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Posts posted by ruscular

  1. I did a search on Squetch rig and nothing came up. I don't know what that rig is, and I can do rigging, so please explain where you came up with that rig.


    Okay I found it, under rigging. suffice to say I never done it, I think.


    I have version 12, where can I get a plug-in for it?

  2. Why do human female have 2 boobs? rarely they have twins and having another detrimental of feeding 2? Then you look at Mother cats, cows and pigs and they have more than 2? Its an amazing world we live in and see all the strange possibility, and you wonder about one boobs?


    I see the movie "war of the world" with Tom Cruise and see aliens with 3 legs and 3 fingers, and I say no way! Often times, I could use another arm or legs.

  3. I stretch out the mesh flatten, and then made a decal map for it from a wire and shade mode render. Import picture into a decal and applied to mesh. Then I took the picture to the Photoshop program and made another layer where I import a front picture of Bush into the top layer. Used clone tool to fill in the side of face and back of neck. Used the liquid tool to stretch picture to fit with the mesh. I tried to get rid of shadow with a dodge tools and match tone of skin with the rest of face. I left him with some reddish skin color to reflect his condition of being a reform alcoholics and rough Texans hot dry weather, and no sweet way to say it but he's old fart. Every politician age like a prune in a microwave oven in 4 short years.


    I got lucky and found a nice face picture with good resolution. My next project will depend on who else I can get.


  4. what is your toon setting look like?


    The line thickness is 0.7, and the bias varies from group to group. I render lines separately at 720p for these test renders, and downscale them in post. The final short will likely be done at 720p, so I'll render the lines at 1080p for that—they'll look a little thicker than they do in this test.


    No settings for the toon shader; I use regular lighting.


    interesting using realistic background and toon character. kind of remind me of Titan AE:


    very nice bathroom!

  5. very nice work..i realy like this female, by the way, is there anyplace where i can find real human rotoscopes???


    If you have a newsgroup access you can search there. or go to a free site www.Phun.org for celebrity, and or Google it. If you are talking about a full body photo, I found most of them on the newsgroup. I enroll with www.supernews.com

  6. Interesting mesh work on the lips, I wish I could see closer.


    I agree on the "So" lip pose should have a little more pucker, kind of why I wanted to see a pucker pose.


    I see that you really did a great job in using minimal mesh work which it will make it easier to animate. My biggest suggestion is to animate her cheeks along with the lips. Humans have pretty powerful jaw muscles and leaving them still during the animation, makes her look like she had major botox. It will make a huge improvement to get those cheeks in action. do you have a smile and frown pose?


    did I say I am impress with the meshwork? I would like to see the lip mesh work closer. I don't think I ever saw it done that way. May have a new technique I could learn from.

  7. The lip poses aren't bad, but I would suggest pushing the range further to beyond the boundaries. Exaggerate the mouth position so that you have a wider range of expression. then its easier to adjust with combination of mouth movement to get just the right touch. You may want to the character to scream or cry or have strong emotion as well as normal range. Otherwise you end up with that British stiff up lips. I didn't see a pucker lip poses.


    the animation look much much better BTW!


    when she say "so" I would pucker her lips a bit, and slowly cause she a tease at that point. think like a woman! close your eyes and imagine a woman enticing you with just her lips and eyes. she going to squint her eyes when she look upon the maniac, naughty boys, but open them wide with interest and appeal. your going to have your vision of a woman doing this to you. but the darting eyes can tell you much. be kewl if you can set up a lip pose to have her bite a corner of her lips. that would be something I see very few animators ever do.

  8. He're a yipsinc for critique. I can see there are some things wrong with it, but i wan't your opinions, you might see things I don't


    Credits got to Kelly Lebrock in "Weird Science" for voice

    and of cource me for animation. yay!!


    I have to say, being that my previous lypsincs were to music. It's tougher to sync with regular speach.


    First off, great job on the model!


    I am deaf so I primarily rely on lip reading. I would like to know how is your lip poses setup? could we get a shot of each of the poses? I think if we look at the poses, and that we could further assist you in the lip shape. I think that is where your effort should attend to.

  9. Crooks and liars website feature the museum about 2 weeks ago, and I saw the video. Looks like they change the structure of the site already. Anyway, got more publicity from them. Some were positive on the media, but not on the content. There are better things to disagree, like war. If someone put up the flying spaghetti monster, and wanted to believe in that, who am I to judge that. But I did manage to see some of the comment on the website and the animation. I wanted to know if your video is still there, because I don't find it anywhere. The page you have link doesn't play the video. its been 2 years, and wanted to see if you did anymore update.

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