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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. One problem with the downloadable tutorial notion is that of keeping the Tutorial fresh.


    True you could make it downloadable for any future changes as well, but thats alot of work. I tried this with my Cooper tutorial. Getting it formatted for a printed page was a major pain in the butt. I wish there was a tool that would look at a file and format it perfectly for any use, but I have yet to find it.


    I choose to leave my tutorials up on my site mainly to make sure that if something needs to be changed.. It can be easily done. Having to reformat anything that might change for other mediums, would greatly reduce my desire to do the work at all.


    Its an easy thing to "web wack" a site. Go to a page and choose... save as/ complete page from the file menu of Internet exporer, and your done. Now the page exist on your computer. I do this all the time for fear of tutorials that I find particularly usefull dissappearing into the digital ether.


    Hope that helps,



  2. Higgins,


    I believe thats what they mean. Check out my hair tutorial and do the same thing with hair color that I do with thickness. Ie taper it over its length. It shows how you can basically do that with anything that has to do with hair.


    You can't do it with the old style locks that I know of.. but you can do it with the new hair and locks, like the old style are easy enough to simulate with the new system.


    My tute is at...




    check out steps 54 and 55.


    Hope that helps,



  3. Ummmm.. Thanks Rumplestilskin! I hear they are a nice shade of blue and I do have long eye lashes.... Ohhhh you mean my uber-eye..


    Seriously, thanks, I'm glad you like it. My motto is if it ain't too different.... model it once and use it forever. Thats what I do with my hand and foot models also.. I should do that with an ear as well... hmmmm.


    My hope is that if I do the Uber-Model right.. I wont have to do to much modeling for a while. but then I do love modeling.


    Anyway thanks, I'm glad its working for you. Consider it my early Christmas present to the AM community.


    If you guys have been good maybe I'll come up with another.



  4. Tak 2 was waaaaaaaay better than the first and the first was freaking awesome.


    Its not just the best platform game of this year, but the best platform game I've ever played. The look has to be seen to be believed.


    Those guys at Avalanche must be the luckiest guys alive. They get to make the coolest games and do it using the coolest software. What a gig!


    Congrats Avanlanche and Hash!



  5. Try my uber-eye. It has a pose to flatten it. The Concept is simple Make your eye shape have a bone for scale and under that a bone for rotation. and any other bones like iris size, or pupil dilate. The scale bone can be squashed in any way and the Rotate bone will Rotate the eye as if it where spherical, even though its squashed.. NO distortion.


    Check out the project and try one for yourself...




    here is a movie of it doing its thing.. if you look close you'll see it flatten but still rotate correctly...




    Hope that helps.



  6. That is a bit more 5 pointers than I prefer to use, but I know its hard not to use them. I much prefer hooks, for several reasons I won't go into here, but it is a good looking mesh.


    Heres a link to my latest face for comparison. I was able to eliminate all 5 point patches around the mouth, by pulling 3 pointers and creases into the edge of the lips. I think the only 5 pointers are around the ears. I tried but couldnt figure how to lose them there. I've got two on each shoulder that I want to lose for animation purposes, but in general he bends well so far.




    Hope that helps.



  7. Hey Jim,


    Brightness could be the problem. Its the brightness of the hair follicle and from what I've been able to determine.. its main use is in its variation setting. Using that makes the hair more natural.. not all the same color or brightness. Yves.. check out my Robin model and see if you see the ambience as up. The hair is black, which might affect things.. but I did have some diffuse falloff settings that seemed to blacken it up alot.


    If I want really dark shadows. I tend to over shoot the diffuse fallof in order to give the shadow more dark area to "stick" to.. pardon the silly terminology, but its the best way I can discribe it.


    one suggestion Jim. try using a color for the specular and giving it a large specular area.


    Another thought on the differences.. I make thicker hair than you .. I map a hair texture to the follicle which gives it a finer appearance than it really has. and use some transparency. That might give the z-buffer more to hit with the shadow and allow the hair shadow to be darker as well.


    Just some suggestions. I much prefer the z-buffer version of your hair Jim.. its softer, and though I see what Yves is saying, its a small price to pay for more realistic hair. Can't knock those render time improvements either.


    Awesome work, as usual.



  8. Julian,


    Yeah what you said... Arrgghh the math it hurts.. turn it off... ;)


    Anyway, here's another. I like this one for the face and it reminds me of Alex Ross's Captain Marvel in a way.




    Thanks for all the comments guys. Guess I should get to animating him soon.



  9. Thanks guys,


    Jim, actually his outline is a happy side effect of the way he's shaded. I did render him on black with an alpha and swap the background with what you see, but the dark line is actually a slight reflection, specular size, diffuse falloff effect. ie.. I tweeked the settings to work good on the bright side.. rotated the camera and low and behold.. he has this nice outline. I could loose it with another backlight, but I'm kinda liking it at the moment.


    Mega, the "bump" on his noggin is actually the view angle of the camera (20 degrees) making his head warp a little. Its how I get the hyper style poses, with the big Marvel fists. I never go with the default view angle (to flat for my taste) I tend to like wider angle cameras. Not sure why.


    Ken H, I may make some desktops with him. I'm liking this mesh of all the ones I've done.. So I might use it for lots of things. I'm allready cooking up a semi wireframe shot of the valley of his eye... super close, that might end up being an interface for a flash version of my site. Of course that depends on when I get sick of him. If I get sick of him. Right now I'm having waaaaay to much fun.



  10. Here is a newer angle on the punch pose. Added more attitude in the face etc. I actually have a pose for clentching his teeth( you know how the muscles on the face get defined and flex?) (yeah.. I'm having fun ;-)


    I've got a few more I'm finishing.. I'll post later.





  11. Here's some more.. not sure about the power punch. He'll have some sort of Power.. not sure about the binary code... I do like the glow on him though.


    I realized I'd put the teeth on him with no specular hilite.. I knew something bugged me about them.


    I'm gonna keep both fist. I like the pose and I'll admit I tried it with the front hand open, but it wasn't as good, I thought.


    Mike, That shoulder is up and back actually. The extreme camera angle makes it hard to see, but He's already dislocating in a few spots.. I should post a side shot to show the extreme nature of this pose. Its actually a funny idea. We should take old comics and match the poses. Then show how silly the heros look from different views in the same pose.


    Anyway.. Here is the fixed pose.




    Thanks for all the input guys. Its really helped alot.



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