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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by ChrisThom

  1. I remember when you were working on Cereal Killers we got to see a few experiments for pouring the cereal using both Rigid Bodies and Sprites.


    Did you ever do a tutorial on how that all worked? If not, would you consider it? I think something like that would be a huge benefit to some of us out here.

  2. Here, let's start this whole bloody thing over again.



    Hi vf124 (you didn't include your real name),


    My name is Chris I have been using A:M for a couple of years now and have had dealings with Anzovin for just as long. If you are waiting on a training CD I would suggest you email Steve Anzovin @ Anzovin Studios directly to answer your questions about that. Since this is not an official Anzovin website and there's no on ehere that can really help you with your order.


    Generally, my experience has shown that they are very responsive on their orders and most things get turned around in a week or so. The only excetion to the rule was last week when I ordered some CDs and Steve had been in the hospital for quintuple coronary bypass surgery which delayed my order another few days. When he returned to the office he was very appologetic and sent the discs out immeadiately.


    I hope this information helps you out and please let us all know when you receive those so we can all model heads together.


    Take care of yourself and God bless,

    Chris Thom

  3. OK, ditch the grow up advice. Just put some meat on them bones, son!!


    I have one word for you... POTATOES!

    haha, it's my metabolism that won't let anything be stored in my body as "fat"...in fact...i dont think my body even HAS any "fat storage room's"....just skin and bones, but it's better than being overweight i guess

    Well.. let's see... you could try to develop a taste for butter flavored Crisco and eat it by the spoonful. Perhaps deep fried bacon would do the trick.

  4. See... again with the bitterness...


    Are you blind? Maybe you just felt compelled to over look the advice on drugs...

    I guess when I read "I don't need your advice", "grow up" and "and try to get a job" it's just a little hard to see those together as words of encouragement.

  5. My speciality is contracts...
    Since I work in the music industry here in Nashville I have dealt with my share of contract lawyers especially with the bigger labels. Since you shared this I think I understand you a little better.


    "grow up" & "try to get a job"


    See... again with the bitterness...

  6. Well, this thread tone seems out of place in this forum.

    I agree with you completely. Usually this forum is a nice place to be where ideas and encouragment flows. Is there a full moon tonight?!?


    vf124, you know, it's a beautiful spring day, perhaps you should just grab the wife, sit on the back porch with a nice glass of iced tea, listen to the birds and talk about your hopes and dreams because it seems that this whole CD deal is a little stressful.


    But let me tell you, if I'm ever looking for a lawyer, you're the man. You seem like you'd sue a girl scout for delivering the wrong cookies. :D

  7. Man... I'm not sure where all this anger and bitterness is coming from but maybe it would be a good idea if you didn't frequent these boards if you have a problem with some of the people here.


    I'm not telling you to leave but just giving you something to consider.


    I'm like wow, I'm not sure exactly what I have done to you to receive such venom. If I have done anything to you at any time, please forgive me and let me know what it is so I'll learn from it. But dude, put away the anger.

  8. If you are refering to where it says 'Journeyman", "Master" etc. I believe that it's based on the number of posts that you have here on the boards.


    I'm not sure what the breakpoints are but keep talking and you'll be a Master soon enough. :)

  9. with so many jabs...

    Pray tell, what jabs would these be? I did my best to respond to the attack you laid on me with respect.


    I did notice that you didn't mention whether or not you had tried to call or email Steve before you posted your original message instead you chose to attack... again.

  10. Dude, chill out. I don't appreciate the flame. I can understand your frustration but there is no reason to take it out on me.


    Have you tried calling Anzovin? Emailing Steve directly? When I have done so in the past they have been very responsive and helpful to answer all my questions and concerns. Are you aware that Steve (who deals with all the orders there) had major heart surgery last week and most likely came back to work Monday with a pile of orders waiting for him? Besides the fact that usually when you order anything online it can take several days to process and ship. Have you ever tried ordering form Amazon? Fortunately Anzovin or much more responsive than that but it still may take a few days.


    Also, I understand that you are new to the forums here but this is a place where we choose to respect each other no matter what our opinions may be. I all said that you would be wise to email Steve directly. Meaning that no one here can help you with this. Is this such an offensive statement? I wasn't being a "hen" I believe that Steve checks his email both at work & from his house and he's the only one with any power in this.


    If I hadn't have given you the response I did most likely someone else in this forum would have because, like I said, there is nothing that anyone here can do about your problem.


    In answer to your question, the reason that I posted the question that I did where I did was that I knew that others who had purchased CDs from Anzovin frequent here and so would have experience with such things. I was making an inquiry not writing as if this were a complaint department as you chose to do.

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