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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by gschumsky

  1. Hey , is G4TV only online, or is it broadcast as well? Nevermind. Looks like it's on channel 326 here in San Diego. Too bad we don't have digital cable, and pay Cox over $100 month for the service...bleh.
  2. Thanks, and no, haven't sent it out for reviews yet. Still working on the details. Glad you learned something as well! Greg
  3. Thanks Heath. We'll get that fixed right away. We'll get that fixed right away. (you mentioned it twice)... Greg
  4. Thanks! As far as no creases, etc., just tried to be smart when making it, and tried a few different approaches (the 2 I did after the first went a lot faster). Most likely the base will be a dark gray (since that's the color they come in), and the top will be green or tan (though they used to make them in red too). Tires will be rubberized (of course). They just look sharp because the paddles are still new I'd like to eventually do a non-ATV color scheme and build some models of the Banana Splits (though they had a different style ATV...which this would be pretty easy to modify) to go along. Thanks for the great comments! No. Thanks Michael. Yeah, I'm much better at the mechanical modeling in Hash then organic stuff. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and that's what makes this a great community.
  5. So, out of both a personal desire to a 6x6 ATV (c'mon, we all want a Banana Buggy!), and needing one for a client's website (they sell these, but the manufacturer has no 3D models of these), I decided to give it a whack in AM. Still need to add details (pedal, controls, seat, headlights and taillights, gas cap, gauges, rollbar-c'mon sweeper for Mac!), but thought I'd post what I have so far. Comments, crits welcome. Greg
  6. Excellent car design, very 1920s-30's. Reminds me of a Cord or Stutz Bearcat. Lots of streamlining and chrome. I'd almost go with something that's more reminiscent of that era...creams, beiges. Yes, blacks were used, but only on the "economy" cars, i.e. the one's everyone could affoird (Model A's and T's), while the luxury cars were painted in whites and other light colors. Greg
  7. Looks like he would make a fine caveman. Greg
  8. Yeah, and I was expecting a "real" longboard, you know, for surfing? That would've been cool. (I live in San Diego, what can I say?) But, nice model. Under an hour? Good job!
  9. Hebrew! But at the end it does sound like he says one thing in English. Maybe subtitles could be used? Excellent piece, visually, technically,and if I knew what he was saying, then I'd also throw in story-wise as well. GS
  10. Yikes! Nice work though. Wish I knew French (almost sounded like Farsi though) to know what he was saying. Though I did hear him say "C'mon Margaret", or at least it sounded like it.
  11. I just used what you gave me and rendered for the opening scene. For the game, I just made a pose with their capes down when standing, and for walk sequences I animated the cape by hand.
  12. Good question. The answer is kinda yes, kinda no. The models were all rendered against a black background with alpha channels on. Then those were brought into photoshop, cropped, and the background filled with white using the paint bucket tool. This gave us a real thin black border around the sprite to be. Then all that art was imported into Director, as 32 bit art with the alpha, and converted into 16 bit art with an alpha. Then a custom script strips the sprite sequences out and creates art files for the engine, which is a 2D, 16 bit isometric engine that supports alpha channels (thus nice smooth edges on the characters without the ugly black jaggies). So, yes we converted it in a sense.
  13. Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragement! Greg
  14. Thanks. Yes, there is, and we'll be putting it on our site this week sometime (busy moving to a new server to handle all the traffic we've been getting). Check it out at the end of the week at http://www.covenant-studios.com The demos are going to be about 200 megs each (they need to be downloaded to play, and this is the first three levels). Greg
  15. Well, now you get to live your lifelong dream of actually being Bibleman (even if it's a virtual way of doing so).
  16. Thanks Ken. Yeah, everyone was really great who helped out.
  17. A scene from the warehouse level.
  18. Hey Gang, I had posted under the game developer's forum that we had finished production on our first videogame (Mac and Win), and began shipping earlier this week. Anyway, some people had asked to see some screen shots of the game, so without furhter adeu... Btw, modeling and animation was done by some of the coolest people here in the community. The characters were modeled by Jim Talbot, and props by Doug Horning, Steve Howson and myself (and some off the handy-dandy Hash CD's). Animation was done by a slew of people, including David Higgins, Robert Holmen, Paul Forwood, Gregg Wren, Ed Lynch, Alonso Soriano and myself. We designed and built the game in about 8 months time, just barely making our shipping deadline. The game can be purchased now at www.bibleman.com too. What an interesting road this was to travel. Greg
  19. But that would only work with 2-D tracking (like when the camera is locked to a tripod), wouldn't it? Or am I missing something? Not necessarily (though I'm no expert and I could be way wrong). There used to be a pretty cool demo with AE with a Brazilian (?) soccer team, and the camera following the action (from what I remember). Anyway, the shot was changed to have them running around carrying bags from a certain department store, and what was cool was the bags were moving in sync with their arm/hands, etc. Never figured out how it was done, but that was way back in AE3.
  20. Interesting how over there they call it "Cluedo" while here in the States it's simply called "Clue". Played it every so often when I was a kid...great fun game and the clues, etc. were pretty wacky to begin with. They eventually made a movie of it, and depending on what theatre you went to, the ending was different. Turned out they made tow different ends (or was it three), which are all on the DVD version, as well as shown whenever it's on TV. Great cast...kinda lame film (Martin Mull played Colonel Mustard from what I remember). Sounds like an interesting project! Greg
  21. I don't know, the sky pretty much looks like that in our local deserts (Glamis and Buttercup, on the edge of California near Yuma, Arizona). If there's any slight breeze there's going to be a fair amount of dust being kicked up in the horizon (or take a look at Return of the Jedi duing the Barge scene...that's at Buttercup, about 30 miles west of Yuma). Usually the sky is bluer first thing in the morning when everything is settled. Nice feel to the scene. : ) Keep up the good work. (okay, I thought that was some sort of camera droid or something too..)
  22. Hey, where's the link to the original thread? I'd like to see what's been going on with this (nice furniture too!).
  23. Just saw this on CGTalk. Wonder if they're from the same manufacturer? http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=256882
  24. Just saw this thread...nice watch! I know if I saw this at the store I'd buy one in less than a second (big watch collector too!). Excellent work.
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