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Posts posted by ruscular

  1. You can use 2 hands for michigan with the top hand turn sideway, and the thumb downward bridging, well the makinaw island brigde and the top pinky raise to seperate Marquette and Bessemer. The tip of the index finger on the left hand over the right hand is Sault St Marie.


    Being a michigander, hasn't anyone told you how to make a Upper?

  2. Coming home was a challenge. was taking my time to get into the car seats and my bro-in-law tried to help and while I was trying to get both butt in place he pushes the seat adjustment button and I went flying all the way back. I check my vitals afterward, and I didn't get a fever or anything, but that scares the BeeJees out of me. He kept adjusting the seats and ask if this was comfortable. I wanted to burst out laughing at that moment, and explain to him I have no stomache muscles to use to hold myself up, and after that I made him stay away from the seats when I got in the car. He felt pretty bad that he did that. He's actually very helpfull, and maybe too helpfull, but he is doing all the cooking and shopping for me. Rearrange the bed so I can in and out easier. The person that decide to take care of someone else is my hero. Dave is my hero and my sister is lucky to have him, and can not say enough nice things about him. It was nice coming home to a quiet place and have the toilet all to yourself.

    The strange thing about hospital stays are the TV, and this was a holiday weekend and they showed rerun of "the christmas story" and "Mary Poppins" at least 6 times while I was there and I kept dreaming that I was reliving the day after the hospital over and over, as in "groundhog day" the movie. But seriously, Mary Poppin is actually a very depressing movie and she's borderline anti social, and has anyone re-evaluated her lately? By todays standard she would be nutso and what with the fake accent from Dick Van Dyke, sheesh! crim crimminy sha roo!

  3. I want to thank you all for putting me on your prayer list, and my kidney is responding well to the surgery, and I am already back home resting up. I was hoping to get to go home with my non-functioning one in a jar for study lator. The tumor ended up being twice the size. Instead of a 5 inch incision it end up being over 10 inch. So hopefully I'll have pictures to look at. I feel really good alert wise and my vitals are all really great. I am weak as baby however, and so many task seem impossible, like coughing, laughing, and going to the bathroom. each day better then the one before. I can walk on my own on the 3rd day. What does this all mean? It means I can make 3d object till my heart content while I can focus on recovery process! YiPeee!!!!!!!

  4. Looks like alot of work went into it. I would like a bigger render and no compression to take a better look at your car. Otherwise Im having trouble seeing how the top of door closure is like, and from what I can tell it seem to have a little askewness to it.

  5. Your new hair looks great! and the head rework looks way better too!


    The eyebrow looks too evenly thin and no tapering so looks a little oddish. I would also recomend reworking the eye lashes, I think its too clumpish. I hope Im not too harsh?

  6. I need some ideas on how to render this out to toon without getting toon line of the skull showing thru. I was using spline guided hair emitter with V11C. V11D does the same thing except the alpha channel for hair is mess up now, so I am sticking with V11C until they can fix it.


  7. Okay I tried to use hair spline emitter on few strand of spline. Zandoria was right about holding the shift key down when selecting hair particles for hair spline. After tedious task of selecting 17 spline individually applying hair emitter to each spline. I went about to test the render result. Seem to me the hair spline take longer to render then hair. That is not what concern me at this point. I render it out to realistic with high multipass and seem to be okay. Not as nice as plain hair but easier to style with a little more control.


    Toon mode is another story. I had to use toon line but I use %100 percent of underlining color and made the line real small, but if you look close you can still see the line of her skull inside the hair render. you would have to make her skull where the hair is the same color as hair or something.


    first I show you the realistic render then toon


  8. Hey Heiner! I see that you are also been busy with V11 hair. Your correct about the tired handiwork for shaping hair. Im going to redo my model with more control point. However I tried to get Hair spline to work, and I haven't figure it out yet. I was given a clue that I must hold down the shift key when selecting spline for adding hair to it. I thought about selecting my fake toon hair mesh and strip it down to spline and then add hair to it.

    I will keep ya posted tomorrow!

  9. I spent wednesday playing around on what you can do with hair, and just barelly getting into it. Selecting the mesh for hair emitter of my model (Erica) from my old V8.5 project. The new hair adds so much life into my model. Its almost like a barbie doll as someone pointed it out. The Hair emitter came with direct manipulation tool, and a comb, and lenghtener tool. I choose 3 point sectional hair, and in hindsight I would of maybe go for 5 for better shaping.

    I wanted to basically know how the toon render would be with the hair. For the life of me I had a couple of render that render the hair out to toon, and not really knowing what I did to make that render not render toon for the hair anymore. I would have like to show you both ways. Anyway I did get a toon render of the model with the hair and a realistic render of the hair.


  10. I built this simple weight bench and it seem such a waste for one person, so my next question is what ever happen to the model archive? Ive donated a televison and other stuff to hash and animation pit stop long time ago and notice that it never made it. Is there a new place to bank models?


  11. I put some clothes on, barely clad and almost done but needs some more work!


    I cant wait to get my upgrade and play with weight cp and hair!


    going for the post apocolypse look in toon style, much like "heavy metal 2000" and a bit of retro art deco mix in it as well.


  12. One more reason to learn to draw is so that you can make your own texture and background!


    A whole new avenue of 3d art! the forgotten texture artist.


    "drawing from the right side of the brain" concept is to let go of what you think is there and draw what really there and not there as well, by drawing the negative space. In one exercise it is recommended to draw a portrait while the picture is upside down.


    With that in mind has anyone try modeling from an upside down rotoscope?


    The number one reason why I think spline modeling is better than polygonal modeling is because you draw out the spline as an artist would draw a contour. While polygonal modeling sculpts the object.

  13. I just saw "the last samurai" and the battle scene in it was awesome as well. I think that CG A.I. cordinated battle scene will be what last few years of matrix style fights scene will be. Soon all movie with crowd interaction will be doing this in computer.

  14. I was having almost the same problem of applying a cookie map to a very simple tube. no intersection of any other plane, normal facing outward. I grab one side of the tube for decaling and the moment I try applying it would "not be running the program" So I was able to apply one side then flip to the back side and reapply. Now didn't it used to be able to apply thru several layers? So if you select the part you want then hide all the other mesh and it would apply? I guess I am not able to select meshes for decaling anymore.

  15. If this is a style he going for ,more than making an anatomically correct proportion, then I say the size of leg for the most part is okay. She can have muscular super hero type leg. However the bone must be proportion thruout. The knee cap is too big compare to the rest of her structure. I would examine the rest of her skeletal support for proportion. I kind of like the big leg look on her. Most woman have a little pooch on the lower abdominal and the legs are more rounder at the attachment. So instead of a triangle its more of a concaving triangle.

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