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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by ChrisThom

  1. The bass pedal...its hard to believe that it took all day. And the sad thing is that it may never be seen. Some parts will be reused for the Hi-hat.

    Very nice.


    You may want to consider using a hard plastic beater to get a little more attack off the kick drum. :D

  2. And the drums so far...need to add alot.


    Vern, theres also a control that hinges the jaw forward and back.

    I haven't checked, but at thier extremes they're probably not even touching. :huh:

    Gotta love the ol' sparkle kit.


    Who did you get the texture for that? Would you mind sharing?

  3. I agree that the smoke & fire looks really good.


    I think I get the "joke" I just don't see the humor in it. Good political satire usually has an element of truth in it to make it work but I don't see that here. It just seemes like it's being crude for the sake of beign crude and not really making a statement.

  4. Go to Digidesign and get the free version of ProTools they have (unless you're running XP - it won't run on that).


    I forget if it's limited to 8 or 16 tracks but it should suit your needs though I'm not sure if it comes with plugins or not so EQing a track may be difficult.


    Another alternative that I love is a program called Goldwave. It's a shareware program that that I believe you can record with but it also does effects and can export as MP3s which PT cannot without an additional $20 plugin. Personally, I use Goldwave when I do mastering on CDs and I love it.


    Between these two you should be covered.

  5. hey Ken. It's done that way so that the pupils can easily follow the surface shape of the eye.

    not sure who implemented that, I think maybe Raf?

    But it's a great wayt o make cartoon shaped eyeballs that have pupil geometry that follow the surface of any deformed eye.

    The only draw back is that they are circular and in the back of the head untilt he constraints are activated.


    Is there some place to learn more about this because I have seen it done on a couple of charcters?

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