.


    I am looking for some answer in doing this. It basically several pictures taken and carefully sandwich together so that each line is pick up by the lenticular lenses.


    Some 3D software have these plug-ins to do this. Not only could you do this in 3D stereo effect but also do a very short animation with them as well.

  4. Maybe Hash could "loan" you a web subscription until the CD issue is resolved? That would be a fast simple fix. Then when the Vista issue is resolved you can go back to it.



    I would like to pay $300 for a web subscription that does not expire. I agree on the CD dongle issue.

  5. Help for your SSS render :lol:



    That's interesting! I was always 'of the thought' that SSS needed a light behind the character to react to...


    I had a hard time getting SSS to work. This is what I did to get it to work. Get all the setting set and save choreography. close down AM: and reboot AM straight to importing your saved Choreography and render again.

  6. I have a project that need to use this feature, but I have not been able to see the shade preview of the clip in the cho window to be able to match the 2 clip together. If anyone are able to do that, please share with me your settings.



    dual core 2.9 Ghrtz

    1.5 gig memory

    ATI 9800 pro video

  7. I don't have anything to say about the animation, but about the modeling. At first I thought that it was a animation of the model and the spoon and cup that was composited in to the kitchen. Then I am wondering if everything is model in that scene. I look at glass reflection and realize that the stove itself may be a 3D object. I don't know but is everything there a 3D mesh object?


    The flame coming out of the ship could variate with some flicker or slight sway to show that it is gas and not solid.

  8. Hello, I am in need of a survey by professionals freelance animation user to make a proposal for a feasibility study for Vocational Rehab. Not much out there for 3D animator to hand in to the Voc Rehab, so my counselor suggest that I solicit successful people in the field of 3D animation, at least 10 people.


    There are 4 question for the survey and they are as follow:

    1) do you have a degree?


    2)if so, what kind of degree?


    3)Does this degree make a difference in your ability to get the job?


    4) What education/software/hardware would you recommend for someone getting into the field.



    list all that you think one should have to be successful in the field as if you were to set someone up for success.


    I understand that you can't bring up competing product on this site. You can e-mail me at



    Thank you for your time and effort for this survey, and I hope that this could be useful for others in the same situation. I'll be getting my settlement from my accident soon and hope to put it into good use.

  9. when your done with that project, can you convert it to one of these?



    Apparently, there is more to the story as allegation of improper city council meeting with a intent to take over this guy property.

    Nonetheless, his bulldozer was pretty awesome and would have won hands down at those wrecking machine cable show.


    I know you did a car crash animation, plane crashing animation, and I am one step ahead of you and know what your thinking! You are oblige to show us your bulldozer car crushing animation!

  10. Looks pretty good for a character!

    Are you looking for a realistic anatomical critique?


    or how well he would be animated?


    Because I could tell you better if you render out the wireframe, and take a look at that. Otherwise I think you have a nice looking character. The body is very good, and I wish I had that body for my animation.


    Anatomically tho the head needs to be bigger, roughly 1/8 of the body. There should be 8 head to fit a body length. The eyes should be halfway on the head. the bottom pert of the nose halfway between eye and chin, and the lip halfway between nose and chin.


    The ears are between eyes and lip! spot on! To solve it all I would give him more forehead space.


    Looks like 8 1/2 head height, classic comic book character build?

  11. New render with dual core v15b on with sub scatter surface-LOL not quite ready, but has a cool effect. But overall 15b is faster and better. But I would stick with the single core operation, and using dual core is a smidge faster overall, but not worth it.


  12. The interface between brain and the walking contraption. Seem like maybe electrode sensor hanging from the canister inside the fluids to his brain would be a way for communication with the interface. or maybe connect his spinal column some how?

  13. http://www.gentlechifitness.com/images/render%20project0.jpg




    I saw an ad for a illustration job and took the drawing and made it into a toon rendering and it took me about 6 hours to make this (minus the already made chair and Lambrina's sunglasses) I wonder how long it would of taken if it was hand drawn and the quality vs doing it with Hash. The prisma marker would have taken some time and the smell would of been nauseating. I used to do presentation for architecture and tho I love that part of creating the art work, it was the smell and messy hands that I could do without.


    I think making the rough out in 3D and then take it into a photo shop or print it out the toon line render and finish it off with a pencil in detail is also a possibility.

  14. CODE

    Extinction Distances Diffuse Color

    R G B R G B

    Apple 0,45 0,43 0,5 217 214 135

    Chicken1 5,6 3 1,5 79 38 26

    Chicken2 4,5 2,5 1,6 82 41 26

    Cream 0,14 0,2 0,33 250 230 186

    Ketchup 3,3 0,75 0,5 41 3 0

    Marble 0,45 0,4 0,35 212 201 191

    Potato 1,5 1,4 1,3 196 158 54

    Skimmilk 1,5 0,85 0,5 207 207 176

    Skin1 1,3 0,85 0,56 112 56 33

    Skin2 0,95 0,6 0,5 161 112 33

    Wholemilk 0,42 0,33 0,28 232 224 194


    I finally found the setting, after numerous search and discover that the search string has to be more than 4 character. This chart help me tremendously in the setting. I finally got SSS to work.





    I push it a bit further!


    I think quality wise, that SSS is better than using porcelin as it does smooth out a bit with SSS alone.



  15. I closed everything down and reboot with fresh memory, even tho it appears black on quick render under model window, after rendering out to 4 pass it render with SSS on both camera and model.


    I turn SSS on the group of the model, turn SSS on for camera, and final render with SSS on as well.


    I am now trying to set density to make it more like candle wax. But I am not sure how to set that.


  16. I often wonder about using such thing as a lip tracking device, as oppose to doing it manually. I am mostly deaf and rely on lip reading anyway, so its second nature for me. Using a tracking system I wonder that it would be hard to make minor adjustment because of the number of keyframe for every frame, as oppose to doing it manually, keyframing it from "A" to "B" and smooth or peak it. Same said for whole body tracking system as oppose to manually doing them.


    Bottom line at the moment for me is that manually is cheaper!


    I do the basic 4 pose slider mouth shape for lip syncing


    O-E, open-close mouth, fph-pucker, smile-frown

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