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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by ruscular

  1. One person did it all! I think you have a great future ahead of you. I still can't get over that one person carried this all, and that is the one thing that will set you apart from most of us.


    I have to link this to the little girl that live with us at various time, and see what she thinks of it.

  2. Looking good! Identical to the drawing, as far as my eye can see.


    Good work!




    this was a very good compliment!


    it is one thing to come up with a character, but another to find a character that someone else design. This is my first collaboration with a group. doing this project is a opportunity to show diligence to be able to work with a group and bide with the group vision of the project. I think I let the spirit of the group enter into me, and possess my hands and skill for this one. I did the eye opening without an eye to work with, and when I got the eyeball it fit perfectly into the socket without one adjustment of the socket to fit. How that for perfect harmony?


    who is going to do the rigging for it? I do not know how to rig it with the Squetch system. I found links to the tutorial, and watching the 3 part video. I am most interested in the rigging process of this. I will look for the progress of this in the Rigging thread.

  3. I have 3 ring per joint, because I did not know the rigging, the ring could be move accordingly and its the min for joint movement even for a fan bone system. The extra spline I would use for animating a bicep bulge when flexing. You need at least 2 ring for joint deformation and the extra ring for volume in twisting. All three ring can be use for twisting.


    Try it with both model, for each situation. The second model I load up has the extra spline. BTW At first I didn't understand, and was working on adding a spline along the side instead of cross section.


    1106 patches, not including hands and eyeball.


    The ver12 disk can look at ver14 with the beta version of 14. I don't think that beta ver14 has any glitches for basic modeling. adding an existing hands and eyeball should not be a problem.


  4. Phatso - I agree and like the idea - not real experienced with lighting, what kind of light and where would you suggest I put or angle it? Thanks Robert, but calling myself a "professional character animator" might be pushing it a bit. ;) Have a great weekend - Eric

    Not really, you are now a professional! you got paid for it. That all it takes to be a professional, save all your contract, receipt and so forth to prove that you got paid for it. I got hit by a truck and I had to prove that my injuries effected my work, until I got better. You never know what life has in store for you, but save your contract and file them away. Start establishing your credential, and get used to being called a professional, not everyone can do what you do, and a small percentage of people with your skills are out there I might add.

  5. I have been ask to make a generic winkie.


    so far its 1001 patches. too high?


    I'll just post what I have so far. I need an eye and hands to make low patch from. I tried to make it look close to what is out there in winkie land. I am using v12 so an eye and hand would have to be from that version, unless someone just want to add that part as is? I'll do a shoe and hand it in.


  6. It is good that you're doing practical animation studies, Joseph. That's the best learning tool.


    One thing that is working against the 'believability' of your animation, is the proximity of the box to the model's hips. The heavier the item the closer we will bring it to the center of gravity (in this case being the hips). To maintain balance the center of gravity must be over our feet.


    I hope this helps :)

    I would tilt the box forward so I could get my hand under the box to prep for the lift, or the hands over the far edge like you have in the picture. Those heavy box tend to slide off easy by the side. To properly lift heavy object you would squat and let the legs do most of the work.

  7. Ok I have a great idea!! I am going to have big blades of grass, with one ladybug on the top of the blade of grass. A huge red flower with black polka dots will be in front of it. The lady bug will be staring at the camera with a confused look on her face. Btw, any suggestions on how I can do the big blades of grass? Could hair work, or would I have to model each individual grass?

    A large dark green strip with a sharp ridge in the middle with light green semi transparent hair particle over it. The blade itself could be translucent to let light shine through it.

  8. Yup, already ran into that problem and corrected it. Premiere wants to have three digit sequential numbers in the tga's. Photoshop's browser has a nifty batch rename feature that took care of this.


    I haven't played around with the file today because we have too much to do to prepare for a big party this weekend - lotsa friends and relatives coming over prior to a wedding this weekend. Once all the hoopla is over, I want to get this figured out - a 14 hour render to TGAs should not be wasted.

    I forgot to mention that you can import sequence file back into AM and then render out to video. you really don't need adobe premiere.

  9. Those lady bugs are HUGE! Or that's just a really small flower. Might want to rethink the scale.

    They are called micro-flower flowers that only insect can see. I know you heard of micro-fish, and you need a magnifying glasses just to see the fishing hole. I am sure you heard of micropile on the insect they are...............never mind.....you dont want to know what they are.

  10. Are your booleans working if you do a toon render? I'm having an issue at the moment and cannot get it to work.

    I think you get a much cleaner result if you render out to TGA sequences and you have the ability to fix it frame by frame. All major movie studio do clean up work, such as the service of Artbeats studio in Myrtle Creek, Oregon.

  11. As it stands now, he's got 2,065 patches. I don't know if that's good or bad. I do know that the wings have a bunch of patches.


    That is pretty good and normal. I began to be interested in seeing how well you conserve the patches. Its one thing to create and another to create but conserving as well.

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