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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by ChrisThom

  1. I'm about to get a new video card so I can both of my monitors going (21" & 17") and I wanted to take a survey of those who are doing this already.


    On you set up is your primary monitor (where your toolbar resides) on you left or right and why?


    I'm just curious to get everyone's take.



  2. Since your going to fill it with water I assume that you're going to make the bottle partially transparent. In that case make sure you give it an inner wall or else the bottle will be paper thin and look a bit weird (a.k.a. - fake).

  3. I am trying to make some poses in V10.5r & when I try to edit that relationship I can't edit the CPs in mirror mode or I should say that mirror mode is not responding. Whenever I move a CP, not matter what side of the Y axis I'm on, the other side doesn't move.


    Is this a common problem or am I doing something wrong? Does mirror mode only work in the main modeling workspace?

  4. Hey everyone. They have put this cool feature into the forums here where as you can enter your location in your bio page.


    So why haven't you done it yet?


    Did you ever wonder if there is anyone else out there near you using A:M? Well, this is an easy way to find out.


    So, take the 30 seconds to go to your bio page and fill it out. We'll all be the better for it.

  5. If interested I have a line on some 21" trinitron monitors for $75 each (Yes, I said 21"). I'm using one right now and everythgin looks great.


    The only thing is that they weigh a ton so shipping may cost ya but if you're interested I can set you up.

  6. A friend and I are working on developing a couple of ideas and are needing to get some characters designed.


    A someone once said that a wiseman acknowledges his weakness, a fool ignore it. Well, I'm acknowledging the fact that I cannot draw that well, but I have seen by some of the work out there that many of you can so I'm coming to you.


    If you are available and/or interested in helping out you can either PM or email me & we'll talk details.



  7. OK, maybe I'm a dope but I didn't know that holding down the SHIFT key while adding a point will not effect the other splines. Wow, that would have saved me a lot of hassle.


    You know, I should actually read some of the things on this site a little more instead of just glancing at them.

  8. From a lost post I had a question about a game that was made in A:M called Captain Quasar. Anyone remember it and how to get it, or just see it?

    There's actually a couple of clips from CQ on the FTP site.


    From doing a couple of Google searches it looks like it was either developed by or for the 3DO platform but I'm pretty sure the company's not around any more.

  9. This is great!!


    OK, here's a serious question. Victor, have you ever considered putting out some instructional materials like Jeff Lew and others have? I know that you've done an article about the making of Alien Song but it would be cool to have something really detailed with video. Just looking at your stuff I think that many of us could learn so much from you.


    I know that you probably don't have much time, what with everything going on at Pixar but maybe just think about it.


    BTW, congrats & blessings on you and the new bambino on the way.

  10. Here's a little project I thought would be fun to knock out but which soon turn into a lesson on the proper use of the Bias controls for the logo's flames.


    I definately feel like I learned how to control/unerstand them a little better because of this.


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