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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by HeadlessBill

  1. The release of Resident Evil: Apocalyse just made me want to play with the T-virus model I made based off of the first movie. Hmmmm.... I'd never thought of using glow. I'm assuming you mean on the blue spirals?
  2. Well, I was working on this: Suggestions?
  3. Looks really, really good. Movement is nice and fluid. I hope the animation in my project is even half as good. Only one nitpick though. In the first clip the pirate's left hand goes through the cube beside him when he is landing on the ground.
  4. Looks real cute. He reminds me of Chilly Willy.
  5. Parlo, it's looking real good This is my suggestion on the 'Either I'm right or I'm crazy' part. Don't move the character during the pause before he says the line. I like the glance down and looking back up during the pause, but extend it to fill the whole pause, so he looks up just as he is about to speak. It'll look more like he is gathering his thoughts. Have him moving forward quickly as he gestures as he says 'Either I'm right...' and stop his forward movement at the same place you have him now when he does the arm swing on '...or I'm crazy'. When he does move, have his eyes lead the movement, don't do the look back up and move simultaneously. Have the movement follow a split second after the look up and in the exact direction of the look. As for the arm swing, just do the swing sharp and quick from the elbow only, don't move the upper arm. Also extend the fingers on that hand when he does it, it makes for a more powerful gesture. The curved fingers and bent elbow make it appear he is uncertain in his conviction. Straighter, quicker and sharper movements show more conviction of the character in what it is they are saying. Some brow action, predominately at the end, may help with emphasis of the lines as well, or it might detract. I tend to furrow my brow a little as I say the 'or I'm crazy.' I'm sorry, but I feel like I've just delived some notes to my actors after a rehearsal. I also hope this makes sense. I'm definately going to have to learn that bone set-up for lip-syncing.
  6. I remember this model from way-back-when. I really like the changes you've made to it. She doesn't look so 'hard' now. A more friendly appearance, in my opinion. I also may have to play around with your light set-up suggestion to change the lighting set-up in the default choreography being discussed here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592 Once you have the opportunity, I'd put some shoes on her so she doesn't look like she is walking around 'en pointe' (is that spelled correctly) all the time. Again, great model and it just seems to be getting better.
  7. Okay, I made some variants of the book and would like an opinion as to which one looks best for the area where the label goes. The image in the first post has been changed to show the three variants. I may change it later so the cover of the books are something other than black so you can see the detail better. Edit: Okay, I added the picture with blue covers rather than black.
  8. It's looking really good. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this, especially some of the animated stuff.
  9. Looks really good. Even uncompleted, I'd like to see it in an environment.
  10. Actually, the flat patches around the text was intentional (most leather bound books I've seen usually have a flat area where the titles were to be printed or gilded). I had the opposite problem you had. The bump maps I tried using for the text just combined with the bump created by the material and made it hard to read. I had to create an area of patches that floats just a smidge above the actual surface of the face and spine of the book and applied the text decal to those. I wish I would have thought of those titles, though 'Don't Panic' would have been my more of something I would have used. I actually used the title of a short story I wrote way back in college in one of my fiction writing class. Thanks for the reply.
  11. Let me know if it's too dark. It looked fine on my PowerBook, but once I brought it over to my wife's iMac, it looked really dark. Anyhow, comments, questions and general observations of life are greatly appreciated.
  12. A nice Van Gogh, maybe.
  13. Are you talking about these? What I believe they are supposed to be is the simulated look of a sheet of water washing over the window. Usually used to represent a very hard rain. Oddly, they did seem out of place in the clip. Maybe they need to be sped up a bit, or more rain needs to be added. Sounds like time to experiment.
  14. Hey there everyone. Once again, I'll be at Tully's in Embarcadero Center from 2-5 on Sunday, August 8th, while my wife is there at her knitting group. I hope to see you all there.
  15. Thanks for comments guys. I sort of designed the cover. A friend of mine drew the glove grabbing the ghost, I colored it and layed out the rest. Some minor changes I'm going to make are: a) change the ISBN number to a product code number, add a TM logo at the end of ECTO-Grab'em, and c) model the ripples in the celophane window rather than using a bump map. Also upon examing the image, I've notice that I've peaked some control points along the edges of the box where they shouldn't be. I'll post more images once I get them done.
  16. Just had the opportunity to whip up another prop for my animation project. Comments? Questions? Observations about life?
  17. The new lighting definately make the guitar look more dimensional. The guitar still looks good though, it's looked good from the get-go. Overall, the items in the image need to be grunged up a bit and the guitar looks lonely. Anything you add to the scene doesn't necesarrily (sp?) need to be seen completely, but enough to hint what it is. Remember the image extends beyond the edges of the image itself. Am I making any sense? Again, the guitar itself looks really, really good.
  18. For those that are interested, I will be at Tully's in the Embarcadero Center from 2-5PM on Sunday (my wife is there for her knitting group) and I'd be interested in meeting with anyone who wants to show up anytime during that time. I'll most likely be using my PowerBook, but not A:M. I'm still having problems with the OS X version. I hope to see someone else there.
  19. I still think we need the 'Balrog vs. Fufu' image.
  20. I like the material you have on the latest version, but you might want to reconsider the colors. It reminds me of Iron Man, in my opinion. As for the breasts, I don't have a problem with the size as much as the shape. But being an alien, who knows what size and shape theirs breasts are. Working on eyes myself for my project. Really keen to replicate the looks of the eyes from the Pixar movies, but not certain where to begin myself.
  21. Just one word... Awesome!
  22. As an informal gathering, it would be a time to chat, get to know one another. If anyone has laptops, you could show off what you are working on to anyone interested, try and get help with problems, trade models, materials and such. It wouldn't have a set plan or schedule of what is happening, in what order and when like a formal gathering does. I'm not against formal gatherings. I'd love to attend them if I can, but they don't seem to happen very often and usually once a place and time is set, most people never seem to be able to make it, usually last mintue.
  23. I'm still interested in an informal once a month gathering. I'm still opting for a second Sunday of every month, since my wife will already be in town for her knitting group that meets every second sunday at Embarcadero. This way, my wife and I can travel in and out together. Don't know where we could meet, though.
  24. Looks really, really good. Far better than my guitar. My only comment is that it needs a strap. I like the final image. The room it's in looks a little stark. Maybe bits of other guitar paraphenalia added to complete the composition.
  25. It's looking good zack. Looking forward to see it strung. But to answer your question you asked me, the hardest part to model was the the whole damn thing! Actually, I'd say the area where the strings attach to the body. I had only one picture to go off of when I made the guitar (no side, back or close-ups) and no access to a real one (of any style). I faked the stuff I couldn't make out and didn't model the stuff I thought would be too hard (leather pick guard and straps). I still made an 'A' on it, but I think the teacher was impressed by the f-scroll holes in the body, but that was easy, since I know how to use splines (thanks to A:M).
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