sprockets TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP Live Answer Time Demo
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by ChrisThom

  1. Ok, am I going blind or has the FAQ section been removed from the Hash site?


    Primarily I was looking for the link to the searchable mailist database and I have always gotten to it through the FAQ but now...


    Do these links still exist or are the gone into the abyss?

  2. I remember that there was a time that A:M was having some issues with the ATI chips. Is that still the case?


    While I'm at it, Steve, (or anyone else) what video cards would you recommend?

  3. I'm a bit unclear on what you're trying to do and what the problem is.


    Are you trying to have the 2 objects merge together? If so, you have to manually sew the splines together. A:M does not do Metablobs or whatever some of the other 3D programs call that function.

  4. Do you have any A:M training CDs around just lying around collecting dust since you've mastered (or at least are real good at) A:M already. If so, have you considered selling them?


    I would be willing to open my home to those wayward CDs and tapes that you have and will put them to very good use.


    So, don't let those CDs just sit there, they long to share their knowledge with others.


    Please don't offer copies because when you make a copy it makes the CD angels cry. :(


    OK, seriously, if you have any training CDs or tapes that you would like to sell please let me know.



  5. I know that there are a few CDs out there to learn more about A:M but I can't find them to save my life.


    I'm aware of all the stuff by Anzovin & Jeff Lew but I remember seeing one with a police character and some other ones.


    If anyone can turn me on to what else is out there I would appreciate it.


    Hey Vern, If you happen to read this maybe you could add a link off your ARM site.

  6. OK, I'm a complete retard today but I've forgotten how to use paths.


    I have a character that I have walking along a path but I want him to get to the end of the path before the animation end so that I can have him do other things. But I have completely forgotten how to do this and I can't find a referece quickly in any of my books to find out how.


    Please help me before I completely loose my mind.

  7. Ask and you shall receive....


    Try the new options on our forum "Members" page (icon on top right of forum)


    I now display the Location field, you can select to view only profiles with locations. As well as being able to sort / search by location.

    Well, look at choo now...


    Would it possible to also have that information listed under the person's avatars when they post?

  8. Let me first say that I hope someone from Hash is reading stuff like this or else (with all respect) we're all just blowing smoke.


    That being said, one thing that I have heard when reading these forums (including a poll done a couple of weeks ago) was whether A:M was "Pro" or not. Well, another marketing idea that I had (see A Marketing Idea for the first) was to contract a couple of the artists that participate in the A:M community and also use other 3D programs to create a couple of identical pieces. One in some other program (3DS, Lightwave, etc.) and the exact one in A:M so that potential users can compare apple to apples. So if anyone says "A:M is not professional enough because it can't do such and such like blank program can" you can point them to the comparisons and say "Yes, it can. See".


    I was in marketing for years and this is what we called "Realigning Perceptions". Essentially, you need to re-teach and correct what people believe.


    Like I said I was in marketing for years and I (and I'm sure that several others out here ) have great ideas on how to champion A:M and get the message out but its just a matter of if anyone who has the power will listen.


    Please don't take this like I'm bashing anyone or anything because I'm not. I think that A:M is an incredible program that makes high quality 3D attainable to everyone but the masses need to be educated and the word needs to get out else we may not see an A:M 2007. :(

  9. Here's a shot in the dark...


    But does anyone have some hair material that they have created (or even just the settings) that they would like to donate to the community?


    That orangutan fur is especially nice!!

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