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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Thanks guys,


    Luckbat, thanks for the laugh.. Its funny... I must have missed that question in the other posts.. The irony of it hadnt occurred to me till I read your post. Or maybe I'm just getting old.


    Paule, Thanks for the kind words.. the site is old at this point and is missing some of my best stuff. Its on my todo list to update it.. but that list is getting quiet long now. As far as Cooper realising his stardom.. I doubt it... He's pretty oblivious in his kid world.. When we went to China and he had dozens of people thronging around him to see his blond hair... he just played his gameboy and looked for kids to play. This sounds normal untill you go to China with a blond boy and realise what a crowd drawing proposition that really is. He's a great kid and I hope he stays a kid forever...


    hmmm maybe I need to take his model and make a Peter Pan version... Darn where is that todo list.


    Thanks guys,



  2. I dont know Vern... Though this looks terrific, looking at that map, I'd hardly call it intuitive. Phillip.. you say you dont know much about anatomy but youre doing something right... to know that that map would do something so realistic seems pretty damn lucky if you dont know anatomy... personally.. I dont think many people could come up with something so natural their first go around.


    good job... Me I'll hold out for the bone controlled maps ;)



  3. Well I know It doesnt look like I've added a bunch more.. but truthfully I have tweeked him quiet a bit.. and I'm still trying to figure out the cape. Anyone seen the Incredibles yet? Try to model a cape and you'll see why the costume lady avoids them like the plague.


    Added porcelain to the face. the ties on his chest. fixed the boots somewhat. Added eyelashes finally. And tweeked the textures a little more.


    All thats left is that damn cape and rigging him.


    Heres a straight render. Took 7 minutes on my 2.5 ghz p4 no multipass. I'm satisfied with that.




    If I can't get the cape right this weekend I'm leaving it off.





  4. Ok,


    I'm doing some tests with material effectors and have come across some odd behavior. I'm not calling them bugs, because they could easily be user error.


    Heres what I'm trying to do.


    I'm setting up a Material with noise.


    I create an arbitrary shape.


    I apply a material effector to the shape and then apply the material with the noise to the effector.


    I drop these in a choreography and do a render lock render. It works fine and renders correctly. However if I do a normal final render it won't render the material. Problem 1.


    Problem 2. If I set a bump or a displacement amount on the material. Nothing happens. Do to the fact that I'm trying to simulate sliding skin across a bone... This is problematic.


    Any one have any clues as to what I might be doing wrong.. if anything?



  5. Ahhh John,


    Welcome to my world. I too work where everyone else plays with Maya, and I am the lone AM/Maya Man. I've used Maya for many years and like you I prefer AM 100 percent. I have freelance clients who ask me to do projects in Maya because they have their own Maya users. The projects take me 2 times longer to finish. Not becuase I dont know Maya, but because its work flow just isnt as fast or good in my oppinion.


    The two can play together, but I much prefer doing every thing in AM. I've even been published in books on Maya but I made sure that if I was that AM was mentioned, because the truth is that if I do it in 3d.. I make sure I use AM for some part of it if I cant use it for the whole project.


    You should tell your boss that your more than willing to learn Maya, but ask him to have the other artist where you work learn AM as well. Why use only one package. Perhaps they have more to learn from you then you have to learn from them? If your boss is happy with your work and talent, surely he must see the logic in this.


    As far as what Martin meant. My interpretation is that Like a Glass house... Maya may seem pretty from the outside... but throw one rock into the works and its a total mess. This is true from my experience. I can do things in AM that would take 3 times as long to accomplish in Maya.. and the end result looks better in AM. Try to debug a problem in Maya and you'll quickly go crazy.. not in AM... Try to get customer support for Maya... After you pay 2000.00 for one years support, you get the luxury of talking to someone who hardly knows whats wrong on the phone. Forget getting bugs fixed or even making feature requests. Maya is a Name that sells a piece of overpriced software. Animation Master is a piece of Software that deserves the title.. Animation Master. I know no other package that even comes close.


    my two cents.



  6. Yep I remember that anzovin video now. In fact I sat in the audience as he did it... duh... It seemed to involve actually adding extra springs or constraining points to a spring in order to make it work. I'll play with it and try to dig that tape up.


    Now. anyone who can give me good advice ie. getting a cape to lay on a body. I cant get the collision to work to save my life.


    Thanks for the input guys.

  7.   Is there a way to decal one color from the front and another from the back?


    Tried it but it wont work.


    Luckbat: No, No, and No. creative, but wont work.


    RobCat: I thought of the render backfacing polys option as well, thinking it might translate to the final render, but it wont. Works like a charm in shaded mode. but I dont consider it an ideal solution for a model that will go on the cd.


    Any programmers out there willing to right a material that might do this?



  8. I'm trying to make a thin cape with one side yellow and one side black. If AM had the ability to render 1 sided surfaces this would be easy, but it doesnt seem to do that.


    Anyone have an idea on a workaround. I tried to planes close together, but they collide when animated.


    Its for my Robin model for the CD. If I cant find an answer, I'll just make him capeless or give him a single colored cape.





  9. Happy Birthday William. I owe you a beer next time we get together.


    On another note.. William has published a book of his sketches for anyone who's interested. I've been lucky enough to see them and I can tell you they are inspirational.


    Check it out at.





    And yes I was the fellow who convinced him he should print these in a book. I feel that strongly about his talent.


    Thanks for all your contributions to the AM community William.



  10. Not bad Jamagica. But its hard to tell much about lip synch without lips to synch to. I can see where the movement is good the response is right though the eyes might dart a bit more... but without lips its hard to connect the sound to the mouth.


    Its an interesting problem to solve. How could you marry the sound to the mouth or even the eyes in order to compensate for the lack of a lip? You solve that one and your well on your way to being able to lip synch or animate for that matter... anything.



  11. It is a funny notion.. the make dragon button, but as life tends to be. Real -life is even funnier.


    Several years ago I played around with Lightwave 3d. I modeled several things tested the animation, yada yada... One day in my playing I came across a button called....

    "the eagle in a barrel button" . I pushed of course and guess what... An eagle in a barrel appeared in the modleing window fully modeled and textured. As useless as anything probably could be, but probably the most entertaining button ever programmed into an application.


    My question to the Hash guys is.. Are there any Easter eggs in AM that would be this entertaining to the User base. Adobe After Effects used to have the Bleeting Sheep button built into it. and a few others that where just as useless. Surely you guys have some inner joke in the code. I pull down the shade of the confessional and allow you this moment in time to let it out and confess your easter eggs.





  12. Seems to me like its best handled by a smartskin. Since you can smartskin anything.. just set the legs up the same as always.. then smartskin the shin or elbow bend.. in the smartskin just rotate the Lames as you see fit. Like a relations ship but minus the hard work.


    Hope that helps. Tell me if I'm nuts.



  13. Looks pretty good to me. You'd stated earlier that it wouldnt work with bump or spec maps. why. I was thinking about it last night and it seems like it would work fine if it works for color it should work for anything. I can see where the bumps might give it away a little more.. but you should be able to composite any channel.


    the cool thing is it shows yet one more benefit of a layered render solution. Apart from being able to tweek diffuse, spec, bump and color to the nth degree with just one render... now you can get sliding skin as well. Very smart. I'm going to start playing with this myself.





  14. Can you explain this a little better. I like the concept alot and it looks very promissing, but I'm not quiet understanding what you are doing based on how you've explained it.

    Camera projection/ composite?


    Looks very good though,



  15. Thanks guys,


    I'm very excited to get started. I've actually got 2 other jobs right now that involve AM so I'm going to try to build my final experiments into those projects. And get going on it asap.


    The rig I'm planning on using is the Hash rig with some add ons..that shouldnt interfere with actions allready created for it... if it becomes to customized, Highly likely I'm guessing... I'll just do as you suggested an create a site for the rig and allow actions to be posted and created for it.


    Thanks for the input guys, it really inspires me to get good feedback and compliments from artists of your level. I hope my abilities are up to the task.



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