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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by frosteternal

  1. Just bought a new subscription and activated on my Mac Pro...with OS X Mavericks. The software doesn't run. Crashes with huge error screen.
  2. Another WIP render...
  3. I've fixed the link to Sandcastles at http://sandcastles.frosteternal.com It was super broken. Sorry!
  4. The new teaser is uploaded! Check it out https://vimeo.com/54255722 Enjoy!
  5. The water is simulated with Other Software. My workflow lately is model in A:M, texture and animate in Other Software. The final effect is composited in AE from several renders. Thanks Robcat, we've been working on this night and day!
  6. We just uploaded a brand new teaser clip for "Sandcastles" Please share this with everyone you can, thank you!
  7. Thanks, we are super excited! I'm glad you enjoyed "Garrett."
  8. [edit, double post]
  9. "Like" Sandcastles on Facebook "Sandcastles" production is starting to really ramp up, please follow the film on Facebook and cheer us on. It's planned to be a crazy 6 months, so we can use all the encouragement we can get. Thanks!
  10. One of Dushan's gorgeous watercolor concept sketches for the film.
  11. "Sandcastles," my third short film and second major collaboration has officially moved into production. The main character was modeled in A:M. Determined to build the sandcastle of his dreams, a small child struggles against all odds to fulfill his destiny, even if it kills him. In case you didn't see it in the festivals, my last film, "Garrett" is now available to watch on Youtube. Production has begun on "Sandcastles," so watch for updates soon.
  12. Thanks, I'm pretty excited. =)
  13. My short A:M-animated film "Garrett" has been selected for showing at another film festival - the Ft. Myers Film Festival this March 21-25. If any of you are looking for an excuse to visit Florida, this is is it =) http://fortmyersfilmfestival.com/ I won't be able to attend this festival because of work. And our weather is nicer here. =) But if you happen to be in the area, check it out. =)
  14. Thanks so much!
  15. I just saw that! I'm so happy. =)
  16. Yes. Select the group. Hold down ALT while selecting points. This removes them from the group. (Holding down SHIFT adds points to a group.)
  17. Originally, digital online screener, then a region-less dvd. Thanks again everyone for the congratulations, I'll let everyone know how it goes! =)
  18. Thanks everyone! I'm really very excited, this is all such a great new experience! I'm definitely going to make time/money available to attend. I've been out that way before and the area is very beautiful, plus I can't wait to see all the entries (and mine) on a big screen in a classic movie house. Thank you again everyone for all your encouragement!
  19. My short film "Garrett" ( http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38926 ) was selected to be shown at the Hyart Film Festival this August. I just found out, now I have to figure out if I wish to go all the way out to Lovell, Wyoming to attend the festival. =) Yay. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1867548/ http://www.wyomingtourism.org/overview/Hya...Festival/533108
  20. Here, this project file should illustrate what I'm talking about. This has an advantage over smart-skin - easy to set up without setting multiple smart-skin keys, and it adapts to situations one might not have made smart-skin keys for (like opening the jaw further then intended, etc.) Plus, it adds rotation of the stretchy part automatically, which would have to be individually keyed at extremes if using smart-skin. skinTest.mov stretchySkinPiece.prj
  21. Or just use expressions to link the scaling of the bone so that as it gets longer, it gets thinner. But you could also link the scale to a smart-skin. The expressions would be more reliable. Hang on, I'll throw together a quick example of what I mean.
  22. The skin stretching by the mouth would be a great use for stretchy bones. Use a target, a kinematic constraint, and the "scale to reach" option. This allows a bone to stretch between it's point of origin and the target - great for flexible bits like cheeks, membranes, and some decaying skin. =) The skin would be best rigged, maybe simcloth or smartskin on frayed edges, but clever rigging will do just fine. Your best start would be to do some concept sketches - if you can show yourself/us what you are envisioning it will be even easier to help you =)
  23. Nice city model - very VERY nice! Regarding the flickering bickus-dickus ™ : If, as I suspect, the flickering bickus-dickus ™ refers to the flicker of high-detail tiny objects as they move across limited resolution, then most of it will disappear with higher resolutions. The other solution would be using a depth map to blur objects at distance > n (where n is an arbitrary distance from the viewer at which details alias) slightly to help clear up the flicker (a type of temporal aliasing) Great stuff!
  24. Thanks everyone, I'm so glad you all enjoyed my dark little film. I'm graduating this quarter, March 25th actually, so then from here I'm hoping to land a motion graphics job out here in Chicago...to help fund my next personal project, of course =) Now I have to prepare for my portfolio show =) yay!
  25. Not my preference, but if one happens to be a depressed and suicidal cartoon boy, cursed by a cruel writer to be indestructible, one must find a compromise.
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