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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    3D Animation, Digital Painting, Web Design, Poi, Graphic Design, Film Making, Writing. Most all things creative :)
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    Q6600 running @ 3.Ghz 2GB 667 OCZ RAM HD 3870 512 @ 845/1000 Dual Core AMD 64 4200 X2 2GB OC RAM Dual Geforce 6800XT SLI AMD 64 3400+ 1 GB RAM Geforce 6600 GT Render Farm of 12 slaves with NR

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    New York

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  1. Thanks Robert, It's currently a "render as line" spline. I'll see how that works for animating, seems like it could potentially be problematic. I'll slowly keep pushing toward rigging him. I installed TSM2 yesterday per your suggestion! Haven't gotten to actually attempt rigging him yet, but I will soon! -Ethan
  2. Well I know he doesn't look all that different but I had to remodel his eyes because the way they were they weren't very animatable, plus he was a little cross eyed! Also, re meshed his hands a bit which you can't see but they look the same, to accommodate animation. Numerous other small changes, so he would still look alright closer up.
  3. Apparently while I was gone Eric started drinking the same beverage mix that Stian has regularly? My only question is... where can I get some? Great work on the detail here eric!
  4. Experimenting with a little boat. I threw a background in behind him too I realize it would be a little hard to sail up a dark jungle river but still....
  5. Coming along really nice eric!
  6. PC here, really? I didn't think it worked... I'll HAVE to check into that!
  7. Thanks guys for the comments! I would love to animate him.... the hardest part for me is rigging though. Gack.... since TSM 2 died I've been afraid to try and tackle rigging again.
  8. I hadn't seen your post Walter I've been pretty busy. I think Simcloth has changed a bit since I was playing with it in those tests. Your best bet is to try lots of things until you find something that works. Playing with the toon shader.
  9. Does anyone know what became of Mike and his ebon project?
  10. Awesome Eric REALLY nice work!
  11. Yeah, I really like the board texturing too! Good work. -Ethan
  12. Hmmmm hmmm.. you raise some interesting thoughts Nancy..... I think you are right... I do want them both to be handsome and appealing. The villain I don't want to be "the devil incarnate" but just noticeably evil.. and the hero should be just a bit more innocent and appealing than the villain. Which isn't happening right now. I can see what your saying... The solution to the problem from this point I would like to be to leave the villain about the way he is.. maybe make him a hair more sinister. But then just to "fix" the hero" to be more handsome, more debonair. So.. how to accomplish that... uhg... some of my changes to make them "match" by giving hero man more edges to his face.. may have caused him to lose some innocent handsomeness. I'll have to bring him through another bout of tweaks. Faces are so complex in there subtly it's amazing! -Ethan
  13. Hmm good point. Here is a lot of tweaks to both characters. When I put them together they really didn't feel like they "matched" in style.. so I changed a bunch more details... I may have taken the hero character to far with that. Anyway, here's an update thanks for hte comment. your right I tried to make him more sinister and bad.
  14. Thanks Nancy! I love modeling... the rigging is the killer for me..... which brings me to your question sheldon.. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the rigging... when it does come time to rig them I may have to simplify the clothes a little to make it easier. If I can get simcloth or dynamics working I will for sure Here is the beginnings of his arch nemisis...who will no doubt vie for the affections of said damsel. Mostly just the face work here... I'll get a good classy dark out fit going for him eventually.
  15. Hey thank you for the encouraging words and comments guys! That is a helpful link on the differences between the faces Meowx thanks! Animus you're right they do look alot alike.... I was trying to maintain the same style in both characters. I was afraid if I changed them to much I would lose the style. But they do look like twins now.... Maybe I can help that out with eye color and texturing a bit. He'll have a 5oclock shadow and if they have different hair colors... maybe I can get away with it. Here is an update on the dress for her!
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