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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Frank Silas

Hash Fellow
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  • Interests
    3D in film and video games<br>Animation<br>Art<br>Music<br>Acting
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  • System Description
    1.8ghz 512m ram, dual 933mhz 1g ram, dual 800mhz 1g ram...building a renderfarm.

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  • Name
    Frank Silas
  • Location
    California, USA

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  1. Dhar, well done!! I truly enjoyed watching that. Very very cool. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  2. Satyajit, keep doing your thing man! I watched the animation wip. It is going to be fantastic when it's done. Kudos! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  3. Cute character. Nicely animated. Very charming. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  4. Hi Noah, Kudos on your Bubble Gum Crisis film!!! I'm sure your next project is also going to be amazing! Go get'em kid!!! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  5. Stain you ROCK!!! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  6. Alright here's a screenshot of Beauty and the Brute before the clothes. Frank Silas
  7. Added the changes for more torso detail. Tweaked his body some more. I think I'm finally ready to do clothes for both Beauty and the Brute. I'll post progress for that also. I think the clothes may actually be harder than the body modelling, with the exception of the modelling the heads. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  8. Mike, thanks! MMZ_TimeLord, I'll add that tonight. Thank for all the crits and input. Jon, you are right! I'll fix that. I started using some reference of Arnold Schwarzenegger and your nipple width discription matches what I'm looking at. Thanks. :-) Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  9. Very cool Dimos! :-) Frank Silas
  10. Still adding muscle and underlaying bone detail to torso. Getting ready to add rib cage detail. Frank Silas
  11. MMZ_TimeLord, got some reference. Made the changes you suggested. I think I need some rib cage area detail now. Zaryin, yep collar bones were comming. I still need to add more muscle detail. Any comments or crits are welcome and needed. Thanks guys here's the latest screenshot, Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  12. MMZ_TimeLord, I agree with all your assessments in that last post. Here's the quarter view you requested. Thanks for the feedback. I need to use some reference. Paul Forwood, Hi Paul...no it's not a parody on Beauty and the Beast, except maybe the title. I don't want to give away too much as to what the setup is until I post the environment that they are in to this thread, but I will say that they are Pirates! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  13. And here's that shot of the girl with long hair in wire frame. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  14. Spent some time on Brute. I need to really give him muscle definition above the waist since he's not going to be wearing a shirt. Needs more work. Any comments or crits welcome. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  15. Hi Zaryin, thanks! I'm sure you can. I'll post some wire frames of it if that helps. I'll work on the breast area a bit too. Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback. Frank Silas
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