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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Interests
    Painting, sculpting, making wearable masks(prosthetic appliances) any kind of art and especially creating on the PC modding photos and now modeling in 3d.
  • Hardware Platform
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    Home built Intel core 2 extreme quad @3.0 ghz ,4 gigs of DDR2@1066mhz, 2 Geforce 9600 GT's in SLI mode, Asus P5N-T nforce 780I motherboard and 2 WD raptor 150 gb hdd's in a raid configuration running Windows Vista home premium. 42" philips LCD tv as my monitor

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  • Name
    Scott J Holt
  • Location
    Florida,s space coast.

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  1. Wow another 5 years. Looking into 3d printing but gotta update.Still see a few old timer's on here but need to spend some time to catch up on who's doing what. Used to know my way around here.
  2. I've been brushing up a model I made back in 04. Amazing the thing's you find that you would never do now. I'm putting togther a scene with a castle and a battle in progress.
  3. I haven't been splining since 2006 but recently fired "my" latest copy of AM V15 up and am starting to model again. Never got too deep in the animation part of AM but I had forgotten how much I enjoy modeling and although still learning in the chorwindow I enjoy setting up the image's. Still have some health issue's but I hope to improve my modeling skill's and maybe spend a bit more time catching up here.
  4. Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted but in light of the new Sarah connor chronicles I decided to attempt a Terminater model. Heres some early stuff as I am still shaping him up. Crits and suggestions as well as reference pics are welcome.
  5. Nice work dude! It's cool to see how you've progressed over time. (not much time at that actually) Can't wait to see that rifle come together.
  6. The more you practice and possibly screw up the more you learn. Go back in a few years and compare how you build then to how you build now and you'll be suprised at what wasn't 2nd nature before.
  7. Not to worry Joakim. Due to mystical powers he can tell us AM'ers from mere mortals. His fear of our power to use our keyboards on him is deturrent enough to keep him from looking upon us as fodder. Can't wait to take him into V13 and try some displacement's (my other new toy) on himThank's
  8. Here's a color map test and the new improved bump (filled in some gap's). Still working on the belly. Needs some tan,biege and some darker highlight's. Working on a tileable texture for the leg's and arms of the wings. Not quite there yet. And hair using an image with an alpha channel for the maine.
  9. I'll have to study up on adjusting magnitudes and using bias handles and such. I've been seeing a few threads talking about magnitude(Last couple months) and it's obviously very useful especially when trying to keep patch count's down. I wonder how much it will show once textured.
  10. Do you have a spline similarly placed like the ones (basically bevelled) I have the yellow arrows pointing to on this example? (my best example of a similar shape and not as well tweaked as can be yet) If so I'm at a lack for ideas. I've found it gives you better control on the effects on the splines outside the curve. Even a third spline (you can see here how the splines are effected) running with the two with the arrows would smooth the bias out where the splines head out into the ships hull.
  11. Awesome detail. I can see it's a good thing I'm getting alot of practice. I'll need it for my ship to be up to spec for this fleet. I like the lighting.
  12. I have'nt put up any decent wires. I know I certainly study others meshes whenever possible. Hopefully these will help anybody who has difficulty with head's and feet or just how to put it together. This may not be "the best" spline layout and I'll surely modify it again but heres what works for me so far.
  13. Theres a few decent shots of him here.http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/yoda/ Not too high rez but good for reference. Dont really know how to posta link I guess but that was in the address window.....(edit) and pasting in in works for me.
  14. He's coming along quickly. Look's great so far. I think yours looks more like theres something going on between the ear's than the one on the link.
  15. Thanks Joakim, I used to play with Paint Shop Pro before I got AM so I was pretty sure of how to paint stuff in this "graphics program". Until the forum came along decaling was scary. I got a high speed connection and was able to to view Jim Talbot's decaling a face tutorials. Seeing it done in realtime makes a big difference. They made understanding the process possible for me as the only other stuff I could find at the time seemed technically way above my head . (I've only been computing since 2000 with no previous experience with 3d software tools etc.) Just watching the workflow back and forth between AM and photoshop on those videos made it clear on not only how to flatten the mesh take a screenshot,make and stamp a decal and work in AM , but the power of using layers if you have a graphics app that supports them. PSP is different than Photoshop but can be persuaded to do alot of the things that make a good decal to use in AM. I dont tend to use the flatten command on this type of mesh. I make groups for the part's that I want to work with and manually flatten them in actions with a seperate action for each group that gets flattened to prevent the mesh from stretching. (flattening the sides of the head in the same action as the top of the head in the same action tends to stretch the splines as the outside perimeter of each group shares two decals at the seams) I strongly recommend Jim's tut's and William Suttons Balrog UV mapping tutorial even though I'm still not sure how to go about switching the blank image with the one with the high rez decals. But I still learned alot from it. I don't recall doing any tutorials! Never really thought I was qualified to produce something that would inspire learning. I help where I can here on the forum . I have posted some stuff on using the diffuse colors that are part of AM to get the metallic look. Prolly on my seraphim WIP. Take what you can from the tutes and if inspired "run with it" . Make copies of projects or models and experiment
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