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Posts posted by agep

  1. Any Newton experts who can make this test setup work? All it needs to do for now is to settle on the rings and not fly off.

    If you enable the setting "create hull for starttime" A:M will create a model that represent how Newton sees it. By doing this on your Rotor model we clearly see why it pops off, and why it worked with just the crossbar




    You can fix this simply by create Newton_0x groups for each part of the model you want Newton to interpret separately. Looking at the new hull, you see that it looks more correctly




    And now its working:




    I hope this made any sense



  2. Hi guys

    I have uploaded a new render of the cathedral to YouTube. This time is is a close up of the westfront. At five cores I was able to do five frames every fifth hour (so basically 1 hour each frame).








    Thank you to Steffen for helping me track down and resolve a few bugs. A:M now eat complex models like this for breakfast!

  3. Thanks guys!


    Amazing stuff Stian ..... Tell us how you did it ...was it edited ?
    Everything is in one chor, but I switched between (activated and deactivated) the one which is rigged and animated and the newton model.

    The model is fairly simple, but I used many hours coloring all the hundreds of individual blocks, almost no one have the same shade of green

  4. Hi guys

    So based on my previous Minecraft thread I guess you already know that I am a Minecraft addict :)

    I've just made a new Minecraft scene where I've played with Newton some more.

    Not sure how many of you have played Minecraft before, but in the game the Creeper explodes and may kill you. In my version the Creeper is kind of broken ;)

    Let me know what you think








    Frame from the animation:



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