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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Zaryin,


    It's seperate from the face. Another lucky break.. the way I modeled the face allowed me to just select and copy the eye patches and duplicate those. Then I just moved them off the face a little and tweeked them to a more mask like shape.


    I may have to extrude them a little to solve some render distance/size problems that occur when splines patches overlap, but all in all it was about a minute to make the mask so I'm happy with what I got.



  2. Yeah,


    Dont worry Rodney... the Boots are coming.


    Boots, Belt, Cape, and logo...


    I'm thinking Hiking boots or like you say some techy tennis shoes.


    I like the Teen Titan's Robin's Boots. Steel toes...


    still thinking on it though... and I'm not sure I want to keep the shorts.. I may go with some tights after all.



  3. here's an update.


    Added Yves Poisant's skin shader... Still playing with the settings to get them right. Also added kevlar textures to the torso and changed the eyes to green and dark skin under the mask.


    Large render 900x 1600 took 52 min. on a pentium 4 2.5 with 1 gig of ram.


    Next need to add the utility belt, boots and Cape. Still playing with cloth settings trying to get the collision right. Any one know a good tutorial or have any hints on the best way to get the cloth to work?







  4. entity,


    Yep that was my thought as well. I'm going to include both. Luckily the way the eye is modeled there are 2 layers. The inner eye and the outer cornea (not the best way to do it for sure, but for this particular problem it actually works out well).


    So all I have to do to make the eyes white is take the transparency off the corneas and add some black to the diffuse on the underlying eyelids to make the mask work.


    So I'll make a pose for that. I may also make a pose to transform him from kid to hero.

    Still debating that one.


    Thanks for all the input guys. I'll have some more pics soon. Right now I'm just texturing the suit and tweeking some parts to make him more hero like.





  5. Gazzamataz,


    yep you are right Hair does take a while to render. But thats the point of what I get at in my tutorial.. The render time goes up with more desity, just like it goes up on the realtime redraw. So keeping the density down helps alot on the render. Shadows crank up the rendertime as well I believe (I havnt tested that but logic would dictate that it should be that way)


    Hair does take a while to render, but one thing is certain the new hair takes less than the old hair so do upgrade... you wont be sorry.


    My last comment would be that if you are going for Photo realism then your renders are going to be long... But if you arent then a whole world of possibilities exist. Consider that the image I posted is a realtime preview. True there are no shadows.. but I think the quality is pretty good considering.


    Were I to get creative I might even render the hair out seperate as a realtime file and composite it over a final render later. There is always more than one way to skin a cat.


    Perhaps we should hit hash up for a hair option that allows a final render of the model and a composited realtime hair overlay.


    Hows that bear coming along Vern?



  6. Hey Vern, Gosh I love saying that....


    your problem as I see it is that you have your hair too thin and way to much of it.


    you need to make the folicles thicker... something like the equivalent of a small cigar in width and taper them to a point. Then map the hair texture onto this... add a little transparency at the tips and voila you'll have your sketched look. If you look at the orangutan it has thicker hair as well. Check out my new hair tutorial at....






    and here is another sample of hair I'm working on...




    Hope that helps some.


    Love the sketches by the way.



  7. KenH,


    Yep you guessed it.. he's going as robin for halloween. I've got a funny picture of him in a robing outfit but wearing a Flash mask... I'll post it later... I agree with the comment on the putpils, I tried a few other options last night and think I'll go with a green iris and darkened skin behind the mask.


    He's coming along nicely. I'm going to try to do a cloth cape for him as well, but that will be a learning lesson since I havnt done cloth yet.


    Anyone know where I can find a nice Kevlar type texture to add some texture to his suit?



  8. Ok,


    Since the sprites from my last post were such a hit... but you guys wanted them on the cd. I went and made about 65 new ones from scratch... and modified the project file to contain them.


    Download them at....




    and here is a sample of some of them....




    I'm taking the others down so there wont be any confusion about which are copyright free.


    On a side note... anyone know how I can alter material settings in a pose? I tried this with the sprites but didnt have any luck. Seems like something that should be possible.





  9. If you are certain you modelled in the correct views then it must be a normls problem. Try a birds eye view render with an object placed behind the nose. if the nose points at the object then it needs to be flipped... otherwise you should be good.


    One other thought. Label your rotoscopes with the correct name... then set there view in the properties panel for each rotoscope. then when you toggle you'll know which view you are in. if it still renders wrong.. and the normals are good then it sounds like a bug.


    just some ideas.



  10. Hey Guys,


    Feeling experimental and built this from some free samples that are for another spriticle program.


    Liked the results on some and thought you might as well so here ya go.


    100 jpeg emitter images and a Project with a sample particle setup I made. Zipped. Mac heads if you are interested I can distribute them some other way.


    Emitter zip


    to play with it... just hit play in the Chor. and start tweaking. I left it set on a personal favorite. Resembles primoridial ooze but could be a lava lamp with some tweeks.


    Any questions just let me know.


    oh and here is a pic of some stuff I was able to tweak them to. took all of 2 minutes for the lot.





  11. Hi Marcel,


    Great to have you back!


    Yeah I like Coopers hair to have a more "surfer" tussle to it...


    To be honest I rushed through doing this hair as I was trying update the tutorial.


    Had I more time, I would have redone my original skull cap completely to allow for more control and to sink the hair down to the skin, which would have made it match his original cut more.


    In addition Cooper's grown over the last year and changed allot.. When I started the model he was still an infant and now he's growing up. Its funny how doing something like this actually makes you much more aware of the changes that happen over time.


    Anyway, I was very pleased that even a less than perfect skull cap ended up with reasonable results, so I went with it.


    As far as animation, I did a quick test and it actually worked pretty well. I jiggled the model with some twist and jumps and the hair stayed put with the exception of the most violent jerks in which case it straightened out a little... All in all though it would be fine for all but the most violent motion. It could probably use some more stiffness and less mass perhaps. If it where longer hair it would have problems, I might have to go back with some settings in the tutorial for long hair as an option.


    Thanks for bringing this up.

  12. Hi all,


    Just dropping a thread to let you know I've modified the Cooper tutorial to make it compatible for version 11. Added particle hair, etc.


    I also modified the format to make it more printer friendly.


    Heres the url...




    Let me know if you see something wrong with the new tutorials.


    Keep on Hashing,



  13. Thank you for the kind words one and all.


    Anyone who would like to see pictures from my trip... There are 375!!! culled from many more... posted at...




    Its pictures from the trip but also lots of pictures of China... Beijing, Hefei, Guan Zho and a small village... Lots of urban sprawl with an asian bent.. could be of some use to someone I suppose.


    And actually my mention of my daughter was slightly on topic as she is the second star of a film I'm working on... albeit slowly... If you have seen my tutorials you know the other star... Cooper. and you may have seen some shots from the movie(my entries in some of the illustration contests and my front page image on my site). Hopefully now that I know what she actually looks like and I have her here to photograph to my hearts content... I can model her and finish up the film.


    If anyone sees a photograph of china on my site that they'd like larger, just drop me a line and I'll email a copy.



  14. Well I've been busy. Just got back from a long trip to China actually. But thats not the point of this post.


    I have a client who has a small studio in..... The United Arab Emirates....

    yes the middle east... but many would say the best part of the middle east.


    They are looking to expand and would like to hire an animator. Both 2d and 3d.

    As well they would like someone with some print background if possible. The main thing is talent though. If you have it they'll take it.


    They use M**A as well so if you know that all the better. I've done work with them... they are very reputable and have grand plans... The owner wants to start a 3d studio doing feature length movies with a Middle eastern bent.


    So I know that considering whats going on in Iraq and the things that are happening in the entire region not to mention many parts of the world that this is not a job many might consider, but if you are interested let me know, by sending me a link with some samples to look at. If you've got "it" I'll forward you on to my friends with my recomendations.


    If you are a studio please dont send a note saying consider us for such and such work. They just want to hire a "person".


    And for those that might wonder why I went to China.... I just finished adopting my new baby girl Cwen Xiu Freeman and I couldnt be more proud or happy.



  15. Thanks Guys,


    and thanks to everyone who has had nice things to say about my tutorials over the last year. I really do appreciate it.


    I know I fell off the face of the planet for a while (I was up to my eyeballs in egyptian work) but I'm back now and ready to have more fun with my favorite program.


    I'm also thinking of redoing the cooper tutorials as I redo my website. I got much feedback last year about little nit picks to make them better. Not putting them on black for one thing to make them printable (sorry about that :blink: ) but I will make them better, not sure if the translations will follow suit, but thats up to them.


    In addition I've got some ideas for other tutorials but perhaps in other programs as well (like photoshop) I've got tons of stuff I could write tutorials about in photoshop.


    anyway... Thanks again for all the input and praise its helped alot.

  16. I just found out that my modeling tutorial has been translated to Spanish. Here is the link for the forums spanish speaking population.




    and it has been converted to Japanese for a while now...




    Does anyone know of any other translations? I'm in the process of redoing my site and want to include links to the translated tutorials.


    Thanks to those that have done the work and carried it on after I stopped.

  17. Ok,


    I know I'm walking on thin ice sort of. I've been working on this model, which some of you may have seen. He's an old logo from an italian coffee company, they wanted to update his look a little and make him more real. The problem was that I had to get him to Maya in the end because thats what the end user needed.


    Well I've used maya for many years now as well as AM and let me tell you. AM kicks Maya's butt on so many levels its not funny!


    This project only proves it for me. I did everything to this guy in Maya that I would have done in AM, but it took me at least 5 times as long to do it and the end result wasnt as good in many cases. especially in the area of rigging and skinning.


    Anyone who uses AM and wishes they could move on to Maya should take heed. Maya has its place but AM is as good as it gets! and thats really good. This little micro project has finally helped me realise just how rediculous the work flow in maya is and how pristine and simple and efficient AM's workflow is. (yeah I know I'm a slow learner. Its just that I'm surrounded by Maya heads on a daily basis, the poor saps)


    Anyway Here is the end result (modeled in AM and textured and rigged in Maya) You tell me if it looks any worse or better than if I'd stayed in AM all along. Oh and they beard is hand painted over a modeled beard, because Mayas Fur sux! Looks good, but you cant style it easily and it wont work well in most cases.




    Well thanks for listening to the semi Rant about Maya and honest praise for AM. Spline on!

  18. Its simple.


    I do it all the time... You need a program called Hama Patch. It will open AM models which you can export. Then just open the saved model file in Hama Patch and export it as a .obj file. I havnt gotten textures across this way, but the mesh exports as clean as any I've been able to get out of AM.


    One thing that wont come in is 5 point patches.. A limit of Hama Patch.. But those are easy to fix in Maya. Just fill holes in the polygon tools. Then use the split polygon tool to disect the mesh that fills the hole. This will give you a perfect polygonal version of your Hash model.


    Hope that helps.

  19. Here is a preview of where I'm at on this little guy. Some of you may have seen the beginning of him in my thread about .obj export out of AM.


    Here is a link to a 360 spin.. Sorry 1meg size... thought quality better than blocky video, and its the same video Im using for a client review.




    Let me know what you think... and before you jump all over me... Yes I modeled the hair and beard and yes I know that the new hair rocks... Unfortunately I'm having to tranfer this guy to another program and its hair doesnt rock... sooooo...


  20. Sorry for the repeat of a post from the finished work threads, but I'm just so gosh darned proud. :lol:


    I've been working on this site with a huge team of other people for over 2 years, and it finally launched yesterday. It'll be a while before I can put up any of the work on my site so I'm showing off the work from the actual site.


    Some of the modeling was done in AM... All the hard stuff at least ;-) (namely any statues you see) I wont go into much other detail at this point. I led the group who was responsible for the 3d development. We recreated... The Ancient City of Alexandria, The Giza Plateau in 2 time periods, The Temple of Luxor over 4 time periods, and The entire tomb of King Tut as it existed when it was found. We also created all of the 3d for the Multimedia animations and are working on Fly through animations for all of the sites.


    Some tips and tricks for if you try the site out are...


    When you are in the multimedia veiwer.. resize the window... The maximum resolution we did the stuff at was 800x800! it also exist in 4 other sizes... the default 400 x 400 and 100 pixel increments up to the 800x800.


    If you have trouble clicking on a hotspot in the QTVRs just mouse off it and back on and it should activate. We are working on debugging the viewer still.


    Yada yada... I could go on and on...


    When you go to the site... to get to the good stuff.. just click take a guided tour and then select multimedia from the list of stuff that comes up and that will bring up all of the rich media stuff to browse...


    In addition as a reward for reading my yapping you can click on over 1000 high res images of everything from King tuts burial mask to various statues and other generic stuff. These could make some good source for modeling or anything else and cant be found any where else, trust me I've tried... wish I'd had access to these when I was building all this stuff in the first place.


    Anyway take a look and let me know what you think.



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