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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Yeah the main reason I posted it.. was to inspire some out of the box thinking hopefully. I've allready imagined prop city buildings, etc.. that have a 3d look without having to build them out to much. If you got practiced enough at it.. I imagine it could become second hand to break 3d shapes down into components that would do this.


    I'll keep playing and see if something cool comes of it.


    Thanks for the paper program.. I'll check that out to.



  2. You think that works well. Print one out and build it... Its like you suddenly have some weird Wizard familiar... I made one for Cooper and he was calling him his best friend in about 2 minutes.


    I set him over his bed when he went to sleep and said .. no boogey men were getting by that guy.. he see's everything ;)



  3. John.. I got to tell you...


    you rock! Thats some of the coolest stuff I've seen in a looooong time. I can't wait for the theatrical release... the dvd.. well I can't wait.... Ohhhh the game.. yeah the game..


    after that ... I'm speechless. Chalk it up to another idea I'd wished I'd thought of.



  4. Ok.. here's something to get you thinking. I can't take credit for the art or the idea for that matter (but damn I wish I could) but I can take credit for getting the illusion to work in a 3d program :D ... A disclaimer.. No bones or CPs have been animated in this movie.. Just the camera moving.


    I can't stop looking at this guy. Here's my movie...




    and if you want a copy of the image to make your own.. go here...




    This is so cool! and guess what.. take a face you've built and hide all the patches except the face.. Now look at it from the backside.. same thing.


    have fun.



  5. Hey Mike,


    My only comment is that it looks good, but the right shoulder, though it moves correctly, seems to grow the front deltoid out of the bicep. I know this might not be as obvious in a shaded mode.. but texture maps would give it away as well.


    Could you move it so the deltoid started more toward the pec and slid up. If you look at the line of the detoid as the shoulder shrugs. the muscle moves to a point where it inserts almost vertically above the nipple line. Yours does that but doesnt seems to grow out of the arm as opposed to rotating up.


    I hope that I explained that right. and also that it didnt come across as a slam... I like this alot.. Just wondering how flexible the positioning of the center of rotation of the parts around the arm is.. not knowing the mechanics of how your doing it.


    What exactly are you using expressions for? rotation of the fan bones? or is it rotation controlling translation?


    if its a trade secret I understand.


    cool stuff..


    Keep it coming



  6. Thanks guys,


    Yep Yves, That one was post processed. I did get something close to it in AM.. but there was a catch.. No color decals with Toon shading... at least not over a gradient surface. So no color in the gloves. but its doable with toon shading if you can loose the color decals.


    You could probably right a material to do the same thing. Its very similar to what I've seen some materials doing.. in that you can take the out put of a specific part of the image and use it to modify the same part. Gradients, inverted, and composited over with a difference effect, shift the hue 180, and composite that over again with another filter (depends on the desired look)..


    Your skin shader is part of the way there I believe.. if you could add gradients to the inputs.. It would be there I think. Or the ability to add gradients to specific parts of a surface.. (diffuse, spec, ambient, reflection, etc)


    Thanks again guys. I've got big plans for this guy.



  7. wow! Thanks Yves! coming from you thats very high praise indeed!


    Which material are you referring to? I'll be glad to clue you in. The lighting is just common backlighting, and shadow maps cranked up.. Raytracing looks better, but I'm not ready to commit to a long render yet.


    Thanks again! That made my day.



  8. One more,


    started playing. Now this was fun! That scale armor is hair by the way :D




    I know the lighting is iffy.. but I'll get around to fixing it. I'm thinking of playing with Yves sky rig.. but This one took a while to get to render.. something with hair and large files with shadow maps.


    Thanks for all the kind words, There like gas in my engine ;)



  9. Here he is in a pose.. Still putting the finishing touches on the rigging but its coming along well.




    Thanks for the idea with the 360s nimblepix... I'll have to try that.


    Man I can't wait to get this guy on my own and make him what I really want him to be.


    Thanks for all the input guys.



  10. OdinsEye2k,


    I think you might be right in your assessment, though maybe only partly there. More than the mechanics of this method is the time saved.


    I tried again last night (Guess I'm hard to convince) to do a simple elbow bend with just weights and smartskin. I got a reasonable result, but only after about 2 hours of tweaking. And even after all that time I wasnt happy with it compared to my shoulders and hips with the fans. By contrast a did a knee ( a similar joint) the other night with 6 fan bones and got an equal result in about 30 minutes.


    Though it goes against logic.. this really is a faster way to work on complex meshes. I'll have a fully rigged model to play with tomorrow and I'll post more results.



  11. Thanks guys,



    Ed, yeah.. all I did to move them was hit play in the choreagraphy and drag the bone.. which captures the movement in keys. An interesting way to animate.. you could do hand writing, hands shaking and even put the camera in the hand to get the "rattle eye view of the rattle as the kid shakes it" ... or just do simple animation tests to show joints.


    Yves.. any idea how I can render with bones visible, for my tutorial?... I tried everything last night, but no luck.



  12. Let me guess.. his knees go knock kneed.. and his thumbs look like the Fonz?


    I get the same things.. not sure why.. you can roll the knee pointers in an action or a pose and it will fix the knees (can't help you with what causes the problem) As far as the fingers.. The thumb actually works.. but the hand clench poses don't work correctly for some reason.. you sould go and make your own fists pose and it should work fine. you role the finger bones and it makes them curl.


    Hope that helps.



  13. Hey man,


    It's looking great! I love the wrinkles on the skin.


    Hair is going to throw him through the roof!


    It would be cool to see him battle Jurrasic Pork. I wonder who'd when? no... Tar! That'd be a battle I'd pay to see. Hell have a 3 way death match!


    Ok enough bad ideas on my part. L8r...



  14. Hey Reikster,


    Yeah I'd have included the bones in the current renderings.. but for some reason I cant get them to render. I checked render with bones.. in the settings.. but the don't show up? Any one have a clue as to what I'm doing wrong?


    The cool thing about smart skinning this setup.. is that it doesnt take much at all. If the joint is rigged right.. You'd have to move maybe 10 to 20 points.. just a nudge or two. Nothing like if you dont have fan bones.. but yes I'll include that in the tutorial as well.


    You are correct in your assumption that some the fans are children of the shoulder. I even turned the shoulders falloff on and weighted some points to it. The tutorial on the Hash Rig says not to do this, but not knowing the reason why I should'nt I did it anyway just to see. It worked fine and now he can shrug his shoulders pretty easily.


    I've done a knee now with this, but since I figured thats not a problem joint for most people, It would'nt knock any socks off. Let me know if you wan't to see vids of it and the hand and forarm rotation. Otherwise, unless someone can help me with the bone render problem.. I'll hold off posting renders till the tutes done.



  15. Kuep,


    Its a lot more automatic than that. Its true there are weights on points but those are setu up by giving each fan a falloff amount, and adjusting its shape to cover the points I want it to influence. There are some points that will need editing later, but generally only a few.


    Then I constrain those bones to the bicep or whichever bone I want to control them. the closer the fan to that bone.. generally the more it influences it.. Simple orient like constraints work.. So when I constrain the bone.. it will orient like the bone its constrained to... adjust the enforcement... and then adjust the offeset so the bone moves back to its original position. (This sounds like alot.. but its as easy or easier than shifting points on a smartskin in every position of the bone).


    Once all thats done.. the fan bones animate themselves.. I move the control bone around and check out the results.. if points are off.. I'll simply edit the constraint on the appropriate fan bone, or adjust the points weighting or both. Once this is done.. the joint is 95 percent of the way there and will work in any condition. Then add a few smartskin tweeks and its done.


    I agree that smartskin might work on simpler models by itself.. but I've never gotten it to work alone on more complex meshes and joints.


    Let me know if this explains it well enough.. I'll still do a tute on it, but it helps to know if my terminology is easily understood.



  16. You know what Zaryin,


    up untill last week I would have said I sucked at rigging. I mean, I knew what to do and knew a few tricks.. but I never got joints that looked this good. Its one reasons my Hulk model has never walked.


    Well ... get ready, cause I'm a rigging fiend.. and I will do that tute. I might even get around to it this weekend. So much to do.. so little time.


    It really is quiet easy. There are some decisions to make of course.. but the process is very straight forward.


    I'm off to do the other hip and finish the easy joints.. When I'm done I'll submit a modified AM rig for people to play with. Chances are you'd need less fan bones, but it would be a start.





  17. Thanks guys,


    Yeah I'll still smartskin just to make it perfect, but you can bet it will be alot easier than it would have been otherwise. I did some more tests with the original test shoulder as well and I couldn't make a move that made cps pop with the fan bones.


    Its amazing what a difference it made. The ironic thing was I was trying to shorcut the process by doing only smartskin and in the end its much quicker to do it this way. Hmmm.. works better, its quicker, and looks very lifelike... That sounds about right for Animation Master.


    When I'm done I'll do a tutorial on the whole thing.




    ps.. for an idea on how quick this can be.. That project I submitted earlier.. took me all of 45 minutes to do.. thats modeling, boning, figuring it out.. setting up weights and smartskinning. I'd call that quick.

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