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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jirard

  1. Well in the last month my computer crashed and my internet got turned off so I haven't really been able to finish up any of the other stuff I was working on. Here is one I think I'm just about done with. Its late and I haven't copied/flipped/attached it yet but you get the idea. I'm just lookin for crits. Is there anything you see that bugs you or does not look right?




  2. I appreciate the positive replies and encouragement, especially from some of "The Power Users" (by thr way Robcat nice website) As I build these models I have a certain idea of where there from and what there like, but the idea of a story stops there. I'd like to do something with them like what Charles Schultz did with Peanuts. Nothing too controversial just kids with there own personalities being kids. If there is anyone out there in the hash community and has been a board member for a little while that wants to mess with one of the models as far as animation (or anything else) I can send it to you. You will need v14 to use it though.

    Thanks again I will be posting the connected version of her on her scooter later.



    No Names specific yet Phatso I call the little girl Sistagirl and the boarder Boarder Dude thr little black guy is named Lilbrutha and the kid on the big wheel is lil-essay.


    Oh and Largento I decided that lilbrutha is gonna ride a green machine just for u haha

  3. Largento I used to have a big wheel in the 70s to I also had a green machine. I added the seat for ya haha


    You were one of the lucky ones! I remember staring for hours at the Green Machine ad on the backs of comic books. :-)


    BTW, the seat looks great. I don't know if you've ever said in any of your posts, but are all of these character designs working towards a project?


    They could be if anyone wants join in.

  4. Awesome Gary! Looks great!


    Heres a background, at least until Lee finishes up th one he's makin for me.(U do still want that honorary brutha card dont ya? Where your goin u r gonna need it :lol: )


    Hahaaaaa YEAH! You kill me man! If I make you a background I get the card? Yeah, I'll do it! I'll even help you with lighting! (I have a feeling if I actually tried to use the card I'd be beat up even quicker...it would still be awesome though!)


    Keep up the good work!




    You'll build one for real? COOL! Make it as stylish as you can think of. Dont worry about the brutha card (I still have to get it laminated) my name carries a lot of weight out there where your goin, you'll be ok Just tell u know me and they'll back off. I go by the name of Shaft out there

  5. Heres a background, at least until Lee finishes up th one he's makin for me.(U do still want that honorary brutha card dont ya? Where your goin u r gonna need it :lol: ) This street in this pic is off the hash cd.

    Wow I didnt know the lil bruthas head was that lopsided. Im gonna have to fix that I guess, and the lighting too. No need for crits on this one ;)



  6. Largento I used to have a big wheel in the 70s to I also had a green machine. I added the seat for ya haha


    You were one of the lucky ones! I remember staring for hours at the Green Machine ad on the backs of comic books. :-)


    BTW, the seat looks great. I don't know if you've ever said in any of your posts, but are all of these character designs working towards a project?

    The characters aren't for anything special. I just try to make something that you guys on the board will think looks cool. I'd be willing to team up with an animator or anyone else if they want to use any character that I have made.

  7. Thanks lee

    Its AO and sss. Maybe u could build a background for me :) .


    Largento I used to have a big wheel in the 70s to I also had a green machine. I added the seat for ya haha


    Phatso excellent observation I decided to change some of the colors around (The character was originally hispanic) to even everything out. Let me know what u think.

    Tomorrow I will add the pedals




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