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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by ruscular

  1. Oh jesus sweet pea!


    You can use silly rhetoric if you want, but I think your going to be embarrass when you meet me at a siggraph party knowing what you said. I know what you said, nothing misquoted, because I didn't quote you. So get over it the Red state lost. This thread wasn't about being a Saddam apoligist, but that you find humor posting snuff film, and your all defensive when I gave you my views on it. Im sorry, but labeling us as Saddam apoligist isn't going to be effective at keeping peace. There is nothing intelligent in resorting to labeling those that don't agree with you. I respect the freedom for you to be a catty chat doll string pulling spewing right wing talking points. Have at it!


    If you wanted a debate probably should of use the off topic, but I promise you that I will never critique your WIP again.

    Fair enough?

  2. "anyone who is an apologist for Saddam, I hope I do offend."


    I don't care who it is, and I certainly do not support revenge by killing. We are where we are because of revenge of the 9/11 attack and now we have the same number of death from 9/11 as we have soldiers. So when is enough is enough?


    Enough with the "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" those tirade propaganda is old a feeble attack use by the leaders using fear and national pride to garner your support for a fail war against terrorism. Most americans are tired of this bi-partisan attack, and just want peace. I will respect your opinion, but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views.


    Honestly! I think almost everyone was for the invasion to address the terrorist attack on Americans soil, as we all felt that we needed to do something.


    Just because I don't approve of watching a snuff film mean I should consult my mommy or I am a Saddam apoligist. Really?

    I think you need to lay off watching FOX and take a break and talk to real people.

  3. Why don't we have hanging in this country?


    I teach Martial Arts and I guess its my thinking that all life is to be respected regardless of what you have done. In the old testament of christianity points out that no one could adhere to being perfect in the eyes of god. I am not going to ramble on christianity but point out that we are all fools of our own blindness that no one is perfect but regardless that we should respect life. The hanging is a act of humilation upon life. I was too chicken to even watch the whole thing, so I don't know what was on the video, but have heard what is was and had no interest to watch the whole thing. I would love it movies could bring to light more of what it is to have loss of life rather than glorifying death. I profess to love playing Tomb Raider when it came out, and its basically a root and shoot-em games.


    On a personal note I got hit head on by a truck, and again I thought that was it, I am going to die and join my cats of my youth. I got hit so hard that I stood up right away not feeling a single pain and look for my body behind me. I am recuperating today, and doing okay. No broken bone or broken blood vessel in the head. But I wouldn't wish the experience for anyone, nor do I want to watch others go thru it knowing that he is going to die, or thought that I was going to die. I came to a stop and watch him come at me while I was strap to the foot peddle, with no time to get out of way. Yet we watch games of people getting hit and dragging the body with one arm so many time.


    My point that this is a real snuff film, as oppose to the games. I could watch it and survive it, but then I feel that I would become the part of the audience and particpate in the humiliation of life. I value my own life, and do so by giving respect to all life, not including Chickens and Cows. So yes, I am a hypocrite. Thats my personal thoughts on that, however the company I work for are so strict about the concern of children, that I have spark the interest of one of my boss to doing AM: and I know she will freak with this kind of posting. I do agree with Karl that it would be nice to make certain area restricted from the children.

  4. V13 has ambient occlusion setting, which has been a speed lighing situation for all 3d program. Without it you could do seperate passes of one with ambient occlusion and blend it thru Hash program. Basically make all object ambient without lights and render it then render a simple lighting pass and then blend the 2 together, so save camera info. It would be easier just to upgrade to the latest version.


    I did this with this page




    about 30% ambient pass

  5. Kids see worse than that Sadaam cell phone video all the time in video games, Hollywood PG13 movies, and cable TV... ya'll are a bunch of wimpies! :lol:

    I don't disagree, but things like this will jeopardize my job teaching the middle scool if the parents find out what they see, and they will tell their parents with something as dramatic as this. I just want the extra money and the chance to teach kids something cool as 3d modeling and animation.

  6. I was just testing water reflection and movement with canoe. This is going to be part of Act 1, scene 2.

    It's only 1.3 meg.




    If you want it more realistic, I would suggest a little bobbing up and down. when the paddle pushes down you become lighter, and also your speed up when paddle in action stroking the water, then slowdown with the resistance.


    Pretty clever paddling away from camera. At least you don't have to deal with water splashes from the paddle.

  7. I'll keep the old copy for modeling for awhile until things change, and its not unheard of to see things in computer become outdated in 3 month. I do expect to get a year out of it. I may not upgrade until I see a need to upgrade. Anzovin have a name they built for themselves thru hard work, and I suppose that kind of character doesn't change overnight. I have to say that anyone who can keep a comprehension and focus on rigging as deeply as they have done has to be working pretty hard and be dedicated. I am sure that the Hash community would be more than happy to keep them in business and wait for the next improvement.


    Maybe they'll be the one to do a auto lip syncher thru text and sound file?

  8. Don't feel too bad, as I got my x-mas list granted from Anzovin and love it! TSM2 and the WM! It's still all good as far as I am concern.


    I have learn that if you are to delete the lo-res that you must delete the file name under "project workspace" window first, then delete the mesh from the "model" window. Not sure if this is Hash or Weight mover issues.


    Also when computing all cp weight for whenever your not using WM that you must remove all bone that you have no intention weighting. Then not forget to make those bone visible again before running it thru TSM2.


    I would Hash auto cp weight with the lo-res model then tweak it after ward of what I want, then run it thru WM with the hi-res model.


    Yes, lots of trial and error before I figure some of these tips out.


    I have an old mesh that I have dreaming to make come alive, but was just too undaunting of a task to do until now, thanks Anzovin!

  9. Hey Ethan,


    Let me know by private email if you want and perhaps we can cost share on this, if you don't mind...




    I am pushing for the art deco style house if that interest you. It has a 4 panel glass door in the back for the rec room. I am thinking about entering this house for the architectural contest for february. I am already working for Karl. so if you 2 want to collaborate something, its all good.



  10. Was your first impression, "why the heck is he walking like that?"


    The sneeze was great - but I did wonder about the walk - I just assumed you weren't done with the walk

    I personally like the waddling walk better. Because he knows what he is going to do is bad and not going to will himself to directly do it, but saunter to the duty because he doesn't know what to do with the messy hands. Direct walk is a man on a mission that he wants.

  11. Looking for an Animation Master model of a gull-like bird. The wings must be attached seamlessly to the body as must the legs. The model must be symmetrical. Not looking for an unrealistic, cartoony model. Please send links to images of models you have built to gameshowpilot (a) yahoo dot com. Comp: $75.

    Did ever get your bird?

  12. Winding your way down to baker street. light in your head and dead on your feet, and its another crazy day and your drinking it away! To forget about everything!


    It would be so kewl to make a spiderman city, or even batman from Tim Burton vision.

    As for the decal the detail versus the high poly count. Maybe organize the building for background versus up close high poly count? My brother-in-law was a city planner. Want me to see if I can get a real city layout from him?

  13. need decal of company logo on the front handle bar stem, Air valve on the tires, Reflector on the front and maybe one each on the spoke, a color streamers from the handle bar, a bell or a horn on the handle bar, a u-lock or a water bottle on the seat post stem, and a decal of the city license sticker on the seat post stem.


    I have never seen a carriage rack with only one spindle holding it up, its usually 2 spindle shape like a triangle so that you can have a side bag option for it. Go to http://www.nashbar.com/results.cfm?categor...nit=y&pagename=

    BTW if your into biking this is a good place to shop and they are fast in delivery.

  14. Im trying to redo her boobies, as I was getting some coments of that nature, so trying to find a way to downplay them, with smaller set and more coverage, but still sexy.


    I need to spend more time with cloth of her skirt so that I can get deeper in the stance. I really didn't spend to much on pose, but to show off what I have so far. Im thinking maybe a chain mail over the metal bra? Im sort of struggling with the looks of her and functional animation with her clothes.


    As for the pose I forgot to check feet position of angle. Its flat footed catstance.


    Im open for suggestion, smaller breast , more coverage, or screw the prude, and keep what I have?

  15. I had a GF with a mohawk, but while I was dating her, she kept commenting that she still waiting for the right guy to sweep her off her feet. So I had this overwhelming urge to sweep the floor with her head!


    Anyway remember "Total Recall" where Arnie's Female head unscrewed from the ears? I think Ears would be a good place to hide a jack plug.

  16. Well, im back to teaching Martial arts and personal training. My master is putting together a fight choreography scene for a internet movie, and I though I take the time to mess with Hash again. See if I can put together a fight scene in 3D. So I still need more time to polish the model and tweak the bump map on the torso. More nurnnys on the sword. Been awhile, and rehashing the things I know about hash. So this is my spare model that I am redoing, I have another I want to use, but using this one to figure my way around.


    If anyone remember my old project will remember Erica, I haven't given her new hair yet, thats next.


  17. Man , your stuff is coming along, and its actually quite exciting to see it being realize.

    Your franzetti portrait is just way to kewl to not do the animation when your done. I want to see fire and smoke come out of the character.


    Are you going to add blood vessel to the horse? and muscular bump map?


    The helmuts set the standard for the rest. And by looking at the helmut, you got some pretty high standard! Great awesome job so far!!!!!!!!!!!!

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