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Posts posted by Animus

  1. Very cool


    My firs reaction is why do I want to switch to this rig? So It would be nice if there was a button that lead me to a video that sells me on the rig, lets me know why I would take the time to learn this rig when I have invested time in TSM2. Dont get me wrong, my instinct says this rig has its advantages or you folks wouldn't have put all this time into it. It would just be nice if I could see a short infomercial style video illustrating why I want to learn this rig over the next. I know its a lot to ask for but those kinds of things get me excited about the product.


    The Squetch rig is versatile. And to add to the reasons mentioned before, you have seamless IkFk switching that TSM2 doesn't have. Not only arms, legs, also torso, every switch actually. Squetch rig is so much "modern".



  2. Yup, with the new LiteRig, it will make the 2008 rig obselete, I'll b able to take it down from the forum (I won't have to maintain it that way). With the ease of installation of the LiteRig, everyone will want to use that rig, or TSM2 rig.


    I agree with Martin, your rig is a piece of art. I really don't understand why not more people install it. It's not more complicated to install than TSM2,

    it's just placing bones and it's done, and so much more versatile.



  3. Some things I notice in the walk cycle. The foot on the ground is slipping, make sure the the Z curve for that foot is a straight line,

    it should correct that. There is a key on the arms going back that breaks the pendulum motion. Also, I think you need to give him body rotation

    on the X axis, leaning more in front of him, that would give him more of a heavy feel. Your character is very funny and appealing.



  4. Thank you!

    Very nice. I never thought of changing up "Shaggy" to be a girl. It works. What rig are you using?

    I'm using the new 2008 rig. I have to say it's quite an upgrade from 2001 rig.


    Looks geat Michel. The one thing that I noticed is that, the girl shaggy's left arm goes through her left leg when she sits up.

    You are right, I just noticed that after posting, I fixed that and a few pops.




  5. Really great character! He already looks alive and funny. I love it.

    I read you have started rigging with TSM2, but if you have time for experimenting,

    you should try the 2008 rig Mark built, it is easy to install and uses A:M latest improvements.

    That guy could be very fun to animate.



  6. Martin, I don't think the animators will want to learn and use another rig for this movie. The squetch rig has Zign Track capablities (BVH).

    I don't think animators have to "learn" how to use your rig. Both rigs are great and intuitively easy to use. I have used your rig, ang I don't see

    any limitations to animating.

    I like the idea of using Zign Track. It would add to continuity, I feel much energy is put into lipsync before eyes and body gesture.

    Misplaced priorities in my opinion.



  7. Great animating Ken! I like the"Come ride the clouds"part. Great camera and staging.

    Going from Brat's speach to his audience's reaction and back to him works great.

    Those actors are getting personality.



  8. What looks strange to me is having the first bird slowly flying by him, and he only reacts to the second bird.

    I prefer the scenario in the script: "TIN WOODMAN peeks around into a Castle Hallway, sees nothing." The bird would

    fly through and disappear in the room before Tinman reaches the hallway corner. I think it would have a little more "suspense" potential.

    And to me the sneak looks too careful, some slow walk that would show him skeptic, curious, not scared. Tin Woodman is a brave "man".

    Maybe the birds should go by faster, with a camera at that close range,

    Just throwing in my opinion.



  9. I agree with Nancy and Martin, that there is something not quite right with the crows.

    I did not change much the camera cuts and the timing for the birds, since the scene was already blocked.

    That brings me to the subject of inbetweening. I had some doubts, I tought it looked like blue collar job,

    but I have to say I see it diiferently now; it's good to have somebody else's perception to start with, 2 heads better than one.

    What I got so far with blocked scenes was more inspiring than constraining, and it is not a rigid system, discussion is open,

    like we see in this thread.

    One thing I see is not quite right yet, is that camera is still inconsistent. Every blocker has his style, there doesn't to be any consensus

    or discussion about camera handling. I think it is huge if you want continuity. I do like your idea Martin of doing a first edit right now,

    to have a sharper idea of where we are going. It would be useful, I think, to render a full shaded render of a blocked act before we even

    start inbetweening(Ok I'm volunteeer).

    Just thinking loud between 2 scenes.



  10. Great character, Marcos. With a good rig she'll be fun to animate.

    I remember your Pzu(do I spell it right?)character witch I tought was great too.



  11. Thank you! I added some banking and path variations as Paul suggested, and it works better.

    Not much change else except for the last pose. I commited that and would start a new scene.

    I wouldn't mind making another pass in a couple months though. I think it would need a few more seconds

    at the beginning, for one thing.





  12. I have committed chors before without any problem, but this time I get this message:

    Command: Commit

    Modified: Scarecrow of Oz\Act I\Seq01-The_Argument\Sc01\1_01_01.cho

    Error: Commit failed (details follow):

    Error: File or directory '1_01_01.cho' is out of date; try updating

    Error: The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the

    Error: transaction. Either the requested version resource is out of date (needs to be

    Error: updated), or the requested version resource is newer than the transaction root

    Error: (restart the commit).



    If I update as suggested, I guess that would overwrite the work I have done since the last commit.



  13. Looks good Ken!

    Your poses seem to illustrate the dialog very well and closely, maybe even a little too literally.

    Nice work with there eyes and facial expression. I like the personality you give to Trot.

    Voice acting of Pon is very fast, it feels rushing to the end of the text. I forget the shoulders too, often,

    but it does add a lot when when animated. Some floaty right arm with Trot in the beginning, but maybe

    that's a correction to come. Camera cuts and framing work perfectly for me.



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